
Saturday 19 July 2003

Ghost Bread

Ok, first thing's first, remember that delightful person "Lucy"? Yes, she gets a special mention today because of what she made me do. At first it was innocent enough, she likes Irish accents so she made me record myself saying something and send it to her. She didn't make me say anything in particular, just random stuff, cuz she like my voice. Then I made a grievous error, I happened to say "I dunno what to say, I'd sing you a song, but I can't sing". BIG mistake. She made me record myself singing...the bitch....(Note, I don't mean that in a bad way, it's just something I say, even Lucy knows that). I swear to god, if any of that appears floating around on Kazaa or whatever, I'm going to get laughed at for years to come....
Something odd happened today, I was looking through my Kazaa (Remember me saying I was a cheap bastard?) downloads and I noticed a song that I never downloaded, nor did anyone else (No-one else that uses this computer even know what Kazaa is) it's called "Mad world" by a guy called "Gary Jules" and I keep playing it over and over, it's not really my kind of song, it's just a guy singing a slow song really, but for some reason, it's stuck in my head...
I had a weird dream last night, I dreamed that I was being haunted by Bread. That's right, bread. I can remember the part where it said "I am the bread of christmas past, you didn't eat me, you threw me in the bin you little bastard!" but that's it really. Crazy shit...normal for me I suppose.
Michelle and I had a laugh on the forum at arm-ent today, y'see, someone wanted her to post a pic of herself and she wouldn't do it. I happened to mention that I HAD her pic and that she was nice looking and I defended her a little cuz people were getting a little abusive about her not posting a pic. Then, another guy said something about me and her "fucking" in a tree. What he didn't know was that Michelle is a lesbian. She then dropped a few hints to see if the guy would twig on, but someone else realized it before he did. lol, he's prolly reading this now. In case he is: HEY RENX! NOW do you see why you were so damn wrong?!?! FOOL! lol. Ok, I'm done bitching about that, all is forgiving. Well, from me anyway, Michelle got a little pissed off at him implying that all lesbians make pr0n movies. Yes, now you know part of the reason as to why I find Michelle interesting....
During the flame war, someone asked why she game ME her pic and her reply was that she trusted me, which really made me feel happy, it's always good to know that someone trusts you
Anyhooo, Piss off, you should have something better to do than to read my crappy Journal!

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