
Thursday 14 August 2003

Crossing the line

Work wasn't too bad today, I guess, the time seemed to go quickly enough, the more I do the Job, the faster it seems to get, so that's good. It still sucks, tho.
Although, I was dying to take a piss all day, I went to the toilets to take one and I herd to guys voices coming from a single cubicle, the first one said "Gimmie it" and the second one said "I can't get it in". I wasn't gonna wait around to hear what else happened. I'm not homophobic or anything, there's just something about 2 guys having sex within earshot that worries me. I'm not saying that that's what they were doing, but I didn't wanna hang around to find out (Heck, they could have been fixing a broken bog for all I know).
I managed to piss Michelle off today, I said something I really shouldn't have said (It's disgusting, so I'm not gonna repeat it) and she got kinda pissed at me, but not to worry, I more or less got down on my hands and knees and begged her for worked:D
Nothing wrong with a bit of groveling every now and then....
Got bored today, so I arsed about a bit with Photoshop/Animation shop, I suck at both, but at least I'm getting better. Actually, my animations arn't too bad, they just look shit cuz the graphics are shit...
Oh, I managed to glue my hand to a table today, Accidentally squeezed the tube too hard, glue shot out all over my hand which was on the table, the glue immediately set and the tabe was now part of my arm. The fun part was ripping the skin of a little to remove my hand from the table....
Off tomorrow (Hurrah!) which is just as well cuz we're expecting a new fridge freezer to arrive any day now (Technically, it was supposed to be here 2 days ago, but you can never trust delivery companies) so someone needs to be here to let the guys in.

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