
Tuesday 14 February 2006

Happy Valentine's day!

...Or not.
I was actually going to do the typical thing of writing a "Bollocks to Valentine's day" entry, but it seems that several people have got there before me.
Well fuck you, I was psyching myself up for it and you've all went and taken away from what would have been a pretty good rant ¬_¬

Oh well.

I suppose this is as good a time as any to mention that I really can't be arsed looking at most of you for the next week or so. It's nothing personal, I just want to enjoy valentine's day (and a few subsequent days after) the way I'd most prefer - by not having to deal with anyone.

I know a lot of people are going through a lot of stuff right now and that's fair enough, I still need to recover from my own wounds and haven't had a chance to yet. Now is that time.
Feel free to talk to me on MSN or whatever, if I can be bothered talking to you, I'll respond. If not, I'm either not in the mood and having some quality "me time" or I'm actually just not there.
If anyone needs me really REALLY badly, you all know how to contact me but be warned, if you bother me at all in the time specified, I might just block you, hang up, swear at you, whatever. Be warned.

So, until further notice, always remember that Cheese RUINS lives - JUST SAY NO.

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