
Thursday 30 March 2006

Birthday results...

And it WAS a result...for the most part.

I had a good time. In the end we didn't go out because everyone was broke, so instead we sat around and had a laugh while Vicki baked me a cake ^_^
And a damn tasty cake it was too, even if it did look like a big turd lol

Of course Dee Dee got really drunk and that pissed me off quite a bit, but since she's been known to use her alcohol problem as a way of getting attention I've decided I'm not going to bother myself with it or not.
She's always going on that she has a problem and that she's trying to do something about it, but how do I know that she isn't just using THAT as an excuse for attention too? She's done it before, so I'll just have to assume she'll do it again.
To put it bluntly, she's on her own from now on, she abused my caring nature too much already.

But enough about that, I still enjoyed my birthday ^_^

Of course, it wasn't over just yet.
Me and Carmy got back and ended up staying awake in my room until about 5 in the morning.
She had a bit of an upset stomach and I was hungry, so I was going to go into the living room to get her some milk and make myself a sandwich.
But before I even managed to open MY door, I noticed that there was an odd smell. A burning smell. At first I thought someone had just burnt some toast or something, so I went down the hall into the living room. The room was completely filled with smoke and some randomer was lying unconscious on the sofa.
I shook him to wake him up, then went and turned off the Oven.
I paused for a second, mainly because my eyes were stinging, when I realised that I didn't even recognise the guy on the sofa! He sure as hell wasn't one of my flatmates, nor did he seem to care because he just went back to sleep while the room was still completely filled with smoke. Idiot.
I went and got the security guard to get rid of him.
Turns out, although he didn't live in my flat, he was a friend of one of my flatmates. One who just happened to be out of town at the time.
The next day he came up to me and apologised for everything and thanked me for saving his life. I just shrugged, smiled and said that it was ok because no permanent damage was done (well, except for the Pizza that he was trying to cook...), but I was really thinking that I just wanted to beat him around the head with a large bat and scream at him that he nearly burned down the entire flat.

Oh well, same time again next year I suppose.

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