
Friday 25 July 2003

Ups and downs

Well, today has been a load of ups and downs, mainly to do with the computer. First, BT was acting all bitchy, d/cing (Disconnecting, for all you non-tech heads out there) me randomly for a while, then msn messenger decided that it would be fun to sign me out for no fugging reason, THEN it wouldn't let me sign back in again. THEN, for a period of about 5mins, I couldn't access ANY web sites, yet messenger and Kazaa (Yes, I'm still a cheap bastard:P) were working fine. Even as I type this, I'm getting auto-singed out from msn messenger¬_¬. Also, arm-ent has been down for most of the day.
Well, this morning, I was FORCED to get up at 8:30 to register with yet ANOTHER recruitment company *sigh* oh well, I've got an induction next thursday, which means another Job VERY VERY soon.....I hope.
I got my Pay check for the stuff I did last week, £75, not bad for 2 days work:)
Lucy and Tom (Her bro) are going on their holidays (Vacation to you americans) in about 1 hours time, so I wont get to talk to them for 2 weeks, I'll miss them. Actually, no, I'll miss Lucy, I couldn't care less about Tom (j/k).
Michelle changed her forum on her site to phpBB and I reckon it was cuz of me, partially, I sort of suggested it to her and with a little help from Chrimson, she set it up. It's a LOT better than the crappy thing she had before (Which constantly bitched to me about my Pop-up killer) which is good. Also, she made me a Mod on the whole thing and not just the RenAlert area (Which is literally deserted lol).
I'm thinking of going on a renegade rampage tomorrow, dunno why, I just feel like pissing off a bunch of n00bs I guess.
Since I have sort of obtained some form of Job (a one-off induction thing) I'm gonna use it as an excuse to sit on my ass all next week. You call it Lazy, I call it relaxing:D

P.S.: Upon trying to spell check this, it appears as though LJ's Spell checker has died or somthing, I get a page of random crap and I'm too lazy to copy and paste this into word, so you'll just have to deal with the no-doubt numerous errors in this. Remember: Eye tipe badlie...

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