
Sunday 24 August 2003


Well, guess what happened today? Nope, that didn't happen. Nope, not that either. Want me to tell you what happened? Ok, here it goes: Nothing.
That's right, today was a pretty boring day, very little happened. Sorry to disappoint you all:P
Um...c'mon something interesting must have happened to me....hmm...nope, guess not. Oh! I DID have a bowl of ice cream with 2, that's right 2, different types of ice cream in it...and some chocolate suace...but um...apart from that? Nope, nothing happened....
I'm getting really pissed off with my stepmum (Well, I say stepmum, but she's not really, she's still my dad's gf, but they've been together so long, I figured I may as well call her that, saves a lot of time as well). I hate her, I really do, she's always trying to land me in shit whenever she can, for example, one day I was talking to her about movies, like what ones she like and what ones I like. I just happened to say that her kind of films arn't my kind of films, so what does she do? She waits untill later on when I'm not around and goes to my dad and starts this whole "Steve blatantly insulted me!" thing. Of course, when I herd about it the next day, I was like "WTF?" cuz my dad was in the room at the time and he didn't see anything wrong with it, but of course, because she got upset, I must have done something, so he immediately took her side and began shouting at me. That was about a year ago that happened, and I still hate her for it, cuz she does stuff like that ALL the time.
More than that, she acts as if I don't even exist. For example, me, her and my dad were in a room talking today, when she turned around to my dad and said things like "Why doesn't Steve do this?" or "Wouldn't it be a good idea for Steve to do this?" and stuff like that, and I'm thinking "Excuse me! I'm right fucking here!" but if I said anything, later on she would have put on the waterworks and my Dad would have (as always) taken her side...
Well, I'm finished my little rant for now, work tomorrow again, so it's off to bed for me, good night.

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