
Tuesday 11 July 2006


Alright, so I got my results for my first year at Uni.
Of the 6 modules I did, I passed 5 of them pretty well and failed one of them.
The one I failed was Good ol' PDP, the most useless of them all.
40 is a pass, FYI.
Here's a brief run down of the marks:

cmpma 1014 mark 80 ; 2D Maths
cmpcd 1016 mark 66 ; CGT   <<< The only module directly relating to actual course itself!
cmpcd 1017 mark 54 ; Intro to programming <<< JAVA! (Useless for games)
cmpcy 1003 mark 56 ; Networks
cmpcd 1018 mark 56 ; Web design  << NOTHING TO DO WITH GAMES!
cmpgn 1003 mark 36 ; Personal development << POINTLESS! HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH I.T. AT ALL!

I'm currently taking some anti-allergy pills. I feel all weird. Whhhheeeeeeeeeeeee!

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