
Sunday 21 September 2003

Hmm, running out of titles...

Can't say I did much today, wasn't feeling the best, so I just relaxed and watched X-men 2, which I've been meaning to watch for god knows how long now. It's a good movie, if you're into that sort of thing and havn't seen it yet, I recommend it.
I was posting a little on the messenger Plus! forum today (was bored, had nothing much else to do) and someone recognized me from arm-ent, which was kinda funky, made me feel like I'd sort of left my mark, I mean, how far did the word that I took out arm-ent spread? At first, I thought it was just the odd C&C network, but now I'm not so sure...
I was talking to panther today, he's convinced me to put up parts of my chat logs with Vlad, I wont put them all up, cuz most of it is boring shite, I'll just put up the funny parts where Either I make an ass of Vlad, or he makes an ass out of himself. (If you really want them all, ask me and I'll send them, but you wont be missing anythig) so if you're interested in the shit he talks about, check out my site sometime next week when I'll put them up, but here's a little taster of what's to come:

| Session Start: 31 August 2003
| Participants:
| ...hear him ... is he still wrong? (
| [ Vortexorial ]------[ Eclipse 5 ] (
[20:10:50] Vlad: your a fuckin dead man walking
[20:11:55] Kushan: I am? Cool, necromancer
[20:14:30] Kushan: So, when did I die? Cuz no-one told me about
[20:14:48] Kushan: Oh, and was my funeral good? I'd hate to have
a pissy funeral
[20:15:08] Vlad: yeha
[20:15:08] Vlad: youll see
[20:21:24] Kushan: Cool, mind telling me how I'll die?
[20:21:35] Kushan: died*
[20:21:48] Kushan: Whoops, still getting used to this whole
being dead thing
[20:21:51] Vlad: u wont die
[20:21:59] Vlad: ure just gonan get mashed up to fuck
[20:22:29] Kushan: Cool!
[20:22:38] Kushan: So I'm a mashed up guy walking?
[20:22:50] Vlad: nearly
[20:30:22] Kushan: Nearly? Aww, that's a bit of a shame

NOTE: Parts of the convo were taken out cuz there's nothing interesting in there and I canged the names so people who arn't farmilliar with my ever changing msn names will know who's who.

Ah well, enough of embarrassing lad, he can do that well enough by himself, I'm off to bed, chow for now!

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