
Sunday 13 July 2003

Kill Microsoft!!!!!!!!!

Ok, It appears my ISP died earlier tonight, I got disconnected and it wouldn't reconnect for like an hour. For most people, that wouldn't be a big deal, but the internet is like oxygen to me, I couldn't live without it (Yes, I really am that sad). I'm mainly in a bad mood cuz I was in the middle of a conversation with someone and it was getting good>:-(
Anyway, I blame it all on microsoft. I have this theory that all evil in the world originates from microsoft. That includes AOL. I want to kill AOL.
***Crazy mad mode disengaged***
Oops, went a bit mad there, just ignore that ^_^
Today wasn't a bad day, apart from that minor incident with my ISP, other than that it went quite well. According to Vlad, from arm-ent, if I act "more mature" he'll make me a peace commander. Pff, like I believe that, I'm mature enough, he's just trying to get me to stop telling him to shut up whenever he gets into a flame war. Heh heh heh, I just can't resist going against people with more "power" than me. Hell, if God himself (IF he exists, still not 100% on the details of that) came down in front of me, I'd still try to piss him off, just because he's all mighty and powerful. Supposedly.
Today is my last day of freedom, my dad gets back from Scotland tomorrow and I start work on tuesday. The magical mystical box factory awaits....

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