
Sunday 3 August 2003

The shotgun is always the best.

Has anyone else noticed that in most shooting games, the shotgun always seems to be the most effective weapon? Now, what was the point in me saying that? Well, there was none, I did bugger all special today and I thought I'd say something to keep you all vaguely interested. It didn't work, did it?
Well, I spent a lot of the day playing the PS2, which my brother returned after borrowing it, even though he didn't ask.
I'm still bored as hell, RenAlert has been delayed indefinitely. Oh well, with every release date given, they've come closer and closer to actually releaseing it, so hopefully next time they'll actually do it. This sucks, there's nothing to do, before I met half of the people on arm-ent, I had loads to do, I just never got around to it cuz I was busy talking to them and stuff. But, now that half of them are away, i've got nothing to do, I guess that PS2 came at the right time, at least Devil may cry and Vice city should keep me occupied for the time being untill Everyone gets back from holiday or RenAlert is released (Heh, like that'll ever happen).
Ugh, the whole RenAlert forum ahs turned into a very large shithole due to the n00bs, and that aint exactly helping my depression right now
One great thing though, my friend, the one who was having problems and shit, was in like a really really great mood today, she's getting better each day, so I'm really proud of her. Although, her judgment is a little off, cuz she said that I should be a pr0n star:S

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