
Tuesday 29 July 2003

Animal pr0n...damn, that's just wrong...

Ok, first off, we went to the bank to open this magical account, only to be told we need an appointment, now I was happy with that, but my dad started giving off to the poor guy. So for about 20mins, I'm standing there like a tit while my dad goes on about service in the "god ol' days" and I really did feel sorry for the poor guy, I mean, it's not as if it was his fault or anything...
Anyway, I bought myself a frozen Pizza for tomorrow night, and I couldn't fit it into the freezer cuz the ice cream was in the way....I was so happy...
Well, that's about it for the physical part of my day, the rest was spent on the computer.
I downloaded Bad boys 2 today (For once, I DIDN'T use Kazaa, this time it was bit torrent:D) and it was one of the best movies I've seen in a long time, I defiantly reccomend it to anyone. If you like action, this is defiantly for you, but it also has a comical side to it that works just perfectly, you just have to see it to understand what I mean. Also, the first movie is great too, also worth a watch.
Spent later with tox discussing this site:
NOTE: Before you go to it, you should know that we were discussing how WRONG it is!!!!
It's very disturbing, yet kinda.....addictive...ugh, what the hell? IT'S FUCKING SICK!
Ahh, that's better. I felt ok today, but then later on I felt kinda sick, so I'm not feeling too good, in fact, I think I'm gonna be sick any minute now...
I'm also feeling a little down because of a friend, she's getting forced to do things she really doesn't want to do (Yes, THOSE things) and it's getting worse because she wont stick up for herself, even though she's a lot more fit than your average girl. If I lived anywhere near her, I would seriously have killed some of the people that are forcing her into this shit, but since I live in Ireland and she Lives in America, all I can do is try to persuade her to stand up for herself, she can do it, I know she can, she just needs to be More confident in herself. So far, I think I've convinced her a little, but it wont be enough, I just hope I can convince her more before something else happens....

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