
Monday 1 September 2003

"You're perfectly entitled to be wrong"

Lets see, today was quite interesting, to say the least. I noticed something about school, every single teacher I get thinks that their subject is the hardest that I'll be doing. This is what I was told in each of my classes:
Biology - "Biology is the hardest A-Level you can do"
Chemestry - "Chemestry is vert complex, you have to work at it harder than any other subject"
I.C.T. - "More people fail ICT every year than in any other subject"
Business studdies - "Now boys, this is the most difficult subject I teach, it's very hard to pass" the hell? They can't ALL be right! I hate it when teachers needlessly try to scare you into cocentrating in class, the way I see it, just let the wasters waste away and give people like me who want to work an easier time (as well as an easier chance to get a better grade, if more people do badly, people like me get better grades:D) That might sound a bit harsh to you but it's because I've seen too many people with fancy degrees that really don't know jack shit about their Job and how to do it. For example, my dad used to work at this place, where they had highly paid engineers to maintain certain machinery, yet they knew fuck all about it, as it turns out, my Dad, who doesn't have some fancy degree and actually got paid only about 1/3 of what they earned knew more about it than they did. Enough about that, I'm just in a bad mood with myself.
My Biology teacher has a Real big head, he said this to us today "If you don't believe anything I teach you on account of religious beliefs, that's fine, you're entitled to be wrong", now THAT'S one hell of an ego, but the scary thing is...I think he's right:| I'm not a religious man, everyone knows that, in fact, if God does exist and hecame down and spoke to me, I'd end up going on a 2 hour rant as to why he's such a fuckwit and then I'd kick him in the nuts, jsut for being such a bastard.
This just isn't my week, but I aint the only one who's having problems, a good friend of mine (The one who said I should be a porn star lol) is gonig through hell right now, the optic nerves behind her eyes are swollen and the doctors think it's a Tumor....she gets the results of the tests they dd on her tomorrow...and I though I had problems...
Bad day, bad week, everything's just bad, going to bed to try and get some sleep, like that'll ever happen...

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