
Thursday 31 July 2003

Nozzy will pay with his Balls!

Remember that nice girl I quite liked? Well, now she knows everything, she knows how I feel about her and it's all thanks to Nozzy, that complete cunt >>Insert very fucking angry face here<< He's lucky she still talks to me, but I'm still gonna rip his balls off. Oh but there's more! Not only did he tell her how I felt, he told just about everyone in his contact list THEN he started getting abusive towards her, calling her this and that, and that REALLY pissed me off. If you live or know anyone that lives near New Hampshire in the USA, get in touch with me, I'll pay good money to the first person to give him a good kicking. If I don't go over there and do it myself, that is.
On the girls request, I am never going to mention how I feel about her on my Journal ever again. so all of you who are going to post a comment, DO NOT MENTION HER NAME! We're talking IP-banning if you do.
Right, lets change the subject before I go on about the many ways in which I'll castrate Nozzy...
Remember that nice bank account I opened? Well, it's been temporarily closed already cuz the dumbass guy that opend it fucked up. Y'see, as part of my proof of identity, I used my birth certificate, which he said was ok, HOWEVER, he was completely fucking wrong, so now m account has been frozen until I can get my Medical card to him, cuz aparantly, it's better as proof of identity than my B.C., which is pathetically stupid cuz it's a shit load easier to forge a medical card than a Birth certificate...this is the same guy who I felt sorry for the other day cuz my dad was giving off to him. Well, I take it back, I don't feel sorry for him, he's a complete tit, if you ask me.
Something (else) really weird happened today, my bro, the complete fuckup one that was really pissing me off the other day...gave me a PS2...out of the blue, for no reason what so ever, I guess that's his way of saying sorry.
Well, I had a lot more stuff to say, in fact, I already said it, but IE crashed deleting everything I typed, so it's all gone now, thank you very much MS, that really put a cap on such a wonderful day. They will pay along with Nozzy. With their Balls. All of them.

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