
Saturday 13 September 2003

Radio gaga, Radio googoo

Did a lot of work on the spare room today, helped my Dad put the carpet down. Now, working with my dad is a pain in the ass. Y'see, he'll have a plan of action, he'll have everything planned out as to what to do, and he'll know what I should be doing and stuff. Problem is, he wont tell me what that plan is, he'll assume that I think EXACTLY like he thinks, so when I'm not doing what he didn't tell me to do, he'll get pissed off. Heh, he must think I'm psychic or something. Oh well, as long as we got it done in the end.
I was hoping to be able to move into the room today, but the local DIY store's wood saw was broken, and before I can move in, I need a heavy-duty shelf thing put in, and without their saw, they couldn't cut the wood to size, we couldn't have done it ourselves cuz it's WAY too big. So I wont be able to go in until next week some time, depending on when their Saw has been fixed. Oh well.
Michelle was DJing on n00bstories' radio today, she played some good stuff, actually, she played a lot of good stuff. She was doing it for about 4 hours, then when ACK came on he was like "It's my turn, I wanna go! waaaahhhh! let me on! waaaaahhhh!" so she had to let him on. Now, any other person would have just got pissed off and aggravated, but what does Michelle do? she think to herself "Fuck it, if I can't DJ on theirs, then I'll just get my own!". So she did lol, it's here: have a listin, some good shit there. You gotta admire her style...
Most of my day was spent listining to her DJing, methinks it's gonna be a regular occuraance from now on^_^
About an hour ago, a friend of mine came online. She's a good friend, I know her in real life, although, I've barely said more than 2 words to her, all the talking I've done has been through msn. She's almost always depressed, the poor girl, but tonight she was a lot worse than usual. They way she was talking, about having nothing to loose, about her not wanting to ber Ellen (that's her name) any more, about how everyone walks over her, and more stuff besides, it sounded bad, like she was on the verge of killing herself, and tht scared the crap out of me, I mean, she didn't say anything directly, but if I ever needed an example of someone on the brink, she would definitely be the one I would pick...anyway, to cut a long story short, I tried my best to cheer her up, I mean, what else could I do? I tried, and it seemed to work, she seemed a lot happier before she left again, but I'm still concerned for her, because she IS a nice person, a helluva nice person in fact, one of the nicer people I know in real life, I'd hate for her to do something stupid. Well, she seemed ok in the end, I just hope it stays that way...still, I've never really talked to someone who seemed that close to ending it before, I hope I never have to do it again...

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