
Saturday 9 August 2003

Lets all do the happy dance!

Ok, today my Bro went back home, which was kinda sad, I prolly wont get to see him again 'til like Christmas, and that's if I'm lucky, but you know something? I'm not really sad or depressed, something amazing happened today, something incredible, but more on that later.
I should have known something weird was going to happen today, cuz like, everyone returned from holiday today, Tox hadn't been on in days and he was on this morning, then Lucy and Tolly got back, THEN Michelle got back, even a bunch of people who I hardly talk to returned from holidays and such today, some of them I didn't even know had gone, but who cares, you're prolly all wondering what the amazing thing is, arn't you? Well, you can wait a little longer, cuz I'm not telling you yet:P
Over the past few days, I've been mainly hanging about with my bro, I do miss him a lot, cuz he's like the opposite of the Fuckup bro, he's really funny and a goof laff and generally just great to be with, it gets me thinking, what the hell happened between My cool Bro (Chris) and me, I mean, John Paul (The fuckup bro) is nothing like either of us, in fact, he's nothing like my dad either, although, I suppose he takes after my mum (In case you havn't figured it out yet, I hate her....a lot...). Oh well, enough about the Fuckup,onto what you've been waiting for, the Big event! Well, first, that girl that I really like, she's told me that I can finally reveal who it was, so for those of you who didn't figure it out, that person was (and still is)....*Drum rolls*...Michelle!
BUT, that's not the big thing that happened today, oh no, it WAS something that Michelle said, tho, but I'll be damned if I tell you lot what it was! That's right, I kept you all in suspense and then told you all bugger all (Bugger all = Nothing)! Mwahahahahahaha! >>Insert smiley giving you the fingers here<<

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