
Tuesday 26 December 2006

Stupid BQFH

Seems everyone but me had a good Christmas. I suppose I can't complain, I mean nothing overly bad happened, just having to sit in HER presence annoyed me.
From the moment I got back, she's barely spoken more than 2 words to me and that's usually either to tell me to shut up or to, as far as I can tell, destroy whatever little hope I had left of having a decent Christmas.
I never noticed before just how much she loves the sound of her own voice. I also didn't appreciate her constantly telling my dad how he's lucky he has her. I mean maybe I'm just being cynical because I despise her so much, but more and more it seems like she's always trying to convince my dad that he can't live without her.
And now that I'm not around, she doesn't bother even speaking to me because I'm "out of the way", so to speak.
Hell, almost every time I tried to say something, she'd just interrupt me and talk about something else. Some things never change.
So most of it was spent sitting there being quiet, slowly eating my dinner while BQFH made herself heard.

The food was nice though and although I didn't get very much else, I did get a fair bit of money, about £180.

That'll help pay for the new Laptop charger, since a couple of hours ago I somehow managed to destroy the one I had. So right now I'm using the old, old computer. The computer I opened this very LJ on. The computer I used when I met most of the people that read this. More memories.

Oh well, despite the fact that I had, for lack of a better term, a pretty crappy Christmas, I'm still glad I have all that I do have. There's a lot of people out there who don't have any family, or a lot of money, or even a full stomach at this time of year so if I did complain, it'd be stupid.

New year's on Sunday/monday, that should be fun. Going to go out and have a laugh with friends, then it's only a week until I get home to Liverpool.

Sunday 24 December 2006


Amazing. BQFH just informed me, with a smile on her face I might add, that my Dad is on anit-depressants. On Christmas Eve. Less than one hour before Christmas Day, in fact.

Well, that's Christmas ruined. What a bitch.

I hate this place.

Thursday 21 December 2006



I'm FINALLY back in Ireland, but it took a shit load longer than it should have.

Remember that second flight we were moved onto? Well, we arrived a couple of hours before it was due and checked in. This time we got our boarding passes and such and it was looking good.


Just before it was due to take off, we were kindly informed that it was delayed. By an hour and 20mins. W00t.
But it gets better.
90mins later, they told us to come to the gate. Yey? No. Not yey. They just wanted to group us all together so they could tell us that our flight had been cancelled. Again.

So another hour of queuing to get our luggage back and get transferred onto ANOTHER flight, except this time we had to go all the way to fucking Newcastle for it.
So, we sat around for about...4 hours, just waiting for the coach to arrive, then it was another 5 hours on that piece of shit, listening to a bunch of drunken twats singing and shouting the whole way there. I still managed to get one of their phone numbers somehow >_<

Eventually we get to the complimentary hotel, at about 06:00. Of course we had to leave at about 10:30, but it was better than nothing.

Then...the flight, which was at delayed.....thankfully it was only about 20mins though. I finally, FINALLY got home at about 15:30.

For what was supposed to be a simple, 35min flight, it took a grand total of 47Hours from the original time I left.

Rapings all around, that I promise. You horny bastards.

Tuesday 19 December 2006

I should be in Ireland right now.

I should be at home, in Ireland right now. I should be sitting at my old desk, petting my cat and eating a good unhealthy fry.
Flight was today. Queue a day of packing, an hour long bus trip and another hour waiting in line at check-in.
Except...I'm not in Ireland. My flight was cancelled. The next available flight isn't until tomorrow at 20:10.


Someone's getting raped for this.

Monday 18 December 2006

=O has been a rather interesting weekend indeed.

TO start off, friday's plans. Not sure if I'm allowed to discuss them, so all I'll say is that I thought it went rather well indeed.
Then, on saturday, I found out something rather disturbing.

I'm sure most of you who read this know who Kayleigh "spinkychan" Timson is, I'm sure most of you will know our little history and what not, so I'll spare those details.
I haven't seen nor spoken to her in about a year now, since she dropped off the course at Christmas last year.
However, she apparently isn't done trying to torment my life. After failing to convince her flatmate that I'm some sort of twisted, brainwashing, evil person, she's decided to, what I can only assume is, resort to desperate measures.
I found out that she's been talking to a few people that know me. I don't know when exactly this happened, but it was at most around 3-6 months ago.
And here's the good part. She's been telling people that I raped her. No, that's not me pissing about, she's actually been saying this.

Kushan is, apparently, a rapist.

Who'd have known? Not I, at least.

I swear, that woman needs to sort her shit out.

Thursday 14 December 2006

I should really update this more often.

Gah, I meant to get a nice early night tonight in preparation for tonight, but some cunts were banging stupidly loudly at about half 4 this morning and I just couldn't get back to sleep. This place irks me.

I'm going home on Tuesday, back to Ireland. Woo.
If it's anything like last year, I'll be bored off my face for most of the time. Yippee.

Not a lot has really happened around here recently (well, that I'm sure I can mention here. I'm always up to something >_>), everyone has went all boring and quiet because of coursework and such (myself included) and now they're all just getting ready to go home.
This year so far has been really boring. It probably didn't help that I had no money for half of it, but still...
I hope we do more after Christmas, because this is getting old. I think the Halloween party has been the highlight so far.

Oh well, super secret plans o' d00m tongiht that should be fun =D

Monday 11 December 2006

Fill my stocking you bastards!

Fill this!

Xmas Stocking
leave a gift for Kushan
your username:
your gift: (30 characters or less)

get your stocking
dating website

Saturday 9 December 2006

*insane glee*

Right! I threw away what little dignity I had left and seduced Kushan to give me the password to his Livejournal.


I found out something very distressing.

About six months ago, I asked Steve to watch Firefly. He never did. For six months he didn't watch Firefly.

I just can't have this. So, I'm appealing to all you fine folk, that read his journal, to convince him that he needs to watch Firefly and then Serenity.

Because he really does.

Of course, I could just hold his Livejournal hostage till he does indeed watch Firefly, but that'd be too evil and devious, even for me. Plus, I'd have to sleep with one eye open after that.

So should Kushan be physically forced to watch Firefly? I say he should! Then we could force him to do other, more kinky things, perhaps...

-Toxy Woxy (God dammit, I'm a genius! A drunk genius!)

Things I did today...

Had breakfast.
Boxed Hitler.
Hit a home run.
Made a girl so horny she felt dizzy and started shaking.
Found out Star Trek: Legacy is shit.

Tuesday 28 November 2006

Look what I made!

Ok so. I got bored. So I made this:

Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and Chocolate frosting.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Ingredients include:

Vanilla extract

Surprisingly, it tastes like sweet chocolate.


It tastes even nicer than it looks! that good or bad?

Saturday 18 November 2006


On-line journals are little filters that we each see every one else's lives through, the parts others choose to share with us. That said, we all think we are close, but really we seldom know *a lot* about each other. So I want you to ask me something you think you should know about me. Something that should be obvious, but you have no idea about. Ask away.

Then post this in your LJ/GJ and find out what people don't know about you.

Yeah I'll make an update....soooon....

Wednesday 1 November 2006


Leave a comment and I'll give you an honest comment. Then post this in your journal and spread the love.

Tuesday 31 October 2006





We had a Halloween party.

People were drinking. People were eating. Food was had. Fun was had. People played lots of Tekken, Soul calibur, Mario Kart and so on. And there was boobs. Lots and lots of boobs. I think I got to see all of them at one point. And I felt most of them, too.


I'd just like to say...


Friday 27 October 2006


 Ok, so.

This week has been what one would describe as a "roller-coaster".
After getting ill and spending a good 48 hours quarantined in my room (not by anyone's choice, I was just too fucked to move much), only leaving on occation to expel liquids in ways that they were never intended to be expelled, I have finally almost recovered.
Those of you that know me well know that when I get ill, it's usually little more than a stomach bug, nothing that ever actually keeps me from doing anything. This time was different. It was as if someone, somewhere decided that I hadn't been violently ill since I was about 6 years old (Not including that Pepperami incident last year, which was pretty much self inflicted) and was long overdue.
I'm STILL feeling the effects of it now, in that every time I eat or drink something, I get a bit uneasy, but thankfully the worst is over. But I expect by Monday I'll be 100% again.
The crazy shit was when I had weird dreams that I was typing random crap into an IRC window, only to wake up and find that it WASN'T a dream at all and that I had actually typed some of the most random bullshit ever.
Fucking illness, it even messed up my already piss-poor English skills D=

However, today, the first day I've actually felt well enough things...that don't involve me lying in bed, I got a letter. I should apparantly FINALLY get my monies by Monday, if not the end of the week! =D=D=D=D=D=D=D!


Also, I managed to crack a chick that was playing hard to get. While ill. So next week we'll go out to the cinema or something and see how that goes.
Shhhhh! I didn't type that, you're just imagining it >_>

Dee Dee's mum decided to visit and managed to pick the exact time I was ill. Since Dee Dee had lent me her sleeping bag (as I have no money to buy a proper duvet...yet!) I obviously had to lend it back, however since her mum went home yesterday morning that means ye olde sleeping bag is back.
Oh and Malachy stole one of Vicki's pillows and hid it in my room. This means that after 2 days of agonising, fever-driven crazy half-hearted sleeping in a cold (even though my room was warm, ill remember) bed, I can now go to sleep in a snuggly, warm bed that even has a Pillow!

In fact, that sounds so good, I think I'll go do it now!

Tuesday 24 October 2006


Kushan is le very ill D=

I've spent most of the day running to and form the bathroom. Sometimes false alarm, but usually not.

And I'm not happy about the way my bodily fluids have decided to leave my body. Not happy at all.

I feel like shit warmed up and I'm not getting any better so far.

I also am pretty sure it's getting worse before it will get better D=

If anyone feels like posting some porn, that'd make me feel a lot better.

Saturday 21 October 2006


Student loan, where the fuck are you!?

Friday 13 October 2006

Well, this is interesting....

Our bathroom light is broken. It's doing some crazy flashing thing and it's one of those lights we can't replace, so we're waiting on the ones from Marybone to come around to fix it.
There's no windows in our bathroom, so it's pitch black without the light.
So there I am, in dire need of a good dump and in a bit of a position. Just how exactly are you meant to do a poo in the dark? I could just leave the light on and sit there with it flashing away, but that leads us into another problem. What if I have some sort of epileptic fit as I'm taking my crap? I don't want to do another Elvis and die on the bog, nor do I want people to find my body, juddering away with my pants at my ankles with half a brown one sticking out.
Lets face it, nobody wants to see that.
So what to do?
I had a brilliant idea. I got my laptop, with it's nice and brightly backlit LCD screen and brought it in with me. Just enough light to see what I'm doing.

And while I sat there, I got bored. As you do. Rather than find a book to read or whatever and strain myself staring at it in low light, I figured it'd be a good idea to pick up the lappy and inform everyone via LJ of my plight.
So I did. And this was it.

That's right people, this post you read was written by someone who was taking a dump. That's gotta be a first for most people.
Enjoy =D

Tuesday 10 October 2006

I have no idea how this will turn out...

*steals from Chaela*

The first five people to respond to this post, will get some form of art, by me, about them. I make no guarantees about quality or type, but I will assure that I will give it good effort.

The only catch, of course; as with most memes, if you sign up, you have to put this in your own journal as well.

(This is a broad definition of 'art', spanning sculpture to the written word)

Ok the 5 people are: Jfk, Miroku, Chaela, Bonhair and Toxin. I'll try to have your things ready "soon" (isn't being vauge the best thing ever? =D)

Friday 29 September 2006

To Elaborate on the previous post...

A few days ago, we were all looking at the doors to our rooms. We all had posters except Malachy, who had nothing. His door looked rather bare to say the least.

We thought we'd decorate it to make it look pretty. But with what?
We decided to look inside his room for inspiration. We found lots of things we could stick on his door.

Here's how it turned out:

There's even more crap on it now >_>

A few days later, some time around last night, I figured that I'd abuse someone else's door. This time with the help of Malachy.

Poor Steve ended up being the unfortunate soul that got targeted. Since we'd used all of the available random crap, all that was left was pennies. Lots and lots of pennies.

Here's how it turned out :

Somehow, he didn't find this quite so funny >_>

The rest of us did, though =D

In other news, I found out that my Bank decided to reject the rent payment completely, meaning I'm not actually overdrawn any more. This does mean that Cosmopolitan student housing people will be upset at not having the rent in on time, but they can go and fuck themselves with a big stick for screwing us over with everything else this year.

Tee Hee

Vandalising people's doors is fun.

EDIT: Unless, of course, they get upset about it.

Tuesday 26 September 2006

Just. Fucking. Wonderful.

This morning, I was abruptly woken by a phone call from my bank. Apparently the rent was taken out today. That's about £850. That's approximately £830 more than I had because my student loan is very, very late.
My bank wants proof that I'm getting a student loan. I have no such proof because they haven't sent me anything. The student loan people can't send me any proof because separate departments handle that or something.

So now, Cosmopolitan want the rent. The bank wants to know why I can't pay it and nobody can help me out, not even the Student loan people, who are the ones that put me in this position in the first place.
I've spent like the last 4 hours phoning and running around the place in an attempt to get something sorted out, but to no avail. Perfect.

Friday 22 September 2006

A dedication.

I dedicate this Livejournal post to boobs everywhere.
Big ones, small ones, fat ones, even saggy ones - they've all got their charms.

They're awesome, they're fun to play with, they're comfortable to rest your head on, they're even good to just look at. What more could anyone really ask for than to have and to hold a nice pair of breasts?

So here's to you, boobs, thanks for making life just that extra bit sweeter.

*lifts glass* TO BREASTS!

Thursday 21 September 2006

The solution to eternal happiness.

Having a good wank then telling someone you don't like to unconditionally fuck off the next day makes everything better.

Tuesday 19 September 2006


I think this summer was one of the worst summers I've ever had.
I was bored, depressed and felt generally shitty.

I didn't really want to write about it in case my brother read it and thought it was in some way his fault, because it wasn't.
I had hoped to get a job and work hard over the summer, earn some money, pay off my overdraft. But alas, I waited too long or was just out of luck, as Ipswich had nothing to offer me.
Not only this, but there is nothing to do in Ipswich, it's smaller than even Belfast. So my daily routine consisted of waking up, going on the computer, forgetting to eat half of the time and going to bed, only to repeat it all over again the next day. And the next. And the next. And the next.
After about a month, it didn't even matter what time it was, half of the time I didn't even care, it was like one big never ending day. The only reason I bothered to keep track of what day it was, was because Stargate was aired on a Friday and I didn't want to miss it.
I kept hoping that by the time the summer had ended, that when I got back to uni, it would be better.
I'd see my friends again, I'd have work to do, I'd not be bored. I'd be me again, that confident, cocky little dude that people seem to like for some reason unknown to me.

But so far, that hasn't happened. From the day I got back here, things have just gone steadily downhill.
My friends seem to hardly notice that I'm even here. I sat in the living room for 4 hours the other day and I think I was spoken to twice, maybe 3 times. On Sunday, nobody said a word to me until about 16:00 (4Pm) and even then they were asking if I could get them something. I don't normally mind that, but sometimes it is just nice to be asked how you are before you are asked to do someone a favour.

I don't really blame them, I blame myself. I don't know what's wrong with me. Yesterday some cock decided to invite himself back to our flat after our stupid lecture thing. It was ok for a bit, but we had made plans to go out and buy some things we needed and he started playing yu gi oh with them. We were meant to be leaving at about 4, but we didn't start to leave until 5 because of it while I sat there waiting for people to finish up their games. I even said "make this the last one, ok?" and they all more or less ignored me and I don't know why.
Then as we were just about to leave, the cunt picked a fight with me. I was able to overpower him to an extent and pretty much threw him onto Dee Dee's bed. Fight over, right? No, he decides it'd be a great opportunity to try and kick me in the nuts.
Call me old fashioned, but you just don't do that, especially when you've effectively lost the fight.

What did everyone else do? Those that were paying attention just stood there. Then when they found out about what had happened, all they could do was laugh. While I stood there, in a lot of pain. Groovy.

And this year, Marybone has decided to royally fuck us over with a shitty internet connection. It costs a ridiculous amount of money, at least twice what any proper ISP would charge, it's slow, it's been timing out a lot over the past day or two and has bandwidth caps that are stupidly low. To add insult to injury, it doesn't even allow us to use MSN messenger. We have to use some other shitty client. What's more, a shit load of online games don't work, including just about every C&C game, y'know, the ones I play the most.
So that's fucked me off even more.

Things are just not going well. I just realised that I haven't eaten in two days, so it must be bad as I always forget to eat when I'm feeling depressed.
I don't know what to do, either. I've got that feeling, as if I want to go home. Like when you're on a shitty holiday or something. But I don't know where home is. It's not Ireland, I definitely don't want to go back there. It certainly isn't my brother's place as that didn't help at all. I just feel out of place here, as if I'm missing something important. Or as if I'm just wasting away into nothingness. The dreaded feeling of sheer emptiness is not one I like to have.

But alas, I've put off writing about this for a multitude of reasons. Everyone's gotten so pissy about "emo" people and shit lately, that you can't vent anywhere without someone immediately judging you as some sad excuse for a Goth, with shitty long, dyed hair and the need to cut yourself. I'm none of those things. I'm just depressed. And this is my LJ, I'll write about it if I want, you just don't have to read it.

Sunday 17 September 2006

If you woke up and I was lying in bed next to you, what would be the first thing you do?

If you reply, you have to post this in your lj.

Wednesday 13 September 2006


It's now an estimated 24hours before I leave here and go back to Liverpool.
I can hardly wait to see all of my friends again. And my flat mates especially!

Dee Dee.
Bastard face.

I miss them all.

Sunday 10 September 2006

Posted: 2,898 - Received: 4,923

As of right now, this LJ has received 4,923 comments.  That means there's only 77 comments to go before I hit 5000.

There may be a prize.

Chaela won, despite JFK's best efforts. Good on ya, girl!

Friday 8 September 2006


I read this in the b3ta newsletter and thought it was the best idea I've heard of in years - Zen shopping.

    "I was barred from a supermarket in Croydon
    once. I hate food shopping so I came up with
    a nifty plan to avoid it. I called it "Zen
    Shopping". I'd go into a supermarket and
    lurk in the aisles. Eventually someone would
    abandon their trolley while they went
    running off to get some last-minute item
    they'd forgotten and I'd pounce on their
    trolley and wheel it to a checkout and pay
    for it. A week's shopping done in a few
    minutes. Sadly though I eventually got
    caught by an eagle-eyed manager and was
    banned for life. Apparently they'd had quite
    a few complaints from irate shoppers and had
    been watching for me." (Legless)

I am so doing that some time.

Friday 1 September 2006

An Update...

I just had the best wank ever.
Not trying to be vulgar, it was just that good, I had to tell someone.

I'll make a proper update soon, I promise.

EDIT: I just realised that my brother occasionally reads this. He might not be too happy finding out that I'm frantically masturbating in the room next door while he slept. He was upset enough that I hate his hob-knobs.

Monday 21 August 2006

Wednesday 26 July 2006

Hmm...once again, I have neglected to update this....

It's not that shag all has happened, I just cannot be bothered to because it's too hot to bother....

Hmm.................I did a poo today.
That is all.

Tuesday 11 July 2006


Alright, so I got my results for my first year at Uni.
Of the 6 modules I did, I passed 5 of them pretty well and failed one of them.
The one I failed was Good ol' PDP, the most useless of them all.
40 is a pass, FYI.
Here's a brief run down of the marks:

cmpma 1014 mark 80 ; 2D Maths
cmpcd 1016 mark 66 ; CGT   <<< The only module directly relating to actual course itself!
cmpcd 1017 mark 54 ; Intro to programming <<< JAVA! (Useless for games)
cmpcy 1003 mark 56 ; Networks
cmpcd 1018 mark 56 ; Web design  << NOTHING TO DO WITH GAMES!
cmpgn 1003 mark 36 ; Personal development << POINTLESS! HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH I.T. AT ALL!

I'm currently taking some anti-allergy pills. I feel all weird. Whhhheeeeeeeeeeeee!

Saturday 8 July 2006 update!

So lets see here. Nothing really exciting happens around here. Ipswich is a small little place, not a lot to see, even less to do. I've spent most of my time here on the PC anyway, I can't even land a Job because the place is so small, they've all been taken.
Oh well.
Went to my brother's fiancé's mother's (aka future mother in law) 50th tonight. It consisted of me and my brother sitting in the corner talking about random shit while everyone else got in a bad mood with each other. It wasn't a bad night as such, it was just a boring one. Not that I'm surprised, I didn't know anyone there all that well and they kept their distance.
Funniest part of the night was at the end when we were packing stuff away and my brother decided he should "liberate" as much spare beer as he could, except he was already pissed so he made a dog's bollocks of it. Tit.

Ah well. Something has been really irritating me lately and I don't mean something on my mind. For about a week or so now, my eyes and arms in particular have been really REALLY itchy and now it's starting to show. Now my eyes are all red and raw, I look like I'm either a junkie or a member of the undead o_0

If it's not cleared up by tomorrow, I might take a picture for giggles and shits.

A recent argument on IRC (with someone else, oddly enough) ended up with me and Sam talking in a civilised manner. As I mentioned before, I think he's finally forgiven me for what I did. At least as far as someone should be forgiven for that kind of thing. I doubt we'll ever be friends again, as much as I'd like that, but at least it's a burden off of my conscience. We can both hate Kay together =D
The guy seems to be doing well for himself, at least as far as I could tell from our brief chat, so I'm happy for him. And I can't really say I'm doing too bad myself, so I guess in the end it all worked out for the better.

Other than that and the fact that it's recently been the hottest I've felt since I went to Italy (and even then it was cool at night), there's not really a lot to report I suppose.

My results for this year at Uni should be out any day now. As soon as I get them, I'll post them here. It's not that big a deal, all I have to do is pass the modules as they don't affect my overall grade at the end of my final year, but it'll still be interesting to see how I've done since I dicked around a lot this year >_>

Well this was a fairly big update, hope that makes up for the lack of them lately o_0

Sunday 2 July 2006


I can't exactly say a lot has happened here.
However, England got put out of the world cup. This makes me happy.

I'll make a real update.....eventually...

Friday 23 June 2006


Someone really cool (girl named Sarah) drew this fucking AWESOME pic and I just had to share it with the world. Or at least the people who read this :o


Thursday 22 June 2006

Anyone remember cannon fodder?

I miss Carmy.

Friday 9 June 2006

Time for an update, methinks...

Well, things are definitely getting better around here.
Seems as though I'm getting used to the place. I haven't noticed my brother being as patronising lately, so either he's figured out that it bothered me or I've just gotten used to it. Oh well, all is good in the land of eng. Except for the English. They speak funny.
I've applied for a couple of jobs here. Landing either one of them would be really good, there's one in particular that would be perfect for me since it's a sort of help desk thing, pays £8 an hour and lasts for the whole summer. I need monies to buy expensive, yet ultimately useless things =D
I've spent more time in the pub in the past two weeks than I have in the past two years.
I normally wouldn't mind so much, but now that the world cup has started, I can see them getting crowded, loud and filled with football fanatics. 3 Things I don't like.
At least they're not French, I suppose...
Hmm. It's late. And by late, I mean it's early. I should probably go to bed about 6 hours ago. Oh well, what can you do? >_>

Tuesday 6 June 2006

It's finally done...

I just spent the better part of a week trying to upload Homeworld onto a site for a friend to download.

Since I went to that much trouble, here's the link for anyone that wants it:

Expires in 7 days.

It's an awesome game.

Monday 5 June 2006

Step 1: comment with your username.
Step 2: others will reply anonymously ^_^ about what they really think of you.
Step 3: cry, because this meme is so brutal, and it hurts

Alright you bastards, do your worst!

Saturday 3 June 2006

Been here a week....

Well, I've been here at my brother's for a week and I have mixed feelings about it.

On the one hand, it's good because it means I don't have to go home or anything, on the other hand I don't actually know anyone around here, except for a guy called Dan who I know lives somewhere near (but I have no idea where). I just miss my friends.
What's more, I feel really uncomfortable around my brother. Because I'm staying here under his good graces, I constantly try to avoid saying or doing anything that could cause friction, and even then I don't think it's been too successful.
For example, he's been patronising me constantly since I got here, Don't get me wrong, I can understand why. I'm his little brother, I'm still 4 in his eyes and that will probably never change, but I can't even ask him the simplest of questions without him giving me a 30second answer making me feel the age he sees me at.
But how can I tell him that? Last night we were playing pool and he was giving me advice (he's on a pool team, I suck at it, fair enough really). His fiancée, Amy, told him to stop patronising me and he got a bit arsey. Then when I said he has been doing that since I got here, he got even more pissed off.
5mins later, we were all acting like nothing had happened, but still it just adds to the feeling that I can't really say anything. If I do, he'll get pissed off and there will be a bad atmosphere around here, but if I don't he'll keep talking down to me and I'll end up feeling like complete shite most of the time.

I still don't actually know if I've pissed either him or Amy off. Like tonight, there's some Karaoke thing or something they're going to. Amy's DJing, Chris is...well, drinking. I was under the impression that I was tagging along as well, but I guess not since I'm sitting here updating this now.
I hope they just forgot and aren't upset at me or anything, I know I'm a bit of a burden being here and I try to help out when and where I can, but I really just don't know what I can do to make things easier on everyone.
Plan is to get a Job, that way I'll be out of their hair plenty and I'll have cash to spare. I just don't know where to start since I don't know where anything is around here.

EDIT: Ah, well as it turns out he just fell asleep and was actually here the whole time. Silly bugger.

Tuesday 30 May 2006


I got bored so I decided to sell something on eBay:

A real update is coming soon. Promise.

EDIT: Yes, ebay are bastards :(

Saturday 27 May 2006

Quick update

Just letting everyone know I've arrived safely in Ipswitch to live with my brother for the summer.
I'll make a proper entry soon.

Wednesday 24 May 2006

Damn bastards people tagging me...

Weird habits you have/things you do:
Once you are tagged you MUST write an entry about 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names.

1. I have to do things in order.
I don't know why, but I hate doing things in the wrong order. I especially hate playing games or films that are part of a series without playing the original ones first.  Neverwinter nights comes to mind. Despite the fact that the expansions are meant to be really REALLY good, I wont play them until I've completed the main quest, which is renowned for being boring as hell >_<

2. Toilet roll goes OVER, not under.
This is one of my more obsessive compulsive quirks. If I go into a bathroom, even if it's in a complete stranger's house, I always make sure the toilet roll goes over and not under when it's on the little holder thing. I don't know why, it just irritates the hell out of me when it's the wrong way around...

3. Things must be EFFICIENT!
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if I had some German blood in me or something (technically since I'm of Celtic decent, I do) because I like to make things as efficient as possible. Everything from anything I program to doing my shopping, I usually try to work out beforehand what is the best order to do things. Hell, even when packing my shopping, I always try to use as few bags as possible, yet get the weight distributed evenly o_0

4. I can make an innuendo out of ANYTHING.
'tis true, I can turn the most innocent of conversations into the most sinful discussions ever. And I usually do. I probably shouldn't be so proud of that >_>

5. Things must never be thrown away. Ever.
If I can avoid binning something, I will. That goes for deleting files as well. I just hate getting rid of stuff. Hell, I had a collection of like 300 empty cans at one point. Then I dumped them all and started another collection. I must have collected about another 300 before I had to dump those as well :(

6. I tap tunes with my teeth.
For some odd reason, if I'm listening to a song, or audible pattern, I always end up following the tune with my teeth o_0
Some people pat something with their hand, or even their foot. I use my teeth...

Now it's YOUR turn, bitches!

I tag the following people: ques_nova, angelus01, togey,cheshire_neko, pang_tong and toxinv2

Monday 22 May 2006

Stoled from Chaela, mwahahahaha

Your results:
You are Chewbacca

Han Solo
Qui-Gon Jinn
Luke Skywalker
Princess Leia
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Mace Windu
Lando Calrissian
Sure you're tall and hairy,
but you've got heart!

(This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters)

Click here to take the Star Wars Personality Test

Damn right I am!

Sunday 21 May 2006


I'm so fed up lately.
I'm fed up with having no money (and I'm too proud to willingly accept any money from anyone else).
I'm fed up with things just not working, like how my router just decided to be a cunt last night and simply NOT WORK for no reason, or like my cool MX1000 mouse suddenly deciding to stop charging.
I'm fed up with not being able to relax at my computer because I can't see the screen very well, forcing me to lean forward lots, which in turn makes my legs and back really sore after a few mins...
I'm also sick of how people are acting around me. Or rather not.
I don't know, maybe I'm paranoid or something, but it's been bugging me a lot lately.
For example, last night when the router was going a bit crazy, Steve messaged Malachy asking what I had done to it. Why not message me, since it's my router?
I asked Malachy and his response?

"Well uh...y'see, Steve's my friend..."

In other words, I wasn't his friend.

And then it occurred to me that Steve (or Vicki for that matter) hardly ever message me, it's always Malachy. He's always inviting Malachy to his place, usually not even bothering to ask if I wanted to come over. I couldn't care less that those two are now best friends with each other, I'm happy for them, I'm just ticked off that I always seem to get overlooked, unless, of course, they want something from me.

And then I think that maybe I'm overreacting, that I'm just being paranoid and it just brings me back to my original point: I'm fed up. I don't know what any of them really thinks, if they've suddenly fallen out with me or whatever, but I don't want to even think about it any more, I'm just exhausted and want to crawl into bed for the next year or so and not have to deal with anything.

Truth be told, I don't know what's really wrong with me.

Friday 19 May 2006

It's probably not my day....

I went to take a shower earlier and as I was scrubbing myself, I spat some shower water out only to realise that it was full of blood. I spat again, more blood. Then I coughed up some blood.
I have no idea why.

I'm still missing some badly needed funds, thanks to the Student loan people being bastards.  I was supposed to get a loan AND a bursary totalling about £1500.
I only got half of it. Then rent came. Kiss goodbye to that half.
They wont give me the other half until my dad fills in some forms or something. I phoned them about this a few weeks ago, then passed on the details to my dad.
He went and got the forms and handed them in.
2 weeks later, no money.
I phoned them again. They want him to fill in MORE forms, AND get the places he worked at LAST YEAR to fill in some details, but they wont actually tell ME most of the details because it's his income and not mine. Despite the fact that all of this information is needed in order for ME to get MY money.

I have about £5.70 to my name. I have to make it last a week before my brother comes to pick me up.


Thursday 11 May 2006

Here's a brain fuck for you.

Some scientist somewhere managed to slow down light so much, it went backwards.

To confuse you even more, it went FASTER than light normally travels.


For Sam...

Toxin is trapped in a closet full of gay men. The door is welded shut. He's fucked.

Wednesday 10 May 2006

Even in my dreams she's pure evil....I think...

I had one of the most messed up dreams ever last night.
It started off with me in the future, being slightly older (I'd say like 40 or 50). I managed to bump into Kay for some reason and there wasn't any hostility, we chatted a little and then she decided she'd cheat on whoever she was with at the time to have a quickie with me (I'm not badmouthing her, that's actually what happened in the dream).

Now this is where it gets a bit mad.
For some god damned reason, we had to go back in time to do it.
We went back in time and due to the whole time traveling thing, both Kay and I got younger and younger, until we were both about the same age we are now.

Then, of course, we proceeded to get down to it and for some reason, this unleashed some sort of.....evil being that planned to take over the world and fuck up the future. Oh and it scared the crap out of me, in my dream at least.
That's a really weird thing I've noticed recently, I'm not afraid of anything in the real world. Sure, I get edgy when I don't like the look of someone or something, however nothing actually scares me, but in my dreams things do.
I find it Ironic that the one place I get scared is the one place I can't possibly be in any danger.

But yes, sex with Kay == End of the world. Man, I have fucked up dreams.

On another note, I did my last exam today. Okay, I drew a smiley face as an answer to one of the questions, but other than that I think it went pretty well. And now I'm free, hurrah!

Tuesday 9 May 2006

Oh joy

I've suddenly found myself addicted to the Leningrad Cowboys.
They be immense.

Tuesday 2 May 2006

The Cat returns

Since I arrived here, every time I've been inside HMV, Virgin, Music zone, or anywhere that sells DVD's, I've always looked at a certain DVD.

The cat returns.

I've always picked it up, looked at the box and thought "Heh...there's a big cat on the back, it must be cool", but I never actually bought it.

Well that changed today. I finally took the plunge and forked out £15 for it, a little expensive for a DVD but the price has always been around that for this film for some reason.

Well it's safe to say, it was money well bloody spent.

Without a doubt, it's now one of my top favourite films of all time.

It's good! And it's a family film!

It has a whole bunch of kick ass characters, like this guy:

He's called "The Barron" and he's one bad ass dude!
He's like Puss in Boots, except he's in a suit and just kicks ass again and again.

There's also his fat friend (in the middle):

He's called Muta and he's also pretty Bad ass too, but he's nothing on the Baron.

To my surprise, even the English dubbing was perfect. It had some pretty kick ass people in it, Like Tim Curry (Dr Frankfurter from Rocky Horror), Rene Auberjonois (Odo from Deep Space Nine) and even Elliott Gould (Ross and Monica's Dad, from Friends).
The whole film is God damn good, I can't stress it enough. I normally don't buy stuff if I can download it, but I would gladly buy this again if something happened to my DVD, and tomorrow I plan on buying "Whisper of the Heart", an earlier (but somewhat unrelated) film featuring the Baron.

So if you haven't seen this film, for shame. Go out now and buy it, watch it with your family or friends and I guarantee you'll enjoy it.
By the way, that wasn't a suggestion, it was an order.

The cat returns wins the following awards:

Best Impulse buy of 2006 (so far)
It gets a 5/5 on the Kushan scale of goodness (See Here for an explanation of that)
100 of Russel's points, plus an additional +100 for having The Baron in it for a total of +200.
And of course, the most prestigious award of them all:
A thumbs up from me.

Oh dear god..

Have you ever been on a forum where someone just says or does something so....idiotic, you just have to tell someone?

Or better yet, take a screenshot and show someone:

This girl is on my course...

Saturday 29 April 2006

Holy crap...

I just had my first nightmare in like...5 years or something....SWEET!

It involved badgers with hidden pouches that were locked with a keycombination and some weird cult that went nuts and pretended to shoot each other at the end of every meeting.
Oh and they drugged animals so they'd run into fires...


Last night we had a KFC feast while watching snatch.

This is the idea:
You buy a family sized bucket (costing at least £9.99) and try to eat it. By yourself.
I'll manage it some day....

Friday 28 April 2006

For those of you that haven't seen it yet...

The best ad ever.

Thursday 27 April 2006

Oh for the love of...

The Nintendo Revolution has been finally given it's real name:

The Nintendo Wii.
Pronounced "We".

That's right, the Nintendo Piss will be in stores by the end of the year.

I seriously want to burn someone for this.

EDIT: -100 points

Monday 24 April 2006

It's an absolute bastard when an innocent enough conversation turns into a  more deep and meaningful one that ends up with you realising just how fucked up things are.
Carmy and I were having one of our frequent late night discussions about random shit when we somehow stumbled upon the fact that neither of us were really happy with each other.
We weren't miserable or unhappy, just not really loved up, excited or whatever to be with each other.
I mean, we made really good friends together but that seemed about as far as it could go.

I guess it's my own fault, I was never really open with my feelings with her, I haven't been open with my feelings to anyone lately. Hell, for about a year now I've been kept cosy inside my little shell, where nobody can hurt me.
I'm betting that is what's to blame. How can anyone learn to be more than friends if one person never tries to be anything more?
And Kay is to blame. She did this to me, she messed with my head so much that I doubt I'll ever be capable of loving someone as much as they deserve.
Like Carmy. She was such a nice person, she was so good to me, one of the nicest people I've met here yet I couldn't even share the simplest of emotions with her.
It's probably for the best that we split up now, she'll hopefully find someone that will treat her better, like she deserved.

Until then, all I can really do is carry on and hope that I eventually am able to open up more.

I just hope she's ok, she took it pretty badly and she didn't deserve any of that, all she deserved was someone who would treat her better than I ever did.

Tuesday 18 April 2006

A special message for all

I look around on LJ and I see a lot of emotional posts about how things have gone to shit in most people's lives.

Well I've got something to tell you!

It's currently National Depression Week, so go nuts! :)

Sunday 16 April 2006

Happy easter everyone!

Rather than give into the commercialisation of Easter (as with most public holidays), we should all stop what we're doing and think about the real meaning of easter:

Lets all celebreate the Easter Bunny rising from the dead to give us chocolatey goodness ^_^

Friday 14 April 2006

Lets have a rant!

Haven't had one of those in a while, eh?

A couple of "friends" of mine recently decided to revamp their friend's list, cut off the fat, trim it down and so on.
Normally, that would be fine. Hell, I've got a load of people on my friend's list that don't post any more, I'm just too lazy to remove them.

But this is different.

Their reason for removing these people is because they simply want to bitch about them without them knowing.
And of course, I'm one of these people. But it also does mean that other people who know me and have nothing against me, i.e. Carmy, get taken off their lists as well.

Now I'm not one to give a shit when people bitch about me behind my back, Christ knows enough people probably do it. I'm also not one to get bothered by the fact that they're simply too cowardly to say it to my face.

But one thing does piss me off. The complete and utter hypocrisy about it. They say to people, like Carmy, that the only reason they're getting struck off the list is because they wouldn't want them in a compromising position should they read a rant about someone they know and care about.
That's fair enough, isn't it?
Well no. It's not. Everyone knows that LJ has filters. You can set up groups of people within your friends list that can view posts other friends can't.
So what is the actual reasoning for taking them off the list? They may as well just admit that either they want to bitch about them too, or they're too stupid to figure out how LJ works.

What really pisses me off the most is that both of these people have said to Dee Dee on many occasions that they're her friends, that they care about her and such, yet both people have taken her off their lists, simply because she has two main groups of friends, one being them, one being a group that has someone they want to bitch about.
In other words, she's stuck in the middle and they've effectively said she's not their friend because she's friends with someone else.
How. Fucking. Childish.

Oh and I should point out that the two people I'm bitching about are currently going out together.

The funny thing is, one is a manipulative, attention seeking whore, the other is a love struck emo puppy and both of them don't have enough decency, honour or courage to fill a shot glass with.


Wednesday 12 April 2006


It seems that everyone has pissed off home for Easter, the only people left here are Me and Malachy.
Fuck me I'm bored.
Me and Malachy both.
I find it kind of Ironic that I had more to write about on LJ when I spent most of my free time on the internet, yet now that I spend more time in the Real World™ I have nothing to say.

I think Toxin put it best:

"I hate you motherfuckers that have tons of bullshit to post in your journals, that people care about and is relevant to your lives.

So, what's relevant to my life right now? My testicles itch like hell because of this shampoo I made the mistake of using that has minty stuff on it.

To sum it up: I've got itchy balls, have a nice day."

Needless to say, I feel somewhat the same. Good day.

Tuesday 4 April 2006

Screw it, I'll boost my own ego all I want.

Just to be egotistical, I'm going to quote myself in a conversation I had with a friend called Nozzy the other day.

He had just informed me that he'd had a threesome with two women:

so did they get off on each other?
paula and amber never get off
I almost got paula off
you mean you had sex with two women and you couldn't make ONE of them have an orgasm?
no one gets them off
You know, nozzy
women are like tools
we use them for our own benefit
and just like tools
bad workmen blame them when it doesn't go according to plan

Saturday 1 April 2006

A crossroad

I have come to a point in my life where I must make a life changing decision.
I've thought about this for a while now and I've decided to change.

It's official. I now feel that Stargate is better than Star Trek.

That is all.

Thursday 30 March 2006

Yet more proof that Google is not evil.

I just discovered something rather disturbing.

Ok, I'm sure you've all seen this before:

Yes, Google loves breasts so much, it thinkis you should be looking at them instead of beasts.
However, have you ever tried doing the same search on ask jeeves?

I shit you not, Jeeves is all about the beast love. I always knew he was a bit dodgy looking.

Birthday results...

And it WAS a result...for the most part.

I had a good time. In the end we didn't go out because everyone was broke, so instead we sat around and had a laugh while Vicki baked me a cake ^_^
And a damn tasty cake it was too, even if it did look like a big turd lol

Of course Dee Dee got really drunk and that pissed me off quite a bit, but since she's been known to use her alcohol problem as a way of getting attention I've decided I'm not going to bother myself with it or not.
She's always going on that she has a problem and that she's trying to do something about it, but how do I know that she isn't just using THAT as an excuse for attention too? She's done it before, so I'll just have to assume she'll do it again.
To put it bluntly, she's on her own from now on, she abused my caring nature too much already.

But enough about that, I still enjoyed my birthday ^_^

Of course, it wasn't over just yet.
Me and Carmy got back and ended up staying awake in my room until about 5 in the morning.
She had a bit of an upset stomach and I was hungry, so I was going to go into the living room to get her some milk and make myself a sandwich.
But before I even managed to open MY door, I noticed that there was an odd smell. A burning smell. At first I thought someone had just burnt some toast or something, so I went down the hall into the living room. The room was completely filled with smoke and some randomer was lying unconscious on the sofa.
I shook him to wake him up, then went and turned off the Oven.
I paused for a second, mainly because my eyes were stinging, when I realised that I didn't even recognise the guy on the sofa! He sure as hell wasn't one of my flatmates, nor did he seem to care because he just went back to sleep while the room was still completely filled with smoke. Idiot.
I went and got the security guard to get rid of him.
Turns out, although he didn't live in my flat, he was a friend of one of my flatmates. One who just happened to be out of town at the time.
The next day he came up to me and apologised for everything and thanked me for saving his life. I just shrugged, smiled and said that it was ok because no permanent damage was done (well, except for the Pizza that he was trying to cook...), but I was really thinking that I just wanted to beat him around the head with a large bat and scream at him that he nearly burned down the entire flat.

Oh well, same time again next year I suppose.

Monday 27 March 2006


Happy birthday to...


EDIT: Vicki is in charge of what we plan to do tomorrow, so everyone that wants to come along, go ask her.
Everyone's welcome, even the people that don't like me ^_^

Sunday 26 March 2006

Life can be so odd...

Who would have thought that a google search for "gay anal sex with chickens" would link directly to a virus...

Saturday 25 March 2006

An Update...

2 days until my birthday. 2 days to go until I'm 19. And I've been up all night working on a project that's due in on that EXACT SAME DAY >_<
To make matters worse, the reason I'm working my ass off now is not because I deliberately left it to the last minute, but because some cunt called Tony, who was supposed to be doing the artwork, didn't bother his arse to get it done until about Thursday.

Now, as I'm in charge of doing the maps for this project, that meant I couldn't get started on them until he did his Job. You see, you can't make a map without the graphical tiles for it >_<
The complete cunt.

At least I've only got 4 maps left to do now >_<

I'll probably post a link to this game once it's done. It's nowhere near as good as we'd planned it to be, but we didn't really have the time to make it as well as we'd hoped. For example, we were going to have individual pilot voices, but we just didn't get around to recording them (Sorry, Khadizha :( ).

Oh well, the point is: I'm going to be a whole year older in 2 days....

Monday 20 March 2006

A small story...

A cold sweat runs down my face. I've just watched the medic that's been keeping me alive for the past few conflicts get shot by a hidden sniper. I couldn't save him. I wanted to, but my PP-19 wouldn't reach him even if I knew where he was. Instead I ran away and hid from the fighting.
I was exhausted, it was just so unexpected, by the time I got to cover, I could barely breathe.
Artillery fire! NO! There was a small alcove nearby that might protect me. I ran again. I ran as fast as I could, I barely looked at the battlefield around me, but what I did see was bad. We were nearly overrun....
The enemy was right on top of our position, but we couldn't let them take it. If they got ahold of this position, the battle may as well have been over.
The artillery cut through our men, it was as if God himself struck down at us. The artillery soon stopped, but I couldn't hear anything and my vision was blurry as well. I tried to look around the corner to see how many people had survived, instead I seen a large blur in the distance. I knew what that was, it was an enemy tank!
I watched as what few troops that remained fought valiantly to destroy the tank. There were three two anti-tank units left, it was down to them. One of them got a shot off before he was killed, just missing the tank. The other got shot before he even realised there was a tank coming. The third was cowering inside an alcove in case he got hit....
I had to do something! I ran across the road and climbed up a ladder. I needed to get higher to get a better shot of that tank!
I crawled along the small plateau I ended up on. I could hear the tank, it was nearly right on top of us!
I readied my RPG and looked up. I took aim, just as the tank raised it's turret towards me. It had spotted me and was about to fire. I had to hit the tank, I had to destroy it to save myself, my comrades and the defensive position. It all came down to this one shot and then.....

Wednesday 15 March 2006

Workbank? Wankbank more like!

Let me tell you all a little story.
For those of you who aren't in Liverpool or who even don't live in the UK, the WorkBank is kind of like a recruitment agency for Students like myself.
I've worked for various recruitment agency's before, the pattern is the same in most cases: A few days after you register, they phone you up and tell you they have an opening some place. Just the way it should be.

The workbank, however, is a different story.
I registered with them back in October. I walked into the office, had a chat with one of the guys there, filled in some forms and finally went home and filled in some online registration things.
At the time, the guy told me that it takes a few days after registering for your name to get onto the system and when that happens, they'll give you a call.

They never did.

Everyone here who has ever went near the workbank has NEVER got that call from them. The general consensus among us students is that the workbank is a complete waste of time, that they don't have any jobs etc. etc.

Well, considering that it's getting to that time of the year where funds are becoming low, I decided to walk over to their office and see if they could get me a job (Again). The walk is a good 30min away, which is why I don't do it every day.

Upon getting there, I managed to get talking to the manager, a guy called Jonathan Griffiths. I explained to him that I'd like a Job and he told me to register. Again. I explained to him that I had already registered back in October and they never bothered to get back to me and his response was...interesting, to say the least.

"That was a test" He said.
"A test?" I asked.
"Yes, you see we have to make sure that the people who apply for Jobs here actually want them" he declared.
"That's not right" I protested.
"Well I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is and there's nothing I can do about it" he spat.
"So who would I go to if I wanted to complain about it?" I inquired.
"Oh, that would be me, the manager" he responded.
"But you just said you can't do anything about it" I retorted.
"ah well um...y'see....." he mumbled.

At this point he then took me aside and tried to explain why this had to be done. Basically, unless you keep on pestering them, they will deliberately NOT even bother trying to get you a job.
He also let slip that of the 17,500 people registered with them, only 2,000 get jobs from it.
Funny, I don't agree that nearly 90% of the people that apply for Jobs don't actually want them.

To make matters worse, the registration thing I did in October wasn't even finished, they still needed more information that I didn't have on me at the time (And why should I, I'd already registered, or so I'd thought...)

So when I got back to my humble abode, I did a little research. I got in touch with the people that own the workbank, a company called Operagroup. I explained to them exactly what had happened and what the manager told me. They were not impressed.
After giving them some details, they told me a full investigation would be done. They phoned me back later that day to arrange for an appointment next Thursday (23rd of March) with the Operations Director of Operagroup.

If I have my way, Jonathan is getting the sack.

Monday 6 March 2006


The 'Tempting Fate with a Llama' meme:
1. Make an LJ-cut post with "So, having spent 30 minutes naked under a llama..." as the text.
2. Do not select a 'mood' for this post.
3. If anyone clicks the cut, they are to comment and admit to doing so.
4. Anyone who reads this also has to do the same in THEIR journal, thus continuing the neverending llama.

Wednesday 1 March 2006

Post shit to Kushan!!!

Ok, I know one of the dumbest things you can possibly do is put your address on the internet.
Well here it is:

Stephen Donaghy
Flat 22F
Marybone Project Phase 1
L3 2BX
United Kingdom

Since I live in a flat and will be moving out in July, never to return to it again, I'm not bothered if some weirdos get it and send me weird things.
In fact, that's what I WANT people to do: SEND ME STUFF!
I don't care what it is, even a post card, just send me random crap!
And if it's cool, you get on my list of people who get to live when I take over the world.

Tuesday 28 February 2006

This was long overdue...

Ok, you remember a couple of weeks back I made a post that never really explained why I was so happy?

Well I think it's time to explain it.

I got a package from two very cool people.
Inside it was some really cool shit.

All this stuff came inside the box:

Lets have a closer look :)

There were a couple of Bears

And of course socks, because socks are amazing:

And a....spoon.....for um...some reason.....

There was also a little mini deck of playing cards, perfect


And I'm guessing because Nicola feels I'm an illiterate tool, she threw in a rather good book:

There was also a....thing....of sorts.......:S

Some Sunglasses to "Protect his eyes from the rain" as they put it:

And a thong, of course:

But by far the best thing is probably this:

It's a cat that meows when you squeeze it! SQUEEEE!!!

It was such a cool box! Nicola and Togey earn their place in Kushans hall of people-who-wont-be-killed-when-he-takes-over-the-world ^_^

I think I look great in my sunglasses:


Wednesday 22 February 2006


I'm officially an Uncle.

On a completely unrelated note,  I'll explain why I was so happy the other day. Later.

Saturday 18 February 2006

If you had me alone...locked up in your house for twenty-four hours and I had to do whatever you wanted me to, what would you do with me? Then repost this in your LJ. You might be surprised with the responses you get.

Friday 17 February 2006

The Cow's revenge!!!

The cow is back and he's not happy. He wants a piece of you this time, better break out the cannon and show him what-for!


Arrow keys  - Movement
Space - fire

Don't let the cow hit you!

P.S. I'll explain what made me so happy soon ;)

Wednesday 15 February 2006

Tuesday 14 February 2006

Happy Valentine's day!

...Or not.
I was actually going to do the typical thing of writing a "Bollocks to Valentine's day" entry, but it seems that several people have got there before me.
Well fuck you, I was psyching myself up for it and you've all went and taken away from what would have been a pretty good rant ¬_¬

Oh well.

I suppose this is as good a time as any to mention that I really can't be arsed looking at most of you for the next week or so. It's nothing personal, I just want to enjoy valentine's day (and a few subsequent days after) the way I'd most prefer - by not having to deal with anyone.

I know a lot of people are going through a lot of stuff right now and that's fair enough, I still need to recover from my own wounds and haven't had a chance to yet. Now is that time.
Feel free to talk to me on MSN or whatever, if I can be bothered talking to you, I'll respond. If not, I'm either not in the mood and having some quality "me time" or I'm actually just not there.
If anyone needs me really REALLY badly, you all know how to contact me but be warned, if you bother me at all in the time specified, I might just block you, hang up, swear at you, whatever. Be warned.

So, until further notice, always remember that Cheese RUINS lives - JUST SAY NO.

Thursday 9 February 2006

Absolute leg end.

BERLIN (Reuters) - Detectives in Germany were dumbstruck after a man they had just booked for burglary walked out of the police station and drove off in one of their cars, authorities said Wednesday.

"It's not just unusual, it's embarrassing," said a spokesman for police in the central town of Eschwege.

Police said the 27-year-old must have pocketed the key of the car during his interrogation. After he was charged and released, officers were stunned to see the man easing out of the station in the unmarked vehicle and immediately gave chase.

Three cars, including the stolen vehicle, were damaged in the ensuing pursuit. It ended with the man's re-arrest.


Monday 6 February 2006

Shall we play a game?

I made this for fun. Think of it as a sign of things to come.

It's called: Kill the Cow!

Opinions welcome!

Ladies and gentlemen, behold!

The guy who made this had to be Irish....

That's right, it's a PC in a whiskey bottle!

Saturday 4 February 2006

Friday 3 February 2006

I'm alive!....I'm alive....

...and very very tired.

I figured I should update to let you all know how I am.
For the most part I'm pretty good, there's no bad blood between me and Carmy and I think we could easily become really good friends, once we've both had a little time to adjust to it.
Speaking of, I should just point out to people that my preferred way of dealing with stuff is to practically shut out the outside world for a few days, maybe even a week or so, until I feel better. Trust me, it DOES work for me and it's nothing to worry about if you don't see me around for a while. I appreciate everyone's concerns and it means a lot to me, but I'll be ok :)

Today was a somewhat eventful day. After the Anime society, I had decided to go home a bit early,at around 11 instead of like 2. I wasn't really in the mood to go out and I needed bread, figured I may as well go to Tesco on the way back.
Dee Dee came with me and ended up going back to my place. At around half 2 in the morning, she got a phone call from her housemates saying that they'd been broken into.
So I walked her back to her place to inspect the damage.
Nothing had been stolen, all that had been done was that a cup had been broken and a hamster was Killed. Nothing major in MY opinion although I'm sure others would disagree.
Either way, I suppose it was kind of lucky that Dee Dee had decided to randomly come to mine or she might have been hurt or something.
Lots of other things have been happening, but right now I'm very very tired. And my spellchecker isn't working (stupid Mozilla update) so I'm unable to properly check this for errors. Deal with it :P

Monday 30 January 2006


I'm officially single and I'm officially pissed off.

Carmy is a wonderful person, she's one of the nicest people I've ever met, but we don't get along the best at times and I just feel that maybe it's just not the right time to be going out with each other at the moment.
That's fair enough, isn't it? She's got plenty of problems she needs to sort out without the hassle of a relationship on top of them and I myself just don't feel ready to be in one at the moment, is it such a hard thing to understand that putting it off now will be more beneficial to both people later on? I mean, if we're not ready at the moment then we'll end up fighting, irritating each other and just going down the tubes in a spectacular, fiery way. WHEREAS, if we both remain friends for now until a time in the future when we're both ready, then overall there's a greater chance of things working out.

But of course, when you try and explain this, you get accused of just dumping the woman "until I can be bothered to deal with her" and various other things of that nature, no matter how many times you say that BOTH of us are at fault and that BOTH of us need to sort things out before they're ready.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....fucking women!

Thursday 26 January 2006

The update has arrived!

Alright, I've put this off long enough now, so I guess it's time for a......

Super mega update o' d00m!

I suppose I should start off with the Krazyhouse. It was Carmy's friend, Chris' birthday last week so we all went out to the Krazyhouse.

Here are some pictures of said night

It's the birthday boy and his missus!

It's me and MY missus:

It's the Malachy and his missus:

Something tells me Carmy was low on beer....

Meanwhile, Dee Dee was secretly planning to murder the cameraman:

But she gave up and started dancing with Malachy:

I couldn't hold back, I just HAD to get into that funky groove too!

Dee Dee and Malachy started getting a little touchy feely....

Don't they make a cute couple? ^_________^

Uhh....Dee Dee, that's a little TOO close....

Notice that Malachy has no idea what's going on....

...He eventually figures it out:

Adam clearly had the night of his life:

After Malachy ran away, Dee Dee tried her old tricks again...

God dammit, I really have to put my ho on a leash >_<

And of course, Dee Dee never misses an opportunity to bury herself into another woman's tits....

But where did Malachy run off to, I hear you ask?

Well, where do you think.....

And while we're showing off pics, here's how my wall-o-can is shaping up since you all last seen it:

Soon I shall have enough......................Sooooooon...........

In other news, the people whom I pay the rent to have been stealing my bloody money. They kept taking too much out for said rent payments so now they owe me £444. Most people would be annoyed at that. I'm not. It's kind of like Christmas all over again, being told that you've got half a grand coming your way :D

To everyone I know online and in Liverpool, I apologise if you haven't heard much from me lately, I've just been too busy with stuff to speak to most people as much as I should, but rest assured that I am reading LJ whenever I can, so I'm up to date with all of you and how you all are, even if I don't post anything.