
Wednesday 24 May 2006

Damn bastards people tagging me...

Weird habits you have/things you do:
Once you are tagged you MUST write an entry about 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names.

1. I have to do things in order.
I don't know why, but I hate doing things in the wrong order. I especially hate playing games or films that are part of a series without playing the original ones first.  Neverwinter nights comes to mind. Despite the fact that the expansions are meant to be really REALLY good, I wont play them until I've completed the main quest, which is renowned for being boring as hell >_<

2. Toilet roll goes OVER, not under.
This is one of my more obsessive compulsive quirks. If I go into a bathroom, even if it's in a complete stranger's house, I always make sure the toilet roll goes over and not under when it's on the little holder thing. I don't know why, it just irritates the hell out of me when it's the wrong way around...

3. Things must be EFFICIENT!
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if I had some German blood in me or something (technically since I'm of Celtic decent, I do) because I like to make things as efficient as possible. Everything from anything I program to doing my shopping, I usually try to work out beforehand what is the best order to do things. Hell, even when packing my shopping, I always try to use as few bags as possible, yet get the weight distributed evenly o_0

4. I can make an innuendo out of ANYTHING.
'tis true, I can turn the most innocent of conversations into the most sinful discussions ever. And I usually do. I probably shouldn't be so proud of that >_>

5. Things must never be thrown away. Ever.
If I can avoid binning something, I will. That goes for deleting files as well. I just hate getting rid of stuff. Hell, I had a collection of like 300 empty cans at one point. Then I dumped them all and started another collection. I must have collected about another 300 before I had to dump those as well :(

6. I tap tunes with my teeth.
For some odd reason, if I'm listening to a song, or audible pattern, I always end up following the tune with my teeth o_0
Some people pat something with their hand, or even their foot. I use my teeth...

Now it's YOUR turn, bitches!

I tag the following people: ques_nova, angelus01, togey,cheshire_neko, pang_tong and toxinv2

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