
Friday 13 October 2006

Well, this is interesting....

Our bathroom light is broken. It's doing some crazy flashing thing and it's one of those lights we can't replace, so we're waiting on the ones from Marybone to come around to fix it.
There's no windows in our bathroom, so it's pitch black without the light.
So there I am, in dire need of a good dump and in a bit of a position. Just how exactly are you meant to do a poo in the dark? I could just leave the light on and sit there with it flashing away, but that leads us into another problem. What if I have some sort of epileptic fit as I'm taking my crap? I don't want to do another Elvis and die on the bog, nor do I want people to find my body, juddering away with my pants at my ankles with half a brown one sticking out.
Lets face it, nobody wants to see that.
So what to do?
I had a brilliant idea. I got my laptop, with it's nice and brightly backlit LCD screen and brought it in with me. Just enough light to see what I'm doing.

And while I sat there, I got bored. As you do. Rather than find a book to read or whatever and strain myself staring at it in low light, I figured it'd be a good idea to pick up the lappy and inform everyone via LJ of my plight.
So I did. And this was it.

That's right people, this post you read was written by someone who was taking a dump. That's gotta be a first for most people.
Enjoy =D

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