
Saturday 16 August 2003

Day to remember

*Gets shoved in door*
Ok ok, I'll update it now! Sheesh! I've just been TOLD to do my Journal now, so I guess I should lol.
Let's see, well, today started off pretty shitty, Slept in, was an hour late for work, which wasn't good. On top of that, I felt like shit most of the day, kept getting stomach cramps and stuff, which also didn't help.
Well, came home and sat around for a while, nothing much happend, untill later, first of all, me and Michelle were playing renegade, and BOTH of us got killed buy this guy who was getting one hit kills using the pistol, obviously, this was bullshit, so we left. Oh yea, while we were there, this really annoying guy kept trying to chat up Michelle, so I began chatting HIM up, pretending that I was a girl (Hey, it was fun). He took the bait, so when he asked for my E-mail, I gave him Nozzy's ( lol, I hope he adds him, it'll be so funny, and Nozzy kinda deserves it.
NOW the fun part of my day. One of arm-ent's mods, Code Red, is moving to a different network, so Vlad began talking to me, during this conversation, I happend to mention to him that I was more powerfull than him on arm-ent, because the people would follow me, which is actually kinda true, just look a the thrads I post that go against Vlad in some way, in one, I gave two options that ment the same thing, one was "No" the other was "Vlad's talking out of his ass". Alas, more people voted for Vlad talking out of his ass.
So Vlad banned me, because I was a threat to him, because I have more respect than him. He didn't believe me when I told him banning me would be a mistake, but as the forums show, many people are thinking of leaving over it, so in a way, arm-ent depends on me, if too many people leave, then arm-ent will fall. Vlad has already backed down and said he'll un-ban me tomorrow, hehe, every forum needs a Kat. I was actually surprised as to the people who immediately took mt side, whithout me even asking, Grendies, Delta, Michelle, especially Michelle, she spammed like hell lol, damn, it makes you feel good to know there's people who will stand with you through anything, hell, panther even made this for his and other's sigs:
In a really weird way, this whole thing reminds me of Gladiator, the movie, cuz in it, a simple Gladiator (Forum member) managed to become more powerfull than the emperor (CEO or arm-ent, Vlad). Crazy, huh?
One final thing that I noticed, if you search of google for Kushan, this very journal is on the very first page, how cool is that?

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