
Saturday 6 September 2003

Pr0n r0x0rs my c0x0rs!

Believe it or not, Michelle actually said that about me....
*Looks around*
Ok, good, she's gone off to bed now, I get peace to update my journal, hehe, nah, I'm kidding, she's always great, even at like 3:45 when most people get bitchy...
Lets see here, quite a lot happened today. Some little fucktard broke the window on my Dad's car in the middle of the night, so that pissed him off, but it's no big deal, he doesn't use the car at all anyway, it's more of a inconvenience than anything else.
Then, as part of fixing up the spare room, my dad went to install another light fitting thing, the last time he attempted something like this, he blew every fuse in the house...
Heh, just about everything went wrong, screws didn't fit, wires were too fat, wires weren't long enough and to top it all off, he was missing some sort of bracket thing, meaning he couldn't finish the Job, meaning we were without lights for the night. Not to worry, mains plugs were still on, but no lighting was available, so when it got dark, boy did I have fun, trying to navigate my way around, even taking a piss was a pain in the ass. Also, the only form of torch I had was a Star wars Lightsabre thing. Do you know what it's like navigating your way around a house full of crap while also trying to find the Bog (toilet) with a lightsabre? It's no easy task. And I really did my leg in when I tripped over my schoolbag. And they say school's good for you...
Tox sent me some weird cartoon pics, of like some guy having sex with a 1/2 horse 1/2 human thing, to say the least, it was pretty fucked up. I told Michelle about it and she asked to see it, when I showed her it, she made me go and get more....
My ASCII skills are much better now, especially since I can now do COLOUR ones:D
Here are my 2 favorites so far:

Pretty cool, huh? Oh and they're GIF's so I could post them here and on forums and stuff, but I do have them as *.RTF files as well.
Well, I'm tired, I've prolly forgot to mention a whole bunch of other shit that happened today, but I don't care, I'm going to bed, good night.

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