
Wednesday 15 March 2006

Workbank? Wankbank more like!

Let me tell you all a little story.
For those of you who aren't in Liverpool or who even don't live in the UK, the WorkBank is kind of like a recruitment agency for Students like myself.
I've worked for various recruitment agency's before, the pattern is the same in most cases: A few days after you register, they phone you up and tell you they have an opening some place. Just the way it should be.

The workbank, however, is a different story.
I registered with them back in October. I walked into the office, had a chat with one of the guys there, filled in some forms and finally went home and filled in some online registration things.
At the time, the guy told me that it takes a few days after registering for your name to get onto the system and when that happens, they'll give you a call.

They never did.

Everyone here who has ever went near the workbank has NEVER got that call from them. The general consensus among us students is that the workbank is a complete waste of time, that they don't have any jobs etc. etc.

Well, considering that it's getting to that time of the year where funds are becoming low, I decided to walk over to their office and see if they could get me a job (Again). The walk is a good 30min away, which is why I don't do it every day.

Upon getting there, I managed to get talking to the manager, a guy called Jonathan Griffiths. I explained to him that I'd like a Job and he told me to register. Again. I explained to him that I had already registered back in October and they never bothered to get back to me and his response was...interesting, to say the least.

"That was a test" He said.
"A test?" I asked.
"Yes, you see we have to make sure that the people who apply for Jobs here actually want them" he declared.
"That's not right" I protested.
"Well I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is and there's nothing I can do about it" he spat.
"So who would I go to if I wanted to complain about it?" I inquired.
"Oh, that would be me, the manager" he responded.
"But you just said you can't do anything about it" I retorted.
"ah well um...y'see....." he mumbled.

At this point he then took me aside and tried to explain why this had to be done. Basically, unless you keep on pestering them, they will deliberately NOT even bother trying to get you a job.
He also let slip that of the 17,500 people registered with them, only 2,000 get jobs from it.
Funny, I don't agree that nearly 90% of the people that apply for Jobs don't actually want them.

To make matters worse, the registration thing I did in October wasn't even finished, they still needed more information that I didn't have on me at the time (And why should I, I'd already registered, or so I'd thought...)

So when I got back to my humble abode, I did a little research. I got in touch with the people that own the workbank, a company called Operagroup. I explained to them exactly what had happened and what the manager told me. They were not impressed.
After giving them some details, they told me a full investigation would be done. They phoned me back later that day to arrange for an appointment next Thursday (23rd of March) with the Operations Director of Operagroup.

If I have my way, Jonathan is getting the sack.

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