
Saturday 3 June 2006

Been here a week....

Well, I've been here at my brother's for a week and I have mixed feelings about it.

On the one hand, it's good because it means I don't have to go home or anything, on the other hand I don't actually know anyone around here, except for a guy called Dan who I know lives somewhere near (but I have no idea where). I just miss my friends.
What's more, I feel really uncomfortable around my brother. Because I'm staying here under his good graces, I constantly try to avoid saying or doing anything that could cause friction, and even then I don't think it's been too successful.
For example, he's been patronising me constantly since I got here, Don't get me wrong, I can understand why. I'm his little brother, I'm still 4 in his eyes and that will probably never change, but I can't even ask him the simplest of questions without him giving me a 30second answer making me feel the age he sees me at.
But how can I tell him that? Last night we were playing pool and he was giving me advice (he's on a pool team, I suck at it, fair enough really). His fiancée, Amy, told him to stop patronising me and he got a bit arsey. Then when I said he has been doing that since I got here, he got even more pissed off.
5mins later, we were all acting like nothing had happened, but still it just adds to the feeling that I can't really say anything. If I do, he'll get pissed off and there will be a bad atmosphere around here, but if I don't he'll keep talking down to me and I'll end up feeling like complete shite most of the time.

I still don't actually know if I've pissed either him or Amy off. Like tonight, there's some Karaoke thing or something they're going to. Amy's DJing, Chris is...well, drinking. I was under the impression that I was tagging along as well, but I guess not since I'm sitting here updating this now.
I hope they just forgot and aren't upset at me or anything, I know I'm a bit of a burden being here and I try to help out when and where I can, but I really just don't know what I can do to make things easier on everyone.
Plan is to get a Job, that way I'll be out of their hair plenty and I'll have cash to spare. I just don't know where to start since I don't know where anything is around here.

EDIT: Ah, well as it turns out he just fell asleep and was actually here the whole time. Silly bugger.

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