
Tuesday 2 September 2003

Time will tell........

School was, don't ask me why, but I'm starting to enjoy it a lot, which s good, I reckon it's because I personally picked the subjects I wanted to do, meaning no subjects which I really hate, like Maths or German (God I still shudder when I hear that word). I know the things I picked might not appeal to you lot, but I picked them because I'm either good at them and can pass them without even trying (Chemistry) or they interest me in some way (ICT, and maybe Biology..yes...I'm interested by the stuff we learn in Biology...blame it on Star Trek ^_^), I didn't pick any that are "good to have" or anything, all the ones I do I can handle with ease, for example, I could have done A-level maths and still passed, and it's a very useful one to have, but I'd need to...dare I say it...put effort in...*shock*
One of my teachers scared the hell out of me today, he was shouting at the class (No reason, he just was, he always does, he's one of those people that's always angry, in fact, his nickname is "Rambo" for that very reason) and he asked a question, everyone put there hand up but me, he stared at me and said "What's wrong with your arm!?" so I put it up and then he said "Good. This isn't a democracy, you know!" so I said "Fascist!" (I know, I'm asking for trouble:P) I was expecting him to explode, but instead he stopped for a second, smiled, looked at me and said "Fascist...I like that word, you'll do well in my class, I am a Fascist" then, he sat on the table and began talking to me, about random things, then he started arguing with me, he said I was disappointed with my results, I said I wasn't, then I started getting a little bitchy towards him about it, as in "How can you say that I'm disappointed in them, you barely know me, you can't judge how I would feel just because you would have liked better", and then he said "Are you mad at me? Was I too harsh?" and I'm like, sitting there wondering what the catch is, I mean, any time I've ever seen this guy before, he's always shouting, always trying to show who's boss, yet here I am, probably the most argumentative pupil he's ever got (I'm defiantly the only one to call him a Fascist:D) and he suddenly...likes me...what a fucked up guy....still havn't figured it out, heh, as If I wasn't confused enough these days...
My friend should be getting the results of her eye thing in about half an hours time, I wont find out untill tomorrow what's happening, I hope she's ok.
As for myself, I still feel like crap, things are still going around my head and I can't stop them, if only I had the courage to actually ask Michelle how she really feels about it all...oh well, I'm always telling people to stop thinking the worst, I guess I should listen to myself...

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