
Friday 29 August 2003

Isn't it amazing as to how you can always tell when your parents are blatantly lying to you?

School wasn't too bad at all today, all it was was a big 1 hour lecture as to how different being a 6th year is to being a 5th year, stuff we already knew since 1st year. I was surprised, more of my friends got back than I thought, including the guy that was one C off getting back, I guess he must have sweet-talked the principal lol. There were also a few people there who I wasn't expecting to see, people who constantly messed around and got into trouble while simultaneously failing almost every exam they took. How the hell they got back I'll never know...
My timetable this year rocks, so many free periods where I get to do whatever the hell I want:D Out of a 50 period week, I have like 9 free, which may not sound like much, but it actually is quite a lot, for example, on monday, I have a 2 hour gap between classes, that's like a 2 hour lunch! That rocks so much. Being a 6th former rocks!
Sad thing is tho, a lot of people seemed to be really down/depressed today, some for good reasons (Lucy, I really hope she pulls through, remember what I told you to tell your friend), others were just shitty in general. Am I the only one that had a decent day?
Oh well, I guess it can't be helped, we all have bad days, I guess today was just generally a shitty bad day.
Michelle seemed to be in a really good mood today, forthe most part, but then she started feeling a little sick, so she had to lie down, she felt better, but later on, she felt sick again and just went to bed, I hope she's ok...
I got a visit from my biological mum today (If you think I hate my stepmum, you have no idea how much I hate her...she's an alcoholic, always drunk, I mainly blame her for a crappy childhood, she's also the main reason why I will most likely never drink alcohol, just the thought of the stuff reminds me of her, and that REALLY puts me off it). SHe gave me a card saying "Well done on your GCSE's" adn £25, which was good I guess, and she only hung around for like 5mins, but when she was there, she said something to me that really worried me, she said "So I hear you've got a gf?" and I was like "*cough* Excuse me? who the hell said that?" "Well, that's what your dad said" so as soon as my dad came in, I had a go at him, as soon as I mentioned the "girlfriend" word, he immediately turned around and said "Oh fuck off Steve, I didn't say anything like that, and anyway, I'm not in the mood". I know my dad too well, he's hiding something, I know it, thing is, what does he know? Or more to the point, what does he THINK he knows? Cuz I'm really pissed at him saying that, I'd better end this before I go on about how wrong he is and how he thinks he knos me, yet he knows jack and why it's morally wrong for him to say that and all that shit, I'll just go off to bed before that happens, g'night all.

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