
Saturday 12 July 2003

Who needs a subject when you've got me?

Today wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, everything turned out peacefull in the end, I guess I was just being my regular old paranoid self.
Back to the topic of my fuckwit brother (The one who thinks he got his girl preggers). He fell down some stairs at work (That's right, work) so now he's putting a claim in and taking a few weeks off, all paid of course. He's not fooling me, I know he's just a complete waster, he'll prolly not even get anything from his claim, he's only been working there for like 5 days now. He's also up in court in september for driving without a Licence, tax or insurance. He was caught 19 times. In one week. Remember what I was saying about him being a fuckwit? Now you know why.
Somone (A girl) asked me to do somthing over the Phone for her (It's VERY personal, so all I'm going to say is this: It's somthing you generally do by yourslef and if your parents caught you doing it, you'd most likely get the "Birds and the bees" speech) I'm really not sure if I should do it, but if it makes her happy, then I guess I will. I have this problem where if I see somone is feeling down or if I know there's somthing I can say to them to make them feel better, I'll try to do it. If somthing I say to them raises a smile, then I feel I have achieved somthing.
I didn't get much sleep last night, I just couldn't seem to drift away, so I'm very tired, so don't be surprised if there's a bunch of spelling and grammer mistakes all through this (Heh, not like my speeling was any good in the first place).
Anyway, enough of my life, go find your own. Go on, shoo!

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