
Sunday 17 August 2003

viva le resistance!!

Well, fucking about with Vlad was the highlight of my day, Bear un-banned me cuz all hell broke loose on the forum and they couldn't stop it, and after I was back, it was all good, everything was quiet, the spamming and the flaming stoped, it could have all ended there, but Vlad was being stubborn, as soon as he saw I was back, he just deleted my account, so the spamming/flaming is back again, and more and more people are taking my side by the hour, oh they can be banned, but too many people are following me, Vlad will end up banning the entire network and even then, a lot of my supporters will just re-register, a few of them, like myself, even know how to by-pass an IP ban one way or another Panther is one of those people, damn he's good at spamming lol. One of 2 things are going to happen because of this, either Vlad will realise his mistake and stop all the shit, or arm-ent will go under. I'm thinking Vlad is too narrow-minded for the first option...
The scary thing is, even people from different forums are supporting me, even the folk over at C&Cammo are helping out (Thanks again guys). Ahh, the sweet sweet smell of revolution....
Vlad has just said that he's leaving for good, so I guess arm-ebt really is dead.
Now, enough about arm-ent, it sucks, what else did I do today? Well, apart from a large amount of nothing, I made a few things for Michelle in Photoshop, personally, I thought they were shit, but she seemed to like them, so that's good. Oh yea, we tried using that GTA3 Multiplayer hack thing, but it turned out to be shit, REALLY bad lag problems (We're talking flying cars here, now THAT'S bad), many graphical errors and shit, so that lasted all of 10mins lol.

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