
Wednesday 27 August 2003

"We work well we I mean I"

It's time to update me journal, why is it time? Because Michelle asked me to, that's why:)
I finally got the w32.Blaster worm today, I'm surprised it took this long to get it, most of the rest of the people I know have caught it already, at least, the ones that didn't install the patch have. I've had the patch installer on my PC for weeks now, I've just been too lazy to install it lol. The annoying thing is, It infected me when I was in the middle of a game of RA2 with Michelle, now I don't have much time to play games these days, and I manage to get the virus during one of the few times I do play, God really hates me lol.
Later on, I played RA2 for a good while with Michelle, it was me and her against 4 AI's. It was fun, I built a nice big base, captured lots of oil derricks, built up a nice big attack force and blew lots of stuff up adn Michelle..she sort of...sat there...doing very little (She's gonna kill me when se reads that lol, better start equipping the armour now). Nah, I think she blew up a few things, not sure tho:P *Gets kicked in the nuts by Michelle* Uhh...of course, what I ment to say, was that she was a great help, I couldn't have done it without her...*hides*
She's got me hocked on Outlook Express. Before, I just used regular IE to check my mail, I tried using outlook before, but that was outlook 2000, which doesn't support hotmail, I didn't know OE did untill she happened to mention it. How dumb are MS? The version of outlook that you pay for doesn't work with hotmail, yet the free version of it does...
I fiddled for about 20mins to get it to work with my Yahoo account, but I was having problems, as it turns out, Yahoo doesn't let you do that for free, silly bastards. It's no big deal, that's my spam account, I only use it to register with a place that I reckon will send me spam, so I don't get any, I never check that account, I can't be arsed to delete 300+ e-mails every day lol.
Vlad was talking to me on msn tonight, he's aparantly going to send someone around to strangle me outside my school. Heck, I aint scared of empty threats, I even told him the name of my school and when I'll be there (It's St. Malachy's college, Belfast, you can get the address at their site, I'll be there Mon-Fri, 9-3:30 except on friday when we get out at 3, I think) so come on Vlad, send "tha" boys around, I can't wait to meet them:D

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