Still aint feeling the best today, but I guess I'm feeling better, still got that all on my mind...
We (Me, my Dad and my (evil) stepmum) went out for out dinner today, which was kinda cool I guess, some fancy carvery place or something, either way, it was nice, still didn't take my mind of things, tho, but I guess every little helps.
Darkblade carttonifed me today, you can see what my cartoon alter-ego looks like here: Apparently, there's one hell of a resemblance, so I dunno if I should be happy or scared....
Another thing that's kinda worrying me, is the fact that some of my friends in real life are actually starting to call me Kushan, even though they know nothing of my online life, they just got it from my e-mail ( so that's gonna take some getting used to, heh, it'll confuse the hell out of the teachers at school, that's for sure lol.
Another thing which actually made me happy, in a strange way, was that Vlad was threatening me again lol, this time it was just a bashing I was gonna get, not strangeling, it's so funny, he acts all big and hard, like some 8 year old trying to be a big 18 year old. I pitty the guy, he keeps making all these empty threats trying to sound hard, yet he doesn't realise just how much of a tit he's making himself out to be. I mean, does he even know that half the people he threatans Copy and paste every word of it to about 10 other people because they get such a kick out of it? In fact, I've been thinking of releasing my entire chat logs with him, just so people can see how pathetic he really is, but I'm not sure if I should, as there are parts in it where I played along with his little games, just so I could get close to him, that's right, Vlad "recruited" me, but do not fear, I never had any intentions of doing his dirty work, in fact, the very day he recruited me, I was in contact with his adversaries, and to this day, he knew nothing about it. Heh, he's gonna be pissed if he reads this:D What do you guys think, should I release the logs showing what a fool he is, or should I give him SOME dignity?
Sunday, 31 August 2003
Saturday, 30 August 2003
Shit....It's kinda like really thick gravy...
Today say the least...a really shitty day. In fact, it got shitty almost immediately after I updated last night. Just imagine being told the worst thing that anyone could ever tell you, then multiply that by 10, then dump a pile of shit on it, then you'll have some idea as to how shitty it's been.
Why's it been so shitty? Well, everything's went wrong, for a start, I managed to pull a muscle in bed last night and believe me, that really fucking hurts, then, I had to go out to the shop today and I forgot my Key, meaning an hours walk to my (evil) stepmum's house to get hers. But the main thing that's been bothering me is Michelle, I feel like a real ass, it occured to me last night that all this stuff about me liking Michelle isn't exactly making her life any easier, I dunno, I've just got this gut feeling that she's really uncomfortable with it and I don't know what to do, it's been going around my head all day, I didn't get any sleep last night either because of it. I feel like such an idiot, this whole time there was me thinking that she was ok with it, and then..well..I dunno...I'm so confused right now, I don't know what to think. To make it worse, Michelle somehow guessed that something was up, and I think I really pissed her off because I didn't tell her what it was, I didn't want to upset her, I never want to upset het, but it's very possible that this whole thing is upsetting her and it's really getting me down, because it's all my fault, I even conciderd blocking her and never speaking to her again, just to make sure I didn't hurt her, but I don't know if that would solve the problem or just make it worse, I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a very fucking hard place, of whatever few options I have, they all involve my life being severely fucked over, lose-lose situation thing...Everyone else has been having a really shitty time lately as well, as I noticed yesterday, I guess I should have realized something bad was going to happen to me in the end, too...
Why's it been so shitty? Well, everything's went wrong, for a start, I managed to pull a muscle in bed last night and believe me, that really fucking hurts, then, I had to go out to the shop today and I forgot my Key, meaning an hours walk to my (evil) stepmum's house to get hers. But the main thing that's been bothering me is Michelle, I feel like a real ass, it occured to me last night that all this stuff about me liking Michelle isn't exactly making her life any easier, I dunno, I've just got this gut feeling that she's really uncomfortable with it and I don't know what to do, it's been going around my head all day, I didn't get any sleep last night either because of it. I feel like such an idiot, this whole time there was me thinking that she was ok with it, and then..well..I dunno...I'm so confused right now, I don't know what to think. To make it worse, Michelle somehow guessed that something was up, and I think I really pissed her off because I didn't tell her what it was, I didn't want to upset her, I never want to upset het, but it's very possible that this whole thing is upsetting her and it's really getting me down, because it's all my fault, I even conciderd blocking her and never speaking to her again, just to make sure I didn't hurt her, but I don't know if that would solve the problem or just make it worse, I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a very fucking hard place, of whatever few options I have, they all involve my life being severely fucked over, lose-lose situation thing...Everyone else has been having a really shitty time lately as well, as I noticed yesterday, I guess I should have realized something bad was going to happen to me in the end, too...
Friday, 29 August 2003
Isn't it amazing as to how you can always tell when your parents are blatantly lying to you?
School wasn't too bad at all today, all it was was a big 1 hour lecture as to how different being a 6th year is to being a 5th year, stuff we already knew since 1st year. I was surprised, more of my friends got back than I thought, including the guy that was one C off getting back, I guess he must have sweet-talked the principal lol. There were also a few people there who I wasn't expecting to see, people who constantly messed around and got into trouble while simultaneously failing almost every exam they took. How the hell they got back I'll never know...
My timetable this year rocks, so many free periods where I get to do whatever the hell I want:D Out of a 50 period week, I have like 9 free, which may not sound like much, but it actually is quite a lot, for example, on monday, I have a 2 hour gap between classes, that's like a 2 hour lunch! That rocks so much. Being a 6th former rocks!
Sad thing is tho, a lot of people seemed to be really down/depressed today, some for good reasons (Lucy, I really hope she pulls through, remember what I told you to tell your friend), others were just shitty in general. Am I the only one that had a decent day?
Oh well, I guess it can't be helped, we all have bad days, I guess today was just generally a shitty bad day.
Michelle seemed to be in a really good mood today, forthe most part, but then she started feeling a little sick, so she had to lie down, she felt better, but later on, she felt sick again and just went to bed, I hope she's ok...
I got a visit from my biological mum today (If you think I hate my stepmum, you have no idea how much I hate her...she's an alcoholic, always drunk, I mainly blame her for a crappy childhood, she's also the main reason why I will most likely never drink alcohol, just the thought of the stuff reminds me of her, and that REALLY puts me off it). SHe gave me a card saying "Well done on your GCSE's" adn £25, which was good I guess, and she only hung around for like 5mins, but when she was there, she said something to me that really worried me, she said "So I hear you've got a gf?" and I was like "*cough* Excuse me? who the hell said that?" "Well, that's what your dad said" so as soon as my dad came in, I had a go at him, as soon as I mentioned the "girlfriend" word, he immediately turned around and said "Oh fuck off Steve, I didn't say anything like that, and anyway, I'm not in the mood". I know my dad too well, he's hiding something, I know it, thing is, what does he know? Or more to the point, what does he THINK he knows? Cuz I'm really pissed at him saying that, I'd better end this before I go on about how wrong he is and how he thinks he knos me, yet he knows jack and why it's morally wrong for him to say that and all that shit, I'll just go off to bed before that happens, g'night all.
My timetable this year rocks, so many free periods where I get to do whatever the hell I want:D Out of a 50 period week, I have like 9 free, which may not sound like much, but it actually is quite a lot, for example, on monday, I have a 2 hour gap between classes, that's like a 2 hour lunch! That rocks so much. Being a 6th former rocks!
Sad thing is tho, a lot of people seemed to be really down/depressed today, some for good reasons (Lucy, I really hope she pulls through, remember what I told you to tell your friend), others were just shitty in general. Am I the only one that had a decent day?
Oh well, I guess it can't be helped, we all have bad days, I guess today was just generally a shitty bad day.
Michelle seemed to be in a really good mood today, forthe most part, but then she started feeling a little sick, so she had to lie down, she felt better, but later on, she felt sick again and just went to bed, I hope she's ok...
I got a visit from my biological mum today (If you think I hate my stepmum, you have no idea how much I hate her...she's an alcoholic, always drunk, I mainly blame her for a crappy childhood, she's also the main reason why I will most likely never drink alcohol, just the thought of the stuff reminds me of her, and that REALLY puts me off it). SHe gave me a card saying "Well done on your GCSE's" adn £25, which was good I guess, and she only hung around for like 5mins, but when she was there, she said something to me that really worried me, she said "So I hear you've got a gf?" and I was like "*cough* Excuse me? who the hell said that?" "Well, that's what your dad said" so as soon as my dad came in, I had a go at him, as soon as I mentioned the "girlfriend" word, he immediately turned around and said "Oh fuck off Steve, I didn't say anything like that, and anyway, I'm not in the mood". I know my dad too well, he's hiding something, I know it, thing is, what does he know? Or more to the point, what does he THINK he knows? Cuz I'm really pissed at him saying that, I'd better end this before I go on about how wrong he is and how he thinks he knos me, yet he knows jack and why it's morally wrong for him to say that and all that shit, I'll just go off to bed before that happens, g'night all.
Thursday, 28 August 2003's coming to get me...but that's ok...I know kung fu...
Well, I was kinda feeling shitty when I got up today, but it didn't last long, don't ask me why, but I just felt better. I guess part of that reason was because RenX posted this on RenEvo, referring to me:

That made me feel kinda happy, dunno why, I guess it just never hurts to have a little positive feedback. And that was mainly a pathetic excuse to use html in one of my posts lol.
But what really made me happy was Michelle, now don't get we wrong, she didn't do anything to deliberatly cheer me up or anything, in fact, she prolly didn't even know I was feeling down, but I dunno what it is about her, just talking to her always makes me feel good...
Played RA2 some more with Michelle, which was fun. Same story, me and her Vs. the AI, me doing all the work lol *gets Kicked by Michelle*, her excuse was that the Soviets had better tanks, so we switched, she then played as soviets and I played as the Aliies. Once again, I did all the work, I took out 3 of the 4 AI's lol *Gets repeatadly kiced in the nuts, has his arm broke and gets his head shoved into the cooker by Michelle*
-Some time later-
Well, that hurt...ow... *Makes mental note: Michelle owns at RA2, she's the best playerr he's ever seen*
School starts tomorrow, I'm only in for like an hour or so, so that's not too bad, it's just to get books and stuff like that, yet they still make us wear our uniforms ffs. But still, I'm kidna looking forward to it, as I still don't know exactly who all got back, in fact, it's quite possible that all of my old friends didn't get back, so I'm kinda worried about that...I'm pretty sure most of 'em didn't, and that blows to say the least....
That made me feel kinda happy, dunno why, I guess it just never hurts to have a little positive feedback. And that was mainly a pathetic excuse to use html in one of my posts lol.
But what really made me happy was Michelle, now don't get we wrong, she didn't do anything to deliberatly cheer me up or anything, in fact, she prolly didn't even know I was feeling down, but I dunno what it is about her, just talking to her always makes me feel good...
Played RA2 some more with Michelle, which was fun. Same story, me and her Vs. the AI, me doing all the work lol *gets Kicked by Michelle*, her excuse was that the Soviets had better tanks, so we switched, she then played as soviets and I played as the Aliies. Once again, I did all the work, I took out 3 of the 4 AI's lol *Gets repeatadly kiced in the nuts, has his arm broke and gets his head shoved into the cooker by Michelle*
-Some time later-
Well, that hurt...ow... *Makes mental note: Michelle owns at RA2, she's the best playerr he's ever seen*
School starts tomorrow, I'm only in for like an hour or so, so that's not too bad, it's just to get books and stuff like that, yet they still make us wear our uniforms ffs. But still, I'm kidna looking forward to it, as I still don't know exactly who all got back, in fact, it's quite possible that all of my old friends didn't get back, so I'm kinda worried about that...I'm pretty sure most of 'em didn't, and that blows to say the least....
Wednesday, 27 August 2003
"We work well we I mean I"
It's time to update me journal, why is it time? Because Michelle asked me to, that's why:)
I finally got the w32.Blaster worm today, I'm surprised it took this long to get it, most of the rest of the people I know have caught it already, at least, the ones that didn't install the patch have. I've had the patch installer on my PC for weeks now, I've just been too lazy to install it lol. The annoying thing is, It infected me when I was in the middle of a game of RA2 with Michelle, now I don't have much time to play games these days, and I manage to get the virus during one of the few times I do play, God really hates me lol.
Later on, I played RA2 for a good while with Michelle, it was me and her against 4 AI's. It was fun, I built a nice big base, captured lots of oil derricks, built up a nice big attack force and blew lots of stuff up adn Michelle..she sort of...sat there...doing very little (She's gonna kill me when se reads that lol, better start equipping the armour now). Nah, I think she blew up a few things, not sure tho:P *Gets kicked in the nuts by Michelle* Uhh...of course, what I ment to say, was that she was a great help, I couldn't have done it without her...*hides*
She's got me hocked on Outlook Express. Before, I just used regular IE to check my mail, I tried using outlook before, but that was outlook 2000, which doesn't support hotmail, I didn't know OE did untill she happened to mention it. How dumb are MS? The version of outlook that you pay for doesn't work with hotmail, yet the free version of it does...
I fiddled for about 20mins to get it to work with my Yahoo account, but I was having problems, as it turns out, Yahoo doesn't let you do that for free, silly bastards. It's no big deal, that's my spam account, I only use it to register with a place that I reckon will send me spam, so I don't get any, I never check that account, I can't be arsed to delete 300+ e-mails every day lol.
Vlad was talking to me on msn tonight, he's aparantly going to send someone around to strangle me outside my school. Heck, I aint scared of empty threats, I even told him the name of my school and when I'll be there (It's St. Malachy's college, Belfast, you can get the address at their site, I'll be there Mon-Fri, 9-3:30 except on friday when we get out at 3, I think) so come on Vlad, send "tha" boys around, I can't wait to meet them:D
I finally got the w32.Blaster worm today, I'm surprised it took this long to get it, most of the rest of the people I know have caught it already, at least, the ones that didn't install the patch have. I've had the patch installer on my PC for weeks now, I've just been too lazy to install it lol. The annoying thing is, It infected me when I was in the middle of a game of RA2 with Michelle, now I don't have much time to play games these days, and I manage to get the virus during one of the few times I do play, God really hates me lol.
Later on, I played RA2 for a good while with Michelle, it was me and her against 4 AI's. It was fun, I built a nice big base, captured lots of oil derricks, built up a nice big attack force and blew lots of stuff up adn Michelle..she sort of...sat there...doing very little (She's gonna kill me when se reads that lol, better start equipping the armour now). Nah, I think she blew up a few things, not sure tho:P *Gets kicked in the nuts by Michelle* Uhh...of course, what I ment to say, was that she was a great help, I couldn't have done it without her...*hides*
She's got me hocked on Outlook Express. Before, I just used regular IE to check my mail, I tried using outlook before, but that was outlook 2000, which doesn't support hotmail, I didn't know OE did untill she happened to mention it. How dumb are MS? The version of outlook that you pay for doesn't work with hotmail, yet the free version of it does...
I fiddled for about 20mins to get it to work with my Yahoo account, but I was having problems, as it turns out, Yahoo doesn't let you do that for free, silly bastards. It's no big deal, that's my spam account, I only use it to register with a place that I reckon will send me spam, so I don't get any, I never check that account, I can't be arsed to delete 300+ e-mails every day lol.
Vlad was talking to me on msn tonight, he's aparantly going to send someone around to strangle me outside my school. Heck, I aint scared of empty threats, I even told him the name of my school and when I'll be there (It's St. Malachy's college, Belfast, you can get the address at their site, I'll be there Mon-Fri, 9-3:30 except on friday when we get out at 3, I think) so come on Vlad, send "tha" boys around, I can't wait to meet them:D
Fuck fuck fuck
That's a lot of fucks, huh?
Well, due to my dad being an ass last night, I couldn't update you on yesterday's events, so here it is now, I'll update you all later on with todays events as well.
As it turns out, remember that guy from work who's name I didn't know, that I referred to as "Pete"? Well, his name really IS Pete...freeky.
Speaking of work, I just phoned them to tell them that I wont be in for the rest of the week, cuz quite frankly, I couldn't be fucked working there any more, especially since my dad wants 75% of my Pay for "housekeeping" meaning I'm effectively only getting paid £1.05 an hour, which fucking sucks.
Oh and guess what? Remember Nozzy? that little fuckwit that pissed me off so much? He's done it again. He made a comment about Michelle on the RenAlert forum and I asked him to change it 3 times, but instead, he just made the comment worse, so fuck him. He had no reason to call her anything, she hadn't even posted on that forum, in fact, she hadn't said anything about him, he was just being a dick. I don't care what people say, I'm not going to let anyone say anything bad about Michelle, especially Nozzy.
After that and Michelle decided to have a 1on1 arse about on Ren for a bit, only this time, there was a catch - we were both using that big Ren hack that puts all of the guns on steroids (A flamethrower can take out a building from the outside in less than 1 second). Damn, that was funny. The only problem is, when you use a gunner (The guy with the rocket launcher) he shots like 999 rockets in about 3 seconds, which is way too much for my crappy machine to handle lol.
I would have updated you all on this last night, but my Dad was acting like an arse "It's 1 in the morning! It's far too late to be up, go to bed NOW!" he wouldn't even give me 5mins to finish off anything I was doing (in other words, update this). And that was going to be my one night off this week, my one night where I could actually stay up late with Michelle, one of the few things I actually look forward to, and he went and fucked that up. That's yet another reason why I quit the Job, and he'll never know, cuz I can just make up some excuse about them not wanting me cuz I will be back at school or something. Fuck it. I'm not going to work like 40 hours a week for a measly £40 anyway....
Well, due to my dad being an ass last night, I couldn't update you on yesterday's events, so here it is now, I'll update you all later on with todays events as well.
As it turns out, remember that guy from work who's name I didn't know, that I referred to as "Pete"? Well, his name really IS Pete...freeky.
Speaking of work, I just phoned them to tell them that I wont be in for the rest of the week, cuz quite frankly, I couldn't be fucked working there any more, especially since my dad wants 75% of my Pay for "housekeeping" meaning I'm effectively only getting paid £1.05 an hour, which fucking sucks.
Oh and guess what? Remember Nozzy? that little fuckwit that pissed me off so much? He's done it again. He made a comment about Michelle on the RenAlert forum and I asked him to change it 3 times, but instead, he just made the comment worse, so fuck him. He had no reason to call her anything, she hadn't even posted on that forum, in fact, she hadn't said anything about him, he was just being a dick. I don't care what people say, I'm not going to let anyone say anything bad about Michelle, especially Nozzy.
After that and Michelle decided to have a 1on1 arse about on Ren for a bit, only this time, there was a catch - we were both using that big Ren hack that puts all of the guns on steroids (A flamethrower can take out a building from the outside in less than 1 second). Damn, that was funny. The only problem is, when you use a gunner (The guy with the rocket launcher) he shots like 999 rockets in about 3 seconds, which is way too much for my crappy machine to handle lol.
I would have updated you all on this last night, but my Dad was acting like an arse "It's 1 in the morning! It's far too late to be up, go to bed NOW!" he wouldn't even give me 5mins to finish off anything I was doing (in other words, update this). And that was going to be my one night off this week, my one night where I could actually stay up late with Michelle, one of the few things I actually look forward to, and he went and fucked that up. That's yet another reason why I quit the Job, and he'll never know, cuz I can just make up some excuse about them not wanting me cuz I will be back at school or something. Fuck it. I'm not going to work like 40 hours a week for a measly £40 anyway....
Monday, 25 August 2003
How is it your parents always know?
Something really weird happened today. Well, I havn't been eating much lately (Don't worry, I still eat plenty, just not as much as usual). Well, anyway, my dad asked me if I was feeling alright, cuz I didn't eat much of my dinner, I said I was fine, and after a brief pause he said to me "Are you in love or something?". Naturally, I just burst out laughing saying "Dad, that's one of the dumbest things I've ever herd". He just sort of grunted and walked off. Oh, if only he knew....
While in work today, I was stuck with this guy all day, we were talking for ages, he's a friendly guy, but what really pissed me off was the fact that he knew my name, but I didn't have a clue as to what his name was. In fact, that guy's been talking to me since Day 1 and I still don't know his name lol, I'd look like such a tard if I asked him what it was, cuz chances are, he's already told me like a million times, but my mind's most likely been on other things (Michelle :P). Work tomorrow again, that guy (Let's just call him Pete for now lol) will probably be there, if I catch him at the right time, maybe I can see him sign his name on the sheet we have to sign when we enter the warehouse. Speaking of work, we got out at 14:15 instead of 16:00 today, so I was chuffed with that, hopefully the same will happen tomorrow. Off on Wednesday, back thursday, then it's school on Friday for like 1 and a half hours. That reminds me, I'm down for working on friday, but cuz of School, I wont be able to make it, I must phone them tomorrow to let them know...maybe I'll try to get out of thursday as well >:D
While in work today, I was stuck with this guy all day, we were talking for ages, he's a friendly guy, but what really pissed me off was the fact that he knew my name, but I didn't have a clue as to what his name was. In fact, that guy's been talking to me since Day 1 and I still don't know his name lol, I'd look like such a tard if I asked him what it was, cuz chances are, he's already told me like a million times, but my mind's most likely been on other things (Michelle :P). Work tomorrow again, that guy (Let's just call him Pete for now lol) will probably be there, if I catch him at the right time, maybe I can see him sign his name on the sheet we have to sign when we enter the warehouse. Speaking of work, we got out at 14:15 instead of 16:00 today, so I was chuffed with that, hopefully the same will happen tomorrow. Off on Wednesday, back thursday, then it's school on Friday for like 1 and a half hours. That reminds me, I'm down for working on friday, but cuz of School, I wont be able to make it, I must phone them tomorrow to let them know...maybe I'll try to get out of thursday as well >:D
Sunday, 24 August 2003
Well, guess what happened today? Nope, that didn't happen. Nope, not that either. Want me to tell you what happened? Ok, here it goes: Nothing.
That's right, today was a pretty boring day, very little happened. Sorry to disappoint you all:P
Um...c'mon something interesting must have happened to me....hmm...nope, guess not. Oh! I DID have a bowl of ice cream with 2, that's right 2, different types of ice cream in it...and some chocolate suace...but um...apart from that? Nope, nothing happened....
I'm getting really pissed off with my stepmum (Well, I say stepmum, but she's not really, she's still my dad's gf, but they've been together so long, I figured I may as well call her that, saves a lot of time as well). I hate her, I really do, she's always trying to land me in shit whenever she can, for example, one day I was talking to her about movies, like what ones she like and what ones I like. I just happened to say that her kind of films arn't my kind of films, so what does she do? She waits untill later on when I'm not around and goes to my dad and starts this whole "Steve blatantly insulted me!" thing. Of course, when I herd about it the next day, I was like "WTF?" cuz my dad was in the room at the time and he didn't see anything wrong with it, but of course, because she got upset, I must have done something, so he immediately took her side and began shouting at me. That was about a year ago that happened, and I still hate her for it, cuz she does stuff like that ALL the time.
More than that, she acts as if I don't even exist. For example, me, her and my dad were in a room talking today, when she turned around to my dad and said things like "Why doesn't Steve do this?" or "Wouldn't it be a good idea for Steve to do this?" and stuff like that, and I'm thinking "Excuse me! I'm right fucking here!" but if I said anything, later on she would have put on the waterworks and my Dad would have (as always) taken her side...
Well, I'm finished my little rant for now, work tomorrow again, so it's off to bed for me, good night.
That's right, today was a pretty boring day, very little happened. Sorry to disappoint you all:P
Um...c'mon something interesting must have happened to me....hmm...nope, guess not. Oh! I DID have a bowl of ice cream with 2, that's right 2, different types of ice cream in it...and some chocolate suace...but um...apart from that? Nope, nothing happened....
I'm getting really pissed off with my stepmum (Well, I say stepmum, but she's not really, she's still my dad's gf, but they've been together so long, I figured I may as well call her that, saves a lot of time as well). I hate her, I really do, she's always trying to land me in shit whenever she can, for example, one day I was talking to her about movies, like what ones she like and what ones I like. I just happened to say that her kind of films arn't my kind of films, so what does she do? She waits untill later on when I'm not around and goes to my dad and starts this whole "Steve blatantly insulted me!" thing. Of course, when I herd about it the next day, I was like "WTF?" cuz my dad was in the room at the time and he didn't see anything wrong with it, but of course, because she got upset, I must have done something, so he immediately took her side and began shouting at me. That was about a year ago that happened, and I still hate her for it, cuz she does stuff like that ALL the time.
More than that, she acts as if I don't even exist. For example, me, her and my dad were in a room talking today, when she turned around to my dad and said things like "Why doesn't Steve do this?" or "Wouldn't it be a good idea for Steve to do this?" and stuff like that, and I'm thinking "Excuse me! I'm right fucking here!" but if I said anything, later on she would have put on the waterworks and my Dad would have (as always) taken her side...
Well, I'm finished my little rant for now, work tomorrow again, so it's off to bed for me, good night.
Saturday, 23 August 2003
In a Binary Bind
Well, work wasn't too bad today, I only had to work 7 of the 8 hours, but I got paid the full time, cuz of what happened yesterday. The day went pretty quickly, I guess when you reach a certain level of tiredness, everything just flys by....
This stuff with arm-ent never seems to end. Apparently, Vlad and some of the rest of the old execs are getting together to start a new company, one where they actually make a profit (You herd it here first, people!). Apparently, the whole Vlad going crazy thing was just a ruse to make this more of a surprise. Well, I (Wait for the shock!) wish them well, Vlad may have acted like a 'tard, but the rest of the execs are all good people.
Michelle found this rather nifty site today:
It's a Binary translator, which, although quite useless, is fun to mess around with. We had a bit of a conversation going with it, it was fun.
Well, I've been working all week, I'm very very tired, time for bed, good night all, but to give you something to do, here, translate this:
P.S. 0100100100100000011011000110111101110110011001010010000001001101011010010110001101101000011001010110110001101100011001010011101000101001
This stuff with arm-ent never seems to end. Apparently, Vlad and some of the rest of the old execs are getting together to start a new company, one where they actually make a profit (You herd it here first, people!). Apparently, the whole Vlad going crazy thing was just a ruse to make this more of a surprise. Well, I (Wait for the shock!) wish them well, Vlad may have acted like a 'tard, but the rest of the execs are all good people.
Michelle found this rather nifty site today:
It's a Binary translator, which, although quite useless, is fun to mess around with. We had a bit of a conversation going with it, it was fun.
Well, I've been working all week, I'm very very tired, time for bed, good night all, but to give you something to do, here, translate this:
P.S. 0100100100100000011011000110111101110110011001010010000001001101011010010110001101101000011001010110110001101100011001010011101000101001
Friday, 22 August 2003
One of those days....
Well, I got off to a great start today, I slept in, so i had to get a Taxi to work to make it on time....only to be told when I got there that they no longer needed me. So I go home only to be phoned a few hours later asking me why I wasn't at work. As it turns out, someone at the factory screwed up. To make up for the work I wasn't able to do today....I have to go in tomorrow. So much for the weekend off I was looking forward to so much...
If they tell me to work on Sunday, I'll be telling them to go and Fuck themselves, so to speak. On a slightly brighter note, my first pay cheque arrived today - £102, not too shabby.
Since I had nothing else planned, I decided to go and pick up a few things for school, like some new shoes (Yes, now we all get to hear about Kushan shoe-shopping! Hurray). Don't worry, I knew exactly what I wanted, I was in and out of the shoe shop in less than 5mins. I can't stand them places anyway, they always give me the creeps. Especially cuz there's ALWAYS some old granny or some young 6 year old kid in them. I'm serious, next time you're in a shoe shop, look around, there's always one or the other...
My dad got ahold of an old PC so he could play Red Alert without bothering me. It's a shite system, Win98, 233Mhz AMD K6, 128Mb RAM, 8GB HDD and a PCI ATI Fury II+. Problem is, I can't get Red Alert to run on the damn thing, it keeps saying something about being unable to allocate the Video Buffer. I looked it up, aparantly, this can be fixed by updating DirectX and the GFX xard drivers. Problem is, I HAVE updated DX (Version 9) and I got the latest versiob of the ATI drivers for that card, but I still keep getting the same error and it's really pissing me off. So as you can see, it's been one of those days, and I was in a bad mood. that's right WAS in a bad mood, but I'm happy now, do you know why? Because of Michelle, that's why. I dunno how she does it, but no matter how down I'm feeling, she always manages to cheer me up, just by talking to me. Everyone needs someone like that, someone to cheer you up when you're feeling shitty, It's weird, I've only really known her for about 2 months now, yet I can't imagine what it'd be like if she wasn't there, I mean, for a start, she's the only person I know that usually stays up later than me when I stay up late (Usually to about 4:15am, sometimes later, to about 6), yet she's usually up before I am and she's on the same frigging Time-zone as me! I dunno how the hell she does it, I wish I knew her secret, cuz I could sre go for some energy right about now (Been working since tuesday, I still count today cuz I still got up really early).
Oh well, School's back as of next friday, and I'm only gonna work sundays from here on in (Sunday = double pay) cuz there's no fricking way I is getting up before I want to 7 days a week!
If they tell me to work on Sunday, I'll be telling them to go and Fuck themselves, so to speak. On a slightly brighter note, my first pay cheque arrived today - £102, not too shabby.
Since I had nothing else planned, I decided to go and pick up a few things for school, like some new shoes (Yes, now we all get to hear about Kushan shoe-shopping! Hurray). Don't worry, I knew exactly what I wanted, I was in and out of the shoe shop in less than 5mins. I can't stand them places anyway, they always give me the creeps. Especially cuz there's ALWAYS some old granny or some young 6 year old kid in them. I'm serious, next time you're in a shoe shop, look around, there's always one or the other...
My dad got ahold of an old PC so he could play Red Alert without bothering me. It's a shite system, Win98, 233Mhz AMD K6, 128Mb RAM, 8GB HDD and a PCI ATI Fury II+. Problem is, I can't get Red Alert to run on the damn thing, it keeps saying something about being unable to allocate the Video Buffer. I looked it up, aparantly, this can be fixed by updating DirectX and the GFX xard drivers. Problem is, I HAVE updated DX (Version 9) and I got the latest versiob of the ATI drivers for that card, but I still keep getting the same error and it's really pissing me off. So as you can see, it's been one of those days, and I was in a bad mood. that's right WAS in a bad mood, but I'm happy now, do you know why? Because of Michelle, that's why. I dunno how she does it, but no matter how down I'm feeling, she always manages to cheer me up, just by talking to me. Everyone needs someone like that, someone to cheer you up when you're feeling shitty, It's weird, I've only really known her for about 2 months now, yet I can't imagine what it'd be like if she wasn't there, I mean, for a start, she's the only person I know that usually stays up later than me when I stay up late (Usually to about 4:15am, sometimes later, to about 6), yet she's usually up before I am and she's on the same frigging Time-zone as me! I dunno how the hell she does it, I wish I knew her secret, cuz I could sre go for some energy right about now (Been working since tuesday, I still count today cuz I still got up really early).
Oh well, School's back as of next friday, and I'm only gonna work sundays from here on in (Sunday = double pay) cuz there's no fricking way I is getting up before I want to 7 days a week!
Thursday, 21 August 2003
More results
The rest of my GCSE results are in, they are as follows:
Geography - B
Religion - C
German - D
So in total, that's 1A, 5B's 3C's and 1 D, not too bad if I do say so myself:D
Problem is, tho, most of my friends arn't getting back, which blows big time, my best friend aint even getting back. My second best friend is one C short of getting back, he needs to see the Principal on monday, there's a chance they'll accept him, I hope they do, he's a good friend (A bit fucked up, tho, HE calls himself Kirsty, a shoe-loving hippie from Glasgow...). As Crazy as he is, he's a really good mate, he'd better get back! lol.
Michelle was looking at new computers today. Now, when most people wanna buy a new one, they go to Mesh, or Dell or whatever, she goes here...:;$sessionid$D41A1SOJYASB3AMTHLUSSNUBSM3OSKXO?cid=70636
I swear, I thought I was Crazy when it came to dreaming up Kick-ass PC's, but she out-classed me by a mile....
Oh, if you have some spare time, go check out the new part of my site ( It's all the stuff that appeared cuz of that thing I had with arm-ent.
Oh, that reminds me, arm-ent is officially gone now. Vlad's "official" reason for closing it was that the community was dead, but the fact that the other editing sources and stuff are still going, plus the fact that most of the really good Mods left arm-ent, has led some people to think differently...yes, they're all blaming me:D
Last day at work for the week tomorrow! Hurrah! I'll finally be able to stay up late with Michelle again for a few days, which, for some really odd reason, I actually look forward to, even tho she has a habit of randomly wandering off to play GTA3 or whatever, but I don't care, as long as she enjoys herself.
Geography - B
Religion - C
German - D
So in total, that's 1A, 5B's 3C's and 1 D, not too bad if I do say so myself:D
Problem is, tho, most of my friends arn't getting back, which blows big time, my best friend aint even getting back. My second best friend is one C short of getting back, he needs to see the Principal on monday, there's a chance they'll accept him, I hope they do, he's a good friend (A bit fucked up, tho, HE calls himself Kirsty, a shoe-loving hippie from Glasgow...). As Crazy as he is, he's a really good mate, he'd better get back! lol.
Michelle was looking at new computers today. Now, when most people wanna buy a new one, they go to Mesh, or Dell or whatever, she goes here...:;$sessionid$D41A1SOJYASB3AMTHLUSSNUBSM3OSKXO?cid=70636
I swear, I thought I was Crazy when it came to dreaming up Kick-ass PC's, but she out-classed me by a mile....
Oh, if you have some spare time, go check out the new part of my site ( It's all the stuff that appeared cuz of that thing I had with arm-ent.
Oh, that reminds me, arm-ent is officially gone now. Vlad's "official" reason for closing it was that the community was dead, but the fact that the other editing sources and stuff are still going, plus the fact that most of the really good Mods left arm-ent, has led some people to think differently...yes, they're all blaming me:D
Last day at work for the week tomorrow! Hurrah! I'll finally be able to stay up late with Michelle again for a few days, which, for some really odd reason, I actually look forward to, even tho she has a habit of randomly wandering off to play GTA3 or whatever, but I don't care, as long as she enjoys herself.
Wednesday, 20 August 2003
When the Fire alarm goes off, you're supposed to run...who would have guessed?
Well, nothing special really happened today, the most exciting thing was when the Fire alarm at work went off. Problem is, I didn't know it was the fire alarm, cuz there's a few machines in the warehouse and they all make ringing noises and stuff when they're stoping/starting, so at first I just assumed it was another one of those. Then after about 20seconds, I was thinking "What the hell? that's weird, the alarm things usually only last a few seconds.." then after a bit of thought, I thought I'd ask someone about it, but when I looked around, no-one was about, which was also weird, cuz they'res always 4 or 5 other people around where I work. It only dawned on me what it was just as I saw this security gurad dude run around the corner, I was about to head for an exit when he said "Oi! the fire alarm has been activated...GET THE FUCK OUT NOW!!!!" I got the idea. Oh well, it was a false alarm anyway, it turns out one of the builders lit up a cig on his break when he shouldn't have (He was directly under a smoke detector at the time, silly bastard lol).
Tuesday, 19 August 2003
"The results are in and the Winner is..."
Well, I got some of my GCSE results today, I've still to get a few more, they wont arrive 'till thursday. Anyway, here they are!
Additional maths - C (Plus B from last year)
English - C
Eng. Lit. - B
Double award science - BB (It's worth 2, so that's 2 B's)
I.C.T. - A
The one's I have left to get are: German (Reckon I failed it) Religion (C or B I think) and Geography (Possible B, most likely a C)
I'm really happy with them, I've already got enough to get back to school and I'm still waiting for more, go me! And my cool bro has promised to send me £20 for every A and £10 for every B I get, so that's about £60 so far:D
Overall, today wasn't a bad day, nothing special happened apart from the results that came. I had to go to some party for a family friend's 70th birthday, which was Kinda boring, I spent most of the time making little animals out of the Cocktail sausages...the highlight of the evening was when I threw a mini chocolate eclair at my dad when he wasn't looking and my (evil) stepmom got the blame, and that was fun to watch...School starts for me on Friday the 29th, it'll be fun to see who all got back and who didn't, cuz I can think of a bunch of waster people who I'll be glad to never have to look at agian. These are the kinda people that make Aircraftkiller look like Tinky Winky...
Work again tomorrow, I'm working 'till (and including) Friday, which really blows, to make it worse, they're all that shitty 8-4 shift that I hate so much, but with a bit of luck, it will be slow and they'll send us all home early tomorrow. I hope.
Additional maths - C (Plus B from last year)
English - C
Eng. Lit. - B
Double award science - BB (It's worth 2, so that's 2 B's)
I.C.T. - A
The one's I have left to get are: German (Reckon I failed it) Religion (C or B I think) and Geography (Possible B, most likely a C)
I'm really happy with them, I've already got enough to get back to school and I'm still waiting for more, go me! And my cool bro has promised to send me £20 for every A and £10 for every B I get, so that's about £60 so far:D
Overall, today wasn't a bad day, nothing special happened apart from the results that came. I had to go to some party for a family friend's 70th birthday, which was Kinda boring, I spent most of the time making little animals out of the Cocktail sausages...the highlight of the evening was when I threw a mini chocolate eclair at my dad when he wasn't looking and my (evil) stepmom got the blame, and that was fun to watch...School starts for me on Friday the 29th, it'll be fun to see who all got back and who didn't, cuz I can think of a bunch of waster people who I'll be glad to never have to look at agian. These are the kinda people that make Aircraftkiller look like Tinky Winky...
Work again tomorrow, I'm working 'till (and including) Friday, which really blows, to make it worse, they're all that shitty 8-4 shift that I hate so much, but with a bit of luck, it will be slow and they'll send us all home early tomorrow. I hope.
Monday, 18 August 2003
"Fuck this, where's the hammer?"
Well, it looks as though arm-ent is gone for good, Blackice can't even fix it, he hasn't a clue as to what's went wrong with it, only Vlad knows that, and he's disappeared, aparantly, he's not coming back, either. Kinda cool, tho, this summer's been pretty boring, when school starts again, It'll be like "What'd you do over the summer?" "Oh I did nothing, what about you?" "Me? Oh nothing much, I just started a revolution which took down an entire network". Heh, not many people can say that.
Our new fridge finally came today (Hurrah!). The thing about it is, it's twice as big as the old one, and above the old one was this old cupboard that had to come out. Well, my dad fiddled with it for about 20mins trying to get it off before he just turned around to me and said "Fuck this, where's the hammer?". Ah the fun that insued...
We managed to get it in, it's installed and humming away nicely now.
I get my GCSE results tomorrow, so I'm kinda nervous, they're gonna decide what path my life takes from here on in, if they're good, then it's back to school, if they're bad, it's out to find a shitty job where I'll be working the rest of my life...>>Insert smilie shittingn himself here<<
Stay tuned tomorrow for the results!
Our new fridge finally came today (Hurrah!). The thing about it is, it's twice as big as the old one, and above the old one was this old cupboard that had to come out. Well, my dad fiddled with it for about 20mins trying to get it off before he just turned around to me and said "Fuck this, where's the hammer?". Ah the fun that insued...
We managed to get it in, it's installed and humming away nicely now.
I get my GCSE results tomorrow, so I'm kinda nervous, they're gonna decide what path my life takes from here on in, if they're good, then it's back to school, if they're bad, it's out to find a shitty job where I'll be working the rest of my life...>>Insert smilie shittingn himself here<<
Stay tuned tomorrow for the results!
Sunday, 17 August 2003
viva le resistance!!
Well, fucking about with Vlad was the highlight of my day, Bear un-banned me cuz all hell broke loose on the forum and they couldn't stop it, and after I was back, it was all good, everything was quiet, the spamming and the flaming stoped, it could have all ended there, but Vlad was being stubborn, as soon as he saw I was back, he just deleted my account, so the spamming/flaming is back again, and more and more people are taking my side by the hour, oh they can be banned, but too many people are following me, Vlad will end up banning the entire network and even then, a lot of my supporters will just re-register, a few of them, like myself, even know how to by-pass an IP ban one way or another Panther is one of those people, damn he's good at spamming lol. One of 2 things are going to happen because of this, either Vlad will realise his mistake and stop all the shit, or arm-ent will go under. I'm thinking Vlad is too narrow-minded for the first option...
The scary thing is, even people from different forums are supporting me, even the folk over at C&Cammo are helping out (Thanks again guys). Ahh, the sweet sweet smell of revolution....
Vlad has just said that he's leaving for good, so I guess arm-ebt really is dead.
Now, enough about arm-ent, it sucks, what else did I do today? Well, apart from a large amount of nothing, I made a few things for Michelle in Photoshop, personally, I thought they were shit, but she seemed to like them, so that's good. Oh yea, we tried using that GTA3 Multiplayer hack thing, but it turned out to be shit, REALLY bad lag problems (We're talking flying cars here, now THAT'S bad), many graphical errors and shit, so that lasted all of 10mins lol.
The scary thing is, even people from different forums are supporting me, even the folk over at C&Cammo are helping out (Thanks again guys). Ahh, the sweet sweet smell of revolution....
Vlad has just said that he's leaving for good, so I guess arm-ebt really is dead.
Now, enough about arm-ent, it sucks, what else did I do today? Well, apart from a large amount of nothing, I made a few things for Michelle in Photoshop, personally, I thought they were shit, but she seemed to like them, so that's good. Oh yea, we tried using that GTA3 Multiplayer hack thing, but it turned out to be shit, REALLY bad lag problems (We're talking flying cars here, now THAT'S bad), many graphical errors and shit, so that lasted all of 10mins lol.
Saturday, 16 August 2003
Day to remember
*Gets shoved in door*
Ok ok, I'll update it now! Sheesh! I've just been TOLD to do my Journal now, so I guess I should lol.
Let's see, well, today started off pretty shitty, Slept in, was an hour late for work, which wasn't good. On top of that, I felt like shit most of the day, kept getting stomach cramps and stuff, which also didn't help.
Well, came home and sat around for a while, nothing much happend, untill later, first of all, me and Michelle were playing renegade, and BOTH of us got killed buy this guy who was getting one hit kills using the pistol, obviously, this was bullshit, so we left. Oh yea, while we were there, this really annoying guy kept trying to chat up Michelle, so I began chatting HIM up, pretending that I was a girl (Hey, it was fun). He took the bait, so when he asked for my E-mail, I gave him Nozzy's ( lol, I hope he adds him, it'll be so funny, and Nozzy kinda deserves it.
NOW the fun part of my day. One of arm-ent's mods, Code Red, is moving to a different network, so Vlad began talking to me, during this conversation, I happend to mention to him that I was more powerfull than him on arm-ent, because the people would follow me, which is actually kinda true, just look a the thrads I post that go against Vlad in some way, in one, I gave two options that ment the same thing, one was "No" the other was "Vlad's talking out of his ass". Alas, more people voted for Vlad talking out of his ass.
So Vlad banned me, because I was a threat to him, because I have more respect than him. He didn't believe me when I told him banning me would be a mistake, but as the forums show, many people are thinking of leaving over it, so in a way, arm-ent depends on me, if too many people leave, then arm-ent will fall. Vlad has already backed down and said he'll un-ban me tomorrow, hehe, every forum needs a Kat. I was actually surprised as to the people who immediately took mt side, whithout me even asking, Grendies, Delta, Michelle, especially Michelle, she spammed like hell lol, damn, it makes you feel good to know there's people who will stand with you through anything, hell, panther even made this for his and other's sigs:
In a really weird way, this whole thing reminds me of Gladiator, the movie, cuz in it, a simple Gladiator (Forum member) managed to become more powerfull than the emperor (CEO or arm-ent, Vlad). Crazy, huh?
One final thing that I noticed, if you search of google for Kushan, this very journal is on the very first page, how cool is that?
Ok ok, I'll update it now! Sheesh! I've just been TOLD to do my Journal now, so I guess I should lol.
Let's see, well, today started off pretty shitty, Slept in, was an hour late for work, which wasn't good. On top of that, I felt like shit most of the day, kept getting stomach cramps and stuff, which also didn't help.
Well, came home and sat around for a while, nothing much happend, untill later, first of all, me and Michelle were playing renegade, and BOTH of us got killed buy this guy who was getting one hit kills using the pistol, obviously, this was bullshit, so we left. Oh yea, while we were there, this really annoying guy kept trying to chat up Michelle, so I began chatting HIM up, pretending that I was a girl (Hey, it was fun). He took the bait, so when he asked for my E-mail, I gave him Nozzy's ( lol, I hope he adds him, it'll be so funny, and Nozzy kinda deserves it.
NOW the fun part of my day. One of arm-ent's mods, Code Red, is moving to a different network, so Vlad began talking to me, during this conversation, I happend to mention to him that I was more powerfull than him on arm-ent, because the people would follow me, which is actually kinda true, just look a the thrads I post that go against Vlad in some way, in one, I gave two options that ment the same thing, one was "No" the other was "Vlad's talking out of his ass". Alas, more people voted for Vlad talking out of his ass.
So Vlad banned me, because I was a threat to him, because I have more respect than him. He didn't believe me when I told him banning me would be a mistake, but as the forums show, many people are thinking of leaving over it, so in a way, arm-ent depends on me, if too many people leave, then arm-ent will fall. Vlad has already backed down and said he'll un-ban me tomorrow, hehe, every forum needs a Kat. I was actually surprised as to the people who immediately took mt side, whithout me even asking, Grendies, Delta, Michelle, especially Michelle, she spammed like hell lol, damn, it makes you feel good to know there's people who will stand with you through anything, hell, panther even made this for his and other's sigs:
In a really weird way, this whole thing reminds me of Gladiator, the movie, cuz in it, a simple Gladiator (Forum member) managed to become more powerfull than the emperor (CEO or arm-ent, Vlad). Crazy, huh?
One final thing that I noticed, if you search of google for Kushan, this very journal is on the very first page, how cool is that?
Friday, 15 August 2003
Top tips
Back to work tomorrow, which sucks, but it's a 7-3 shift, so it's not too bad I guess.
For those of you who don't know (I'm talking to YOU, Michelle :P) if I make a post at like 3am, I'm talking as if it's still the day before, eg, If I say "I'm off work tomorrow" at 3am, then i mean I'm off work that day.
I'm working from tuesday to friday on 8-4's, so that pretty much sucks. Gah, I need to get Plan A into action (Plan A = Win the lottery - only 44million combinations, can't be THAT hard....)
I didn't sleep too well last night, managed to pull a muscle in my sleep, that woke me up and It hurt like hell for a while and I couldn't get back to sleep for ages. It's not too bad now, still hurts a little, tho...
Updated the site a little, added a new background and replaced the bouncing ball on the main page with a space shuttle (It works with the BG). Problem is, it still has the same physics as the balls, so it sorta flies about like crazy, I'll fix that tomorrow, it's not that hard to do (I say that now, wait untill I actually try to do it lol). For those of you who forgot the sites address (How could you forget, you absolute bastard!), here it is again:
I'm gonna upadate the graphics to my own stuff bit by bit, so eventually, my site will be 100% unique and not some pissy FronPage theme thing. I'd make it all with Notepad, the proper way, but to be honest, I really can't be arsed to lol.
Well, it's time to hit the sack methinks (That means go to bed, for the pervertedly minded out there [Yes, that includes you Michelle:P]). But before I go, here's some very handy tips:
If a small child is choking on an ice cube, don't panic. Simply pour a
jug of boiling water down it's throat and hey presto! The blockage is almost
instantly removed.
Manchester United fans. Save money on expensive new kits by simply
strapping a large fake penis to your forehead. Your allegiance is now clear
to all.
Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting
someone else to hold them while you chop away.
Keep the seat next to you on the train vacant by smiling and nodding at
people as they walk up the aisle.
Weight watchers. Avoid that devilish temptation to nibble at the
chocolate bar in the cupboard or fridge by not buying the f**king thing in
first place, you fat bastards.
Save on booze by drinking cold tea instead of whisky. The following
morning you can create the effects of a hangover by drinking a thimble full
washing up liquid and banging your head repeatedly on the wall.
Make bath times as much fun for kiddies as a visit to the seaside by
pouring a bucket of sand, a bag of salt and a dog turd into the bath.
Recreate the fun of a visit to a public swimming pool in your own home by
filling the bath with cold water, adding two bottles of bleach, then
urinating into it, before jumping in.
Girls. Too old to go on an 18 to 30 holiday? Simply get pissed, lie in a
sandpit in your garden and shag every bloke who looks at you over the
Don't buy expensive 'ribbed' condoms, just buy an ordinary one and slip a
handful of frozen peas inside it before you put it on.
Don't waste money buying expensive binoculars. Simply stand closer to the
object you wish to view.
Putting just the right amount of gin in your goldfish bowl makes the
fishes' eyes bulge and cause them to swim in an amusing manner.
An empty aluminium cigar tube filled with angry wasps makes an
inexpensive vibrator.
Olympic athletes. Disguise the fact that you've taken anabolic steroids
by running a bit slower.
Avoid an asymmetrical bulge in your right arm by masturbating furiously
with your left arm too.
Avoid arguments with the missus about lifting the loo seat by simply
pissing in the sink.
Smokers. Save on matches and lighters, by simply lighting your next
fag from the butt of your last one.
Spice up your sex life by trying a bit of 'rodeo sex'. Take your missus
from behind and, holding on tightly to her jugs, call her by the wrong
name. See how long you can 'stay mounted' for.
Before attempting to remove stubborn stains from a garment always circle
the stain in permanent pen so that when you remove the garment from the
washing machine you can easily locate the area of the stain and check that
has gone.
High blood pressure sufferers. Simply cut yourself and bleed for a while,
thus reducing the pressure in your veins.
Heavy smokers. Don't throw away those filters from the end of your
cigarettes. Save them up and within a few years you'll have enough to
insulate your loft.
Create instant designer stubble by sucking a magnet and dipping your
chin in a bowl of iron fillings.
A sheet of sandpaper makes a cheap and effective substitute for costly
maps when visiting the Sahara.
Convince neighbours that you have invented a 'SHRINKING' device by
ruffling your hair, wearing a white laboratory coat and parking a JCB digger
outside your house for a few days. Then dim and flicker the lights in your
house during the night and replace the JCB unseen, with a Tonka toy of the
same description. Watch their faces in the morning!
Have all your shits at work. Not only will you save money on toilet
paper, but you'll also be getting paid for it.
Nissan Micra drivers. Attach a lighted sparkler to the roof of your car
before starting a long journey. You drive the things like dodgem cars
anyway, so it may as well look like one.
A mousetrap, placed on top on of your alarm clock will prevent you
from rolling over and going back to sleep.
Well, time for bed, good night all *waves*
Back to work tomorrow, which sucks, but it's a 7-3 shift, so it's not too bad I guess.
For those of you who don't know (I'm talking to YOU, Michelle :P) if I make a post at like 3am, I'm talking as if it's still the day before, eg, If I say "I'm off work tomorrow" at 3am, then i mean I'm off work that day.
I'm working from tuesday to friday on 8-4's, so that pretty much sucks. Gah, I need to get Plan A into action (Plan A = Win the lottery - only 44million combinations, can't be THAT hard....)
I didn't sleep too well last night, managed to pull a muscle in my sleep, that woke me up and It hurt like hell for a while and I couldn't get back to sleep for ages. It's not too bad now, still hurts a little, tho...
Updated the site a little, added a new background and replaced the bouncing ball on the main page with a space shuttle (It works with the BG). Problem is, it still has the same physics as the balls, so it sorta flies about like crazy, I'll fix that tomorrow, it's not that hard to do (I say that now, wait untill I actually try to do it lol). For those of you who forgot the sites address (How could you forget, you absolute bastard!), here it is again:
I'm gonna upadate the graphics to my own stuff bit by bit, so eventually, my site will be 100% unique and not some pissy FronPage theme thing. I'd make it all with Notepad, the proper way, but to be honest, I really can't be arsed to lol.
Well, it's time to hit the sack methinks (That means go to bed, for the pervertedly minded out there [Yes, that includes you Michelle:P]). But before I go, here's some very handy tips:
If a small child is choking on an ice cube, don't panic. Simply pour a
jug of boiling water down it's throat and hey presto! The blockage is almost
instantly removed.
Manchester United fans. Save money on expensive new kits by simply
strapping a large fake penis to your forehead. Your allegiance is now clear
to all.
Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting
someone else to hold them while you chop away.
Keep the seat next to you on the train vacant by smiling and nodding at
people as they walk up the aisle.
Weight watchers. Avoid that devilish temptation to nibble at the
chocolate bar in the cupboard or fridge by not buying the f**king thing in
first place, you fat bastards.
Save on booze by drinking cold tea instead of whisky. The following
morning you can create the effects of a hangover by drinking a thimble full
washing up liquid and banging your head repeatedly on the wall.
Make bath times as much fun for kiddies as a visit to the seaside by
pouring a bucket of sand, a bag of salt and a dog turd into the bath.
Recreate the fun of a visit to a public swimming pool in your own home by
filling the bath with cold water, adding two bottles of bleach, then
urinating into it, before jumping in.
Girls. Too old to go on an 18 to 30 holiday? Simply get pissed, lie in a
sandpit in your garden and shag every bloke who looks at you over the
Don't buy expensive 'ribbed' condoms, just buy an ordinary one and slip a
handful of frozen peas inside it before you put it on.
Don't waste money buying expensive binoculars. Simply stand closer to the
object you wish to view.
Putting just the right amount of gin in your goldfish bowl makes the
fishes' eyes bulge and cause them to swim in an amusing manner.
An empty aluminium cigar tube filled with angry wasps makes an
inexpensive vibrator.
Olympic athletes. Disguise the fact that you've taken anabolic steroids
by running a bit slower.
Avoid an asymmetrical bulge in your right arm by masturbating furiously
with your left arm too.
Avoid arguments with the missus about lifting the loo seat by simply
pissing in the sink.
Smokers. Save on matches and lighters, by simply lighting your next
fag from the butt of your last one.
Spice up your sex life by trying a bit of 'rodeo sex'. Take your missus
from behind and, holding on tightly to her jugs, call her by the wrong
name. See how long you can 'stay mounted' for.
Before attempting to remove stubborn stains from a garment always circle
the stain in permanent pen so that when you remove the garment from the
washing machine you can easily locate the area of the stain and check that
has gone.
High blood pressure sufferers. Simply cut yourself and bleed for a while,
thus reducing the pressure in your veins.
Heavy smokers. Don't throw away those filters from the end of your
cigarettes. Save them up and within a few years you'll have enough to
insulate your loft.
Create instant designer stubble by sucking a magnet and dipping your
chin in a bowl of iron fillings.
A sheet of sandpaper makes a cheap and effective substitute for costly
maps when visiting the Sahara.
Convince neighbours that you have invented a 'SHRINKING' device by
ruffling your hair, wearing a white laboratory coat and parking a JCB digger
outside your house for a few days. Then dim and flicker the lights in your
house during the night and replace the JCB unseen, with a Tonka toy of the
same description. Watch their faces in the morning!
Have all your shits at work. Not only will you save money on toilet
paper, but you'll also be getting paid for it.
Nissan Micra drivers. Attach a lighted sparkler to the roof of your car
before starting a long journey. You drive the things like dodgem cars
anyway, so it may as well look like one.
A mousetrap, placed on top on of your alarm clock will prevent you
from rolling over and going back to sleep.
Well, time for bed, good night all *waves*
Thursday, 14 August 2003
Crossing the line
Work wasn't too bad today, I guess, the time seemed to go quickly enough, the more I do the Job, the faster it seems to get, so that's good. It still sucks, tho.
Although, I was dying to take a piss all day, I went to the toilets to take one and I herd to guys voices coming from a single cubicle, the first one said "Gimmie it" and the second one said "I can't get it in". I wasn't gonna wait around to hear what else happened. I'm not homophobic or anything, there's just something about 2 guys having sex within earshot that worries me. I'm not saying that that's what they were doing, but I didn't wanna hang around to find out (Heck, they could have been fixing a broken bog for all I know).
I managed to piss Michelle off today, I said something I really shouldn't have said (It's disgusting, so I'm not gonna repeat it) and she got kinda pissed at me, but not to worry, I more or less got down on my hands and knees and begged her for worked:D
Nothing wrong with a bit of groveling every now and then....
Got bored today, so I arsed about a bit with Photoshop/Animation shop, I suck at both, but at least I'm getting better. Actually, my animations arn't too bad, they just look shit cuz the graphics are shit...
Oh, I managed to glue my hand to a table today, Accidentally squeezed the tube too hard, glue shot out all over my hand which was on the table, the glue immediately set and the tabe was now part of my arm. The fun part was ripping the skin of a little to remove my hand from the table....
Off tomorrow (Hurrah!) which is just as well cuz we're expecting a new fridge freezer to arrive any day now (Technically, it was supposed to be here 2 days ago, but you can never trust delivery companies) so someone needs to be here to let the guys in.
Although, I was dying to take a piss all day, I went to the toilets to take one and I herd to guys voices coming from a single cubicle, the first one said "Gimmie it" and the second one said "I can't get it in". I wasn't gonna wait around to hear what else happened. I'm not homophobic or anything, there's just something about 2 guys having sex within earshot that worries me. I'm not saying that that's what they were doing, but I didn't wanna hang around to find out (Heck, they could have been fixing a broken bog for all I know).
I managed to piss Michelle off today, I said something I really shouldn't have said (It's disgusting, so I'm not gonna repeat it) and she got kinda pissed at me, but not to worry, I more or less got down on my hands and knees and begged her for worked:D
Nothing wrong with a bit of groveling every now and then....
Got bored today, so I arsed about a bit with Photoshop/Animation shop, I suck at both, but at least I'm getting better. Actually, my animations arn't too bad, they just look shit cuz the graphics are shit...
Oh, I managed to glue my hand to a table today, Accidentally squeezed the tube too hard, glue shot out all over my hand which was on the table, the glue immediately set and the tabe was now part of my arm. The fun part was ripping the skin of a little to remove my hand from the table....
Off tomorrow (Hurrah!) which is just as well cuz we're expecting a new fridge freezer to arrive any day now (Technically, it was supposed to be here 2 days ago, but you can never trust delivery companies) so someone needs to be here to let the guys in.
Wednesday, 13 August 2003
I have a web
Today was good, Michelle suggested that I make my own web site, cuz there's bugger all else to do, so I did, she even hosted it for me, it's at:
There's only 2 pages to it, and I've spent most of the time adding some cheesy javascripts, like a bouncing ball thing, but that's cuz I have no idea what to put on it...
Be sure to drop by and have a look, it's pathetic, but at least I tried lol.
Back to work tomorrow, which sucks, it's 8am-4pm this time, so I'm kinda pissed, I'd rather do the earlier shift and have the rest of the day off. Oh well, money is money.
Arm-ent's STILL down, I swear, they'd better sort out what's causing this soon or they'll start loosing people, probably to someone like Michelle, too...
Anyway, time for me to go to bed, if any of you guys can think of anything for me to add to the site, leave a comment....
There's only 2 pages to it, and I've spent most of the time adding some cheesy javascripts, like a bouncing ball thing, but that's cuz I have no idea what to put on it...
Be sure to drop by and have a look, it's pathetic, but at least I tried lol.
Back to work tomorrow, which sucks, it's 8am-4pm this time, so I'm kinda pissed, I'd rather do the earlier shift and have the rest of the day off. Oh well, money is money.
Arm-ent's STILL down, I swear, they'd better sort out what's causing this soon or they'll start loosing people, probably to someone like Michelle, too...
Anyway, time for me to go to bed, if any of you guys can think of anything for me to add to the site, leave a comment....
Tuesday, 12 August 2003
Work is a bitch
Work was boring today..again..but it wasn't as bad, the morning seemed to ge pretty quickly, but later on, it seemed to last forever, thankfully, they let us out 2 hours earlier. I met a friend at the place, he was in my class at school, so at least there's one face I recognize in the warehouse.
Lets see, went to work, came home and...uh..that's it really, boring day, but I was too tired to care. Just so you all know, at the time of typing, I have been up for nearly 24hours in a row, so to say I'm tired is an understatement.
Once again, I came home from work feeling like hell, but just talking to the people I know, especially Michelle, makes me feel a whole lot better, it's almost like something to look forward to hell it IS something to look forward to. Heh, I need a life. (If you have a spare one lying around, be sure to post it out to me)
Oh yea, arm-ent's down again (Surprise surprise). lol, Michelle said this the other day when it went down "My bank account's more stable than arm-ent"...
Lets see, went to work, came home and...uh..that's it really, boring day, but I was too tired to care. Just so you all know, at the time of typing, I have been up for nearly 24hours in a row, so to say I'm tired is an understatement.
Once again, I came home from work feeling like hell, but just talking to the people I know, especially Michelle, makes me feel a whole lot better, it's almost like something to look forward to hell it IS something to look forward to. Heh, I need a life. (If you have a spare one lying around, be sure to post it out to me)
Oh yea, arm-ent's down again (Surprise surprise). lol, Michelle said this the other day when it went down "My bank account's more stable than arm-ent"...
Monday, 11 August 2003
Light at the end of the tunnel
Well, today WAS a pretty shit day, the Job I have sucks, it's not hard or anything, just very boring, monotanus and very very tedious, The 8 hour shift felt like 80 hours. Nut it wasn't so bad, for some really really weird reason, which I still can't figure out (Although spinkychan has a theory), I kept thinking about Michelle today. Not in any particular way, shape or form, just...about her, it's hard to explain, and I'm really tired, so I'm not even gonna bother.
When I finally got home, I found that my modem somehow magically uninstalled itself, which really pissed me off, it took 2 hours to find the CD with the drivers and reinstall it.
But it was worth it, despite the fact I was in a bad mood, just talking to a few friends really cheered me up, especially talking to HER...
Well, it's back to work tomorrow again...ugh...this sucks...
When I finally got home, I found that my modem somehow magically uninstalled itself, which really pissed me off, it took 2 hours to find the CD with the drivers and reinstall it.
But it was worth it, despite the fact I was in a bad mood, just talking to a few friends really cheered me up, especially talking to HER...
Well, it's back to work tomorrow again...ugh...this sucks...
Sunday, 10 August 2003
Buzzing like a bee
Hey I'm still in a great mood from yesterday, I hope you all are too, but if you're not...well..uh...I don't care, I'm happy!
It's incredibly hot here, it's been like this for the past few days, and the heat has this effect on me where it makes me wanna do absolutely nothing, so that's what I did today, nothing, I spent most of the Day just talking to people as usual, I forgot to mention it last night cu\ I was so happy, but Spinkychan was in a minor car crash, she's ok, just a little shaken up by it. She went to the hospital today to get checked out, and they said she'll be fine, al she needs to do is rest, so that's good.
I start another Job tomorrow, working in a warehouse pulling plastic off of new arrivals, boring job, but easy as hell to do, so that's easy money, problem is, I have to get up at 4:30am....
So it's off to bed for me, sweet dreams, Y'all!
It's incredibly hot here, it's been like this for the past few days, and the heat has this effect on me where it makes me wanna do absolutely nothing, so that's what I did today, nothing, I spent most of the Day just talking to people as usual, I forgot to mention it last night cu\ I was so happy, but Spinkychan was in a minor car crash, she's ok, just a little shaken up by it. She went to the hospital today to get checked out, and they said she'll be fine, al she needs to do is rest, so that's good.
I start another Job tomorrow, working in a warehouse pulling plastic off of new arrivals, boring job, but easy as hell to do, so that's easy money, problem is, I have to get up at 4:30am....
So it's off to bed for me, sweet dreams, Y'all!
Saturday, 9 August 2003
Lets all do the happy dance!
Ok, today my Bro went back home, which was kinda sad, I prolly wont get to see him again 'til like Christmas, and that's if I'm lucky, but you know something? I'm not really sad or depressed, something amazing happened today, something incredible, but more on that later.
I should have known something weird was going to happen today, cuz like, everyone returned from holiday today, Tox hadn't been on in days and he was on this morning, then Lucy and Tolly got back, THEN Michelle got back, even a bunch of people who I hardly talk to returned from holidays and such today, some of them I didn't even know had gone, but who cares, you're prolly all wondering what the amazing thing is, arn't you? Well, you can wait a little longer, cuz I'm not telling you yet:P
Over the past few days, I've been mainly hanging about with my bro, I do miss him a lot, cuz he's like the opposite of the Fuckup bro, he's really funny and a goof laff and generally just great to be with, it gets me thinking, what the hell happened between My cool Bro (Chris) and me, I mean, John Paul (The fuckup bro) is nothing like either of us, in fact, he's nothing like my dad either, although, I suppose he takes after my mum (In case you havn't figured it out yet, I hate her....a lot...). Oh well, enough about the Fuckup,onto what you've been waiting for, the Big event! Well, first, that girl that I really like, she's told me that I can finally reveal who it was, so for those of you who didn't figure it out, that person was (and still is)....*Drum rolls*...Michelle!
BUT, that's not the big thing that happened today, oh no, it WAS something that Michelle said, tho, but I'll be damned if I tell you lot what it was! That's right, I kept you all in suspense and then told you all bugger all (Bugger all = Nothing)! Mwahahahahahaha! >>Insert smiley giving you the fingers here<<
I should have known something weird was going to happen today, cuz like, everyone returned from holiday today, Tox hadn't been on in days and he was on this morning, then Lucy and Tolly got back, THEN Michelle got back, even a bunch of people who I hardly talk to returned from holidays and such today, some of them I didn't even know had gone, but who cares, you're prolly all wondering what the amazing thing is, arn't you? Well, you can wait a little longer, cuz I'm not telling you yet:P
Over the past few days, I've been mainly hanging about with my bro, I do miss him a lot, cuz he's like the opposite of the Fuckup bro, he's really funny and a goof laff and generally just great to be with, it gets me thinking, what the hell happened between My cool Bro (Chris) and me, I mean, John Paul (The fuckup bro) is nothing like either of us, in fact, he's nothing like my dad either, although, I suppose he takes after my mum (In case you havn't figured it out yet, I hate her....a lot...). Oh well, enough about the Fuckup,onto what you've been waiting for, the Big event! Well, first, that girl that I really like, she's told me that I can finally reveal who it was, so for those of you who didn't figure it out, that person was (and still is)....*Drum rolls*...Michelle!
BUT, that's not the big thing that happened today, oh no, it WAS something that Michelle said, tho, but I'll be damned if I tell you lot what it was! That's right, I kept you all in suspense and then told you all bugger all (Bugger all = Nothing)! Mwahahahahahaha! >>Insert smiley giving you the fingers here<<
Tuesday, 5 August 2003
Twice as nice
Ok, I forgot to update you on yesturdays events, I'm sorry, but STOP COMPLAINING! (Ok, only Grendies complaind, but hey).
Now I am in a great mood, well, I WAS in a great mood, remember that nice PS2 I had? Well, I don't have it any more, as it turnes out, it wasn't my bro's, he took it on a friend of his because he was mad at him, and last night this guy came to the door looking for my bro, telling me about the whole thing, so I confronted my bro and he admitted to it. NOW, that wasn't the end, my Bro then phoned the guy and said all this shit about how he was going to wreck his car and that aparantly him comeing to the door upset me in some way (Well, it did, but I wasn't upset, more...extremely pissed off at my bro..again) so the same guy comes back today and talks to my dad, showing him the voicemail message my bro sent, so my dad just handed the guy the PS2 and when my bro came home, he more or less beat the shit out of him. I enhoyed it.
HOWEVER, i'm in a great mood now because my OTHER bro, the cool, non-fuckup one, is visiting TOMORROW! (Well, today) they didn't tell me untill last night to keep it as a surprise, so I'm happy, I havn't seen him since Christmas (Odd, slightly sad thing, his name is Chris and I do Miss him).
Yosh just had a webcam convo with me and he said "wanna see my boner?" I'll leave you all to guess what happend (Believe me, you'll never guess), weirdo.
Oh, someone created a poll on arm-ent to see if they can get me promoted, if you're bored, then register and vote here:
16 votes to 1 in MY favour, lookin' good:D
Due to my bro being here, I prolly wont be able to update this much, if at all, so don't expect much 'till sundaym the day after he leaves.
Once again, too lazy and cba to spellchec this...
Now I am in a great mood, well, I WAS in a great mood, remember that nice PS2 I had? Well, I don't have it any more, as it turnes out, it wasn't my bro's, he took it on a friend of his because he was mad at him, and last night this guy came to the door looking for my bro, telling me about the whole thing, so I confronted my bro and he admitted to it. NOW, that wasn't the end, my Bro then phoned the guy and said all this shit about how he was going to wreck his car and that aparantly him comeing to the door upset me in some way (Well, it did, but I wasn't upset, more...extremely pissed off at my bro..again) so the same guy comes back today and talks to my dad, showing him the voicemail message my bro sent, so my dad just handed the guy the PS2 and when my bro came home, he more or less beat the shit out of him. I enhoyed it.
HOWEVER, i'm in a great mood now because my OTHER bro, the cool, non-fuckup one, is visiting TOMORROW! (Well, today) they didn't tell me untill last night to keep it as a surprise, so I'm happy, I havn't seen him since Christmas (Odd, slightly sad thing, his name is Chris and I do Miss him).
Yosh just had a webcam convo with me and he said "wanna see my boner?" I'll leave you all to guess what happend (Believe me, you'll never guess), weirdo.
Oh, someone created a poll on arm-ent to see if they can get me promoted, if you're bored, then register and vote here:
16 votes to 1 in MY favour, lookin' good:D
Due to my bro being here, I prolly wont be able to update this much, if at all, so don't expect much 'till sundaym the day after he leaves.
Once again, too lazy and cba to spellchec this...
Sunday, 3 August 2003
The shotgun is always the best.
Has anyone else noticed that in most shooting games, the shotgun always seems to be the most effective weapon? Now, what was the point in me saying that? Well, there was none, I did bugger all special today and I thought I'd say something to keep you all vaguely interested. It didn't work, did it?
Well, I spent a lot of the day playing the PS2, which my brother returned after borrowing it, even though he didn't ask.
I'm still bored as hell, RenAlert has been delayed indefinitely. Oh well, with every release date given, they've come closer and closer to actually releaseing it, so hopefully next time they'll actually do it. This sucks, there's nothing to do, before I met half of the people on arm-ent, I had loads to do, I just never got around to it cuz I was busy talking to them and stuff. But, now that half of them are away, i've got nothing to do, I guess that PS2 came at the right time, at least Devil may cry and Vice city should keep me occupied for the time being untill Everyone gets back from holiday or RenAlert is released (Heh, like that'll ever happen).
Ugh, the whole RenAlert forum ahs turned into a very large shithole due to the n00bs, and that aint exactly helping my depression right now
One great thing though, my friend, the one who was having problems and shit, was in like a really really great mood today, she's getting better each day, so I'm really proud of her. Although, her judgment is a little off, cuz she said that I should be a pr0n star:S
Well, I spent a lot of the day playing the PS2, which my brother returned after borrowing it, even though he didn't ask.
I'm still bored as hell, RenAlert has been delayed indefinitely. Oh well, with every release date given, they've come closer and closer to actually releaseing it, so hopefully next time they'll actually do it. This sucks, there's nothing to do, before I met half of the people on arm-ent, I had loads to do, I just never got around to it cuz I was busy talking to them and stuff. But, now that half of them are away, i've got nothing to do, I guess that PS2 came at the right time, at least Devil may cry and Vice city should keep me occupied for the time being untill Everyone gets back from holiday or RenAlert is released (Heh, like that'll ever happen).
Ugh, the whole RenAlert forum ahs turned into a very large shithole due to the n00bs, and that aint exactly helping my depression right now
One great thing though, my friend, the one who was having problems and shit, was in like a really really great mood today, she's getting better each day, so I'm really proud of her. Although, her judgment is a little off, cuz she said that I should be a pr0n star:S
Saturday, 2 August 2003
Ugh, the boredom....
Bored as hell today, I didn't think I'd miss Michelle as much, I mean, I;ve only known her for a few weeks, but now that she's on holiday, I feel really bored, there's nothing to do, she was always either online or playing renegade, but it's no fun playing it anymore. I was hoping that RenAlert would take away from the boredom, but it's been delayed for a few days. I actually COULD download it right now, I know where it is as well as the pass and all to it, but I dunno, it feels like opening your christmas presents early, which is no fun, so I'm gonna wait.
Damn, I am really depressed right now, hell I was even eating a tub of ice cream earlier today (That's right a tub, as in Tub+spoon+no limit). I just thought "I've got nothing to do...I KNOW! I'll eat this Ice Cream, that'll pass the time" Well, it did for a while, but then it began to fight back, I got about half way down the tub, then it defeated me...I'll finish the bitch tomorrow if it kills me!
On a high note, my friend who was getting used has finally pulled herself together, she more or less told a guy to go and fuck himself today (For a good reason), so I'm proud of her. Apart from that, nothing happened today, nothing at all...
Damn, I am really depressed right now, hell I was even eating a tub of ice cream earlier today (That's right a tub, as in Tub+spoon+no limit). I just thought "I've got nothing to do...I KNOW! I'll eat this Ice Cream, that'll pass the time" Well, it did for a while, but then it began to fight back, I got about half way down the tub, then it defeated me...I'll finish the bitch tomorrow if it kills me!
On a high note, my friend who was getting used has finally pulled herself together, she more or less told a guy to go and fuck himself today (For a good reason), so I'm proud of her. Apart from that, nothing happened today, nothing at all...
Friday, 1 August 2003
Damn, this is popular....
Ok, I know I normally update this at like 3am, but Michelle more or less TOLD me to update it now cuz she's bored lol.
Lets see, what all happend today? I got the bank thing sorted out, so I shouldn't have any more problems with that...I hope.
Apart from that, nothing really special happened, I've spent most of the day hanging around forums and stuff. At this very moment, there's a big flaming going on about ACK. Michelle is REALLY pissed at him, and I can't really blame her, after all, he more or less told her to go fuck herself (long story, if you wanna hear about it, talk to me on msn, but it's really not worth telling, it's just the RenAlert team making things difficult for themselves when they don't have to).
I'm still pissed at Nozzy, but I'm not the only one (Check the comments on last nights post and you'll see). In fact, Darkblade is more pissed than anyone else. Also, one of the threads over at arm-ent turned into a "Flame nozzy" thread cuz one guy made a post about the whole thing lol.
Anyway, Michelle's going on holiday tomorrow, which Kinda sucks, cuz like everyone I know is on holiday, Tolly, Lucy, Nightma12 and so on, plus she's like the only person I know that has an in-depth understanding of Computers...Oh well, if you're reading this, then Have fun, Michelle!
RenAlert gets released within a few hours, so hopefully, that should keep me occupied, and I'd need to get some practice so I can own Michelle at it when she gets back:D
Lets see, what all happend today? I got the bank thing sorted out, so I shouldn't have any more problems with that...I hope.
Apart from that, nothing really special happened, I've spent most of the day hanging around forums and stuff. At this very moment, there's a big flaming going on about ACK. Michelle is REALLY pissed at him, and I can't really blame her, after all, he more or less told her to go fuck herself (long story, if you wanna hear about it, talk to me on msn, but it's really not worth telling, it's just the RenAlert team making things difficult for themselves when they don't have to).
I'm still pissed at Nozzy, but I'm not the only one (Check the comments on last nights post and you'll see). In fact, Darkblade is more pissed than anyone else. Also, one of the threads over at arm-ent turned into a "Flame nozzy" thread cuz one guy made a post about the whole thing lol.
Anyway, Michelle's going on holiday tomorrow, which Kinda sucks, cuz like everyone I know is on holiday, Tolly, Lucy, Nightma12 and so on, plus she's like the only person I know that has an in-depth understanding of Computers...Oh well, if you're reading this, then Have fun, Michelle!
RenAlert gets released within a few hours, so hopefully, that should keep me occupied, and I'd need to get some practice so I can own Michelle at it when she gets back:D
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