
Monday 20 March 2006

A small story...

A cold sweat runs down my face. I've just watched the medic that's been keeping me alive for the past few conflicts get shot by a hidden sniper. I couldn't save him. I wanted to, but my PP-19 wouldn't reach him even if I knew where he was. Instead I ran away and hid from the fighting.
I was exhausted, it was just so unexpected, by the time I got to cover, I could barely breathe.
Artillery fire! NO! There was a small alcove nearby that might protect me. I ran again. I ran as fast as I could, I barely looked at the battlefield around me, but what I did see was bad. We were nearly overrun....
The enemy was right on top of our position, but we couldn't let them take it. If they got ahold of this position, the battle may as well have been over.
The artillery cut through our men, it was as if God himself struck down at us. The artillery soon stopped, but I couldn't hear anything and my vision was blurry as well. I tried to look around the corner to see how many people had survived, instead I seen a large blur in the distance. I knew what that was, it was an enemy tank!
I watched as what few troops that remained fought valiantly to destroy the tank. There were three two anti-tank units left, it was down to them. One of them got a shot off before he was killed, just missing the tank. The other got shot before he even realised there was a tank coming. The third was cowering inside an alcove in case he got hit....
I had to do something! I ran across the road and climbed up a ladder. I needed to get higher to get a better shot of that tank!
I crawled along the small plateau I ended up on. I could hear the tank, it was nearly right on top of us!
I readied my RPG and looked up. I took aim, just as the tank raised it's turret towards me. It had spotted me and was about to fire. I had to hit the tank, I had to destroy it to save myself, my comrades and the defensive position. It all came down to this one shot and then.....

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