
Thursday, 31 July 2003

Nozzy will pay with his Balls!

Remember that nice girl I quite liked? Well, now she knows everything, she knows how I feel about her and it's all thanks to Nozzy, that complete cunt >>Insert very fucking angry face here<< He's lucky she still talks to me, but I'm still gonna rip his balls off. Oh but there's more! Not only did he tell her how I felt, he told just about everyone in his contact list THEN he started getting abusive towards her, calling her this and that, and that REALLY pissed me off. If you live or know anyone that lives near New Hampshire in the USA, get in touch with me, I'll pay good money to the first person to give him a good kicking. If I don't go over there and do it myself, that is.
On the girls request, I am never going to mention how I feel about her on my Journal ever again. so all of you who are going to post a comment, DO NOT MENTION HER NAME! We're talking IP-banning if you do.
Right, lets change the subject before I go on about the many ways in which I'll castrate Nozzy...
Remember that nice bank account I opened? Well, it's been temporarily closed already cuz the dumbass guy that opend it fucked up. Y'see, as part of my proof of identity, I used my birth certificate, which he said was ok, HOWEVER, he was completely fucking wrong, so now m account has been frozen until I can get my Medical card to him, cuz aparantly, it's better as proof of identity than my B.C., which is pathetically stupid cuz it's a shit load easier to forge a medical card than a Birth certificate...this is the same guy who I felt sorry for the other day cuz my dad was giving off to him. Well, I take it back, I don't feel sorry for him, he's a complete tit, if you ask me.
Something (else) really weird happened today, my bro, the complete fuckup one that was really pissing me off the other day...gave me a PS2...out of the blue, for no reason what so ever, I guess that's his way of saying sorry.
Well, I had a lot more stuff to say, in fact, I already said it, but IE crashed deleting everything I typed, so it's all gone now, thank you very much MS, that really put a cap on such a wonderful day. They will pay along with Nozzy. With their Balls. All of them.

Wednesday, 30 July 2003

Got balls?

I'll explain the title later.
Well, got up today and felt REALLY sick, nearly puked a few times, but I still had to go to the bank, so I went. Everything went smoothly, got me account sorted, so now I can finally cash cheques and stuff. I'll get the hole-in-the-wall (ATM) card in about a week..oooh, I feel so....old...
What does Michelle think of this? That now I can finally donate money to her paypal account. Shows how girl think, huh? lol.
My friend who was getting forced to do stuff, she was feeling a lot better today, and she seemed more confident in herself, so I guess I did better than I thought, which is good.
By the time I had that Pizza today, I felt great, didn't feel even slightly sick, and I got my appetite back, which had left me for the past few weeks, so right now I feel like a million bucks! To make it even better, Michelle asked me to stay up late with her, which made me feel kinda...special:D
We arsed about together testing out a new renegade map. Now, the map itself was nothing special HOWEVER, the buildings and units in it had proper destruction animations, so it was great phun (Yes, I DID spell that correctly:P) to arse about on.
It suddenly occurred to me today that I have a little bit of extra cash to spare, so I'm gonna get myself a new processor and maybe some more ram, at this point, I should prolly thank Michelle for helping me find a cheap place to get it, thanks!
Now tomorrow's plan was to go to an induction, but I phoned up today to find out the times for it and was told that it has been canceled 'till next thursday, so it means I get another day to sit on my ass, w00t!

EDIT: I just realised, I forgot to explain the title, well, basically, in that map I was talking about, when you destroy the Hand of Nod, a large ball can possibly fall on top if you. You'd need to play C&C OR Renegade to understand.

Tuesday, 29 July 2003

Animal pr0n...damn, that's just wrong...

Ok, first off, we went to the bank to open this magical account, only to be told we need an appointment, now I was happy with that, but my dad started giving off to the poor guy. So for about 20mins, I'm standing there like a tit while my dad goes on about service in the "god ol' days" and I really did feel sorry for the poor guy, I mean, it's not as if it was his fault or anything...
Anyway, I bought myself a frozen Pizza for tomorrow night, and I couldn't fit it into the freezer cuz the ice cream was in the way....I was so happy...
Well, that's about it for the physical part of my day, the rest was spent on the computer.
I downloaded Bad boys 2 today (For once, I DIDN'T use Kazaa, this time it was bit torrent:D) and it was one of the best movies I've seen in a long time, I defiantly reccomend it to anyone. If you like action, this is defiantly for you, but it also has a comical side to it that works just perfectly, you just have to see it to understand what I mean. Also, the first movie is great too, also worth a watch.
Spent later with tox discussing this site:
NOTE: Before you go to it, you should know that we were discussing how WRONG it is!!!!
It's very disturbing, yet kinda.....addictive...ugh, what the hell? IT'S FUCKING SICK!
Ahh, that's better. I felt ok today, but then later on I felt kinda sick, so I'm not feeling too good, in fact, I think I'm gonna be sick any minute now...
I'm also feeling a little down because of a friend, she's getting forced to do things she really doesn't want to do (Yes, THOSE things) and it's getting worse because she wont stick up for herself, even though she's a lot more fit than your average girl. If I lived anywhere near her, I would seriously have killed some of the people that are forcing her into this shit, but since I live in Ireland and she Lives in America, all I can do is try to persuade her to stand up for herself, she can do it, I know she can, she just needs to be More confident in herself. So far, I think I've convinced her a little, but it wont be enough, I just hope I can convince her more before something else happens....

Monday, 28 July 2003

Guess who feels like a tard?

I do! I came so close to telling that girl how I felt and I chickened out. It's prolly for the best, she seemed kind of distant today, she says it was cuz she was busy, but I dunno, it's possible she may have found out and she's not happy about it, which is what I feared. Or maybe she really was just busy.
It's weird, I found yet another song on my HD that I defiantly didn't download (For a start, I'd never even herd of it before), it was called Eternal Flame and it was by the Bangles. Now, I'm not particularly keen on this song (In fact, I think it sucks) but as I was listening to it, the words kind of described how I feel right now, I can't be arsed to type the words, if you want to hear it, go to Kazaa or something.
Enough of all this love shit, back to REAL stuff about my was boring, nothing happend...shit...
Apparently, I need a proper bank account to cash the check I have. Now, I HAVE a bank account, but it's not good enough or something, but the bank wouldn't actually tell me why, they just said something like "You cannot cash checks with the account you have at the moment, you need to open a current account". A current account? Now, doesn't the word "current" mean "now" as in "I currently have no fucking idea as to what the hell a current account is compared to my account" or something similar...
Screw the bank, screw Love, screw you all....except you, I like you....

Sunday, 27 July 2003

Still stinks

I don't feel much different today than how I felt last night, which sucks. At least my friends seem to be getting it sorted a little, which is good.
On a COMPLETELY UNRELATED MATTER I was playing Renegade with Michelle for a bit, which was fun, she's pretty good at the game, came first a bunch of times, then she seemed to get a little crap, so I came first:D
Other than that, nothing much has happened today, spent most of it thinking about what I should do about this person, should I tell her or should I wait? I prolly shouldn't say anything at all, I mean, what good could come from it?

Saturday, 26 July 2003

Love is in the air........and it stinks.......

I have never talked so much about love before today, but not so much concerning me as 2 friends, I would explain it all to you guys, but I must respect my friends privacy, whenever it gets sorted out, I shall explain a little more.
Also, I think I've fallen in love myself, but it's with someone that I could never have, so I feel really shitty...this sucks. If I told her how I felt, she'd prolly get upset and most likely never speak to me again, all I can hope for is that maybe she will notice or even grow feelings for me, but that's about as likely as Norway winning the Eurovision song contest (For those of you who don't know what that is, just know that Norway always comes last in it).....

Friday, 25 July 2003

Ups and downs

Well, today has been a load of ups and downs, mainly to do with the computer. First, BT was acting all bitchy, d/cing (Disconnecting, for all you non-tech heads out there) me randomly for a while, then msn messenger decided that it would be fun to sign me out for no fugging reason, THEN it wouldn't let me sign back in again. THEN, for a period of about 5mins, I couldn't access ANY web sites, yet messenger and Kazaa (Yes, I'm still a cheap bastard:P) were working fine. Even as I type this, I'm getting auto-singed out from msn messenger¬_¬. Also, arm-ent has been down for most of the day.
Well, this morning, I was FORCED to get up at 8:30 to register with yet ANOTHER recruitment company *sigh* oh well, I've got an induction next thursday, which means another Job VERY VERY soon.....I hope.
I got my Pay check for the stuff I did last week, £75, not bad for 2 days work:)
Lucy and Tom (Her bro) are going on their holidays (Vacation to you americans) in about 1 hours time, so I wont get to talk to them for 2 weeks, I'll miss them. Actually, no, I'll miss Lucy, I couldn't care less about Tom (j/k).
Michelle changed her forum on her site to phpBB and I reckon it was cuz of me, partially, I sort of suggested it to her and with a little help from Chrimson, she set it up. It's a LOT better than the crappy thing she had before (Which constantly bitched to me about my Pop-up killer) which is good. Also, she made me a Mod on the whole thing and not just the RenAlert area (Which is literally deserted lol).
I'm thinking of going on a renegade rampage tomorrow, dunno why, I just feel like pissing off a bunch of n00bs I guess.
Since I have sort of obtained some form of Job (a one-off induction thing) I'm gonna use it as an excuse to sit on my ass all next week. You call it Lazy, I call it relaxing:D

P.S.: Upon trying to spell check this, it appears as though LJ's Spell checker has died or somthing, I get a page of random crap and I'm too lazy to copy and paste this into word, so you'll just have to deal with the no-doubt numerous errors in this. Remember: Eye tipe badlie...

Thursday, 24 July 2003

Oh Brother where art thou? *Takes out knife*

No sign of my bro today (Peace) so I'm pretty happy:D
Nothing special really happened today, I spent most of it owning all of the little n00bs with Michelle on Renegade. Y'know, you begin to get worried when you spend all day with a lesbian....
Moving swiftly on. Darkblade is the Biggest Irish wannabe I've ever seen, I mean, you can tell a mile away that he just wants to be Irish so badly just by the things he says, like "You silly tub of bollocks" lol. Got to get up early tomorrow (about 8:30) to register with yet ANOTHER recruitment company, so it's off to bed for me. Chow for now!

Wednesday, 23 July 2003


Interesting title, eh?
Anyway, woke up and felt like shit today, felt a bit better throughout the day, but I feel like shit again. Bleh.
I had too cook my own dinner today (Oh the horror that I, ME would have to cook MY OWN dinner!:P), I thought I'd have Pizza. It sounded good, istructions on the back of the packed seemed reasonable. Alas, it wasn't to be, the Pizza was burnt....totally, I mean, it was a lump of charcoal. (Just realised, I reckon I get degrees F and degrees C mixed up, that might explain it) Still, I ate it. When I say I ate it, what I really mean is I chewed it for a bt and spat out the indigestable bits (Which was most of it)...oh well, that's prolly why I feel sick now.
I became spinkychan's bitch today (As you can see from the comments on last night's update) so that give me sothing to do I suppose. What the hell, as long as I can still get her to Kick Darkblade, I'll be happy;)
Lucy finally got a mic today, so I was able to have a proper chat with her (amidst the constant fighting and swearing between her and her brother) which was fun. She thinks she sounds gay when she sings, but she's actually really good, seriously, she should try out for a real band or somthing as a singer.
Michelle did some EXCLUSIVE (for the time being) renders of some of the new RenAlert stuff, just for me, so I'm in a really good mood, she gets cooler by the day:D

Tuesday, 22 July 2003

Family, you can't live with can't kill 'em....

Ugh, my Bro (The Fuckup) has seriously pissed me of today. He logged onto my Yahoo! chat account as me and began fucking around with it, saying all sorts of things to people in the chat rooms. Now, I only used Y! because a friend of mine had to use his mom's Laptop for a while and she wouldn't let him download Msn messenger (Microsoft may be evil, but their chat program is decent) so I only had one contact and luckily, he wasn't online at the time, but I'm still pissed at him. Not only that, but all fucking (Pardon my french, any ladies that may be reading:P) day he's been deliberatly trying to piss me off even more. For example, I was watching TV while my dad was on the PC, I turned over to watch "Monty Python's flying circus" (Great show, funny as hell) and he says "Ugh, Why the fuck are you watching that?" and I'm like "Because it's funny" and he says "No it's not, it's shite" so after about 5mins, he says to me "Why arn't you laughing?" so I simply said to him "Why have you got a 12 inch dick coming out of your forhead?" He couldn't think of anything to say, so he shut up, which is just as well as I was eraady to puch him....Grr
ANYWAY, Today wasn't all bad (At this point my Bro is literally SCREAMING at me to let him on the PC!!! GRR!) I had an actual Chat with spinkychan (She's cool) and managed to get her to hit her BF again(hehe), 'twas fun. Also, I helped Michelle find a bunch of wallpapers for her site, so she was happy. Anyway, I got to go to let my Homosaurus (Thanks for that one, ACK {Long story}:P) Brother on. If he says one more thing to me, blood WILL be spilt!

Monday, 21 July 2003

My cat is in the way

As I type this, my cat is sitting directly in front of the monitor, so I can't see shit (meaning lots of spelling mistakes and crap, so just live with it:P)
ANYWAY, Tonight was pretty shit, all of my friends were really depressed and it got me down a little as well. To make matters worse, a friend of mine got jumped as we left. He's ok, but I'm still a little pissed about it.
Apart from that, today wasn't too bad, I learned that Tox (AKA absolutetoxin) got up to some funny shit in his time, I can't really tell you anything, cuz he'd probobly be pissed at me...aww hell, I'll tell you one thing, he ran naked into a gay bar once....
Introduced him to Lucy, I think she scared the crap out of him, but they seemd to get on well...
She's gonna start her own Journal, I look forward to reading it (And she'd better mention ME in it or I'll nag the hell out of her for complaining that I didn't mention her:P)
Apart from that, nothing special happend today. Well, what do you expect, it's a monday!
Tired, going to bed, g'night all!

Sunday, 20 July 2003

The dreams from which I'm dying are the best I've ever had....

Remember that song I was talking about yesterday? Well it turns out it's from a movie called Donnie Darko, so I downloaded it (Cheap bastard yet again:D) and it was great! It's strange, I don't think I quite understand it, but I still enjoyed it a lot. I have to thank spinkychan for telling me about it, thanks again!
Had a good chat with her today, actually managed to make her kick her Boyfriend, so that's a plus>:-D Although, I tried to get her to kick him in the nuts, but she only went for the shins. Oh well, I guess that must be love...kinda....
Onto other events. Today, for absolutely no reason, someone posted a pic of their cock on arm-ent. I think I've been scared for life now! Now I know how my Friend Josh feels...
Just read absolutetoxin's LJ and he said this "I met...I met Kushan a Few day ago, i think i have found a new friend" then he goes on to say stuff like "That Crazy Irish bastard is fun to talk to" and I kinda feel the same way towards him, I mean, so what if he drinks from a dildo, he's still fun to talk to and stuff, after what he said, I'm in a really good mood, regardless of the "cock" incident...
Going out to "The Venue" tomorrow, it's basically a place where people go to meet with each-other kind of thing, but the crack there is good too (Craic = N.Ireland phrase meaning banter, fun etc. NOT the drug) so I prolly wont make an update tomorrow, but you never know.
Anyway, I hope I have fun, havn't really left my PC properly for a while now, I think my ass is getting a seat groove...

P.S. when spell-checking this, I noticed that LJ's spell-checker doesn't know what a "dildo" is....just thought I'd say that, for the randomness^_^

Saturday, 19 July 2003

Ghost Bread

Ok, first thing's first, remember that delightful person "Lucy"? Yes, she gets a special mention today because of what she made me do. At first it was innocent enough, she likes Irish accents so she made me record myself saying something and send it to her. She didn't make me say anything in particular, just random stuff, cuz she like my voice. Then I made a grievous error, I happened to say "I dunno what to say, I'd sing you a song, but I can't sing". BIG mistake. She made me record myself singing...the bitch....(Note, I don't mean that in a bad way, it's just something I say, even Lucy knows that). I swear to god, if any of that appears floating around on Kazaa or whatever, I'm going to get laughed at for years to come....
Something odd happened today, I was looking through my Kazaa (Remember me saying I was a cheap bastard?) downloads and I noticed a song that I never downloaded, nor did anyone else (No-one else that uses this computer even know what Kazaa is) it's called "Mad world" by a guy called "Gary Jules" and I keep playing it over and over, it's not really my kind of song, it's just a guy singing a slow song really, but for some reason, it's stuck in my head...
I had a weird dream last night, I dreamed that I was being haunted by Bread. That's right, bread. I can remember the part where it said "I am the bread of christmas past, you didn't eat me, you threw me in the bin you little bastard!" but that's it really. Crazy shit...normal for me I suppose.
Michelle and I had a laugh on the forum at arm-ent today, y'see, someone wanted her to post a pic of herself and she wouldn't do it. I happened to mention that I HAD her pic and that she was nice looking and I defended her a little cuz people were getting a little abusive about her not posting a pic. Then, another guy said something about me and her "fucking" in a tree. What he didn't know was that Michelle is a lesbian. She then dropped a few hints to see if the guy would twig on, but someone else realized it before he did. lol, he's prolly reading this now. In case he is: HEY RENX! NOW do you see why you were so damn wrong?!?! FOOL! lol. Ok, I'm done bitching about that, all is forgiving. Well, from me anyway, Michelle got a little pissed off at him implying that all lesbians make pr0n movies. Yes, now you know part of the reason as to why I find Michelle interesting....
During the flame war, someone asked why she game ME her pic and her reply was that she trusted me, which really made me feel happy, it's always good to know that someone trusts you
Anyhooo, Piss off, you should have something better to do than to read my crappy Journal!

Friday, 18 July 2003

Microshite, er...soft....

Well, today was going great until msn started randomly signing me out, usually in the middle of a convo. Once again, MS lives up to its reputation...
I was talking to Lucy, a regular reader of my journal (another interesting person I've met) and she kind of told me off for not mentioning her at ALL even once, so THIS<< is dedicated to her. THERE, YOU HAPPY NOW!?!?!? :P
Downloaded Terminator 3 today (Yes, I AM a cheap bastard that can't be arsed to wait untill its release here and/or pay to go and see it) and it was a lot better than I thought, I was expecting it to be rather shit, actually, but it wasn't that bad, I'd give it 8/10.
Made an arse out of myself when I was playing renegade with Michelle. We were just messing around and she says somthing like "Overkill on APC, don't destroy!" and I'm SHOOTING at it thinking "What's she talking about?" before I destroyed it and realise that she was saying NOT to destroy it...(If you've never played renegade, ignore that whole thing)
Got a call from "work" it turns out I'm not needed anymore, as well as about 20 other guys, somone just hired too many people....
I went kind of crazy today, I tried to eat the fridge (The actual fridge, not the contents) and laughed at my cat for about 20mins cuz he couldn't laugh's the heat I tell you, it melts my brain!
Anyway, I just read this and couldn't stop laughing, it's a little messed up, but you should check it out for a laugh (NOTE: If you're a girl and you have a brother, {yes, this MAY include you Lucy} you may want to get ready for a period of paranoia..)

P.S. it's 4am and I cba to spell check this....

Thursday, 17 July 2003


Today was quite interesting, not because of anything I did today (Which mainly comprised of me sitting on my ass) but because I had a good chat with several people today, especially Michelle (That's one of the interesting people I met the other day) She's a really cool person, the kind you wish to meet every day.
Also, absolutetoxin made a comment or 2 on this log and he added me, so we began talking, my god, he's a nice guy too, has the same thoughts and feelings about C&C that I do and we were talking for a good while. Strange bloke though, drinks coke from a dildo...don't ask.
It's amazing the kind of people you meet online, you just have to hang around a forum or whatever that has people that have a similar interest to you and before you know it, you've got over a hundred people in your contact list.
Didn't get a call from work, so I'm not going in tomorrow (Which is good, cuz if I did, I'd get like 30mins sleep at the most). Screw them and their shit job, it's more fun staying up late talking to random people, especially when they feel they can trust you:)

Wednesday, 16 July 2003 very tired.....

Ugh, today felt like hell, literally, I mean, it feels like a million degrees and I'm not just saying that, it's seriously hot. You prolly have no idea what it's like working in a box factory when it's this damn hot. Really, it feels like hell.
Oh and just now my ISP is acting up. Grr.
Oh well, apart from the longness and boring-ness, my day wasn't anything to write home about, as soon as I got home from work, I literally stuck my head in the freezer. It helped a lot. Still tired, unbelievably tired in fact.
OMG, as I was typing this, I got a call from the place I work for (yes, they phoned me at 23:10, the bastards!) they don't want me in tomorrow, they didn't say why, either I fucked things up or something's happened at the factory. They just said don't need me in tomorrow, they didn't say anything about Friday or anything...Hmm, is it possible I screwed up? Only time will tell...

Tuesday, 15 July 2003

My first day at work....

My first day wasn't too bad, it was long and boring, but the Job was simple. They have all sorts of boxes at the box factory, big ones, small one, purple ones, gold ones, fat ones, thin ones, long name it, they've got it. I mena, they've got Boxes FOR boxes.
Ok, Job = ok, but today I came hoe to find a friend of mine was really upset because her granda may die in a few days. Poor girl, she must be going through hell.
Anyway, I gotta get up at 4am, so it's off to bed for me:'(
Tired, so very tired....

Monday, 14 July 2003

Hey ho, Hey ho, it's off to make boxes we go...

Guess what? Remember my friend Josh? He did it AGAIN! Exact same thing, going around Yahoo chat pissing people off and clicking on web-cams and he managed to find yet ANOTHER guy jerking off. You think he'd learn...I'm starting to think he's actually LOOKING for them....wierdo.
Met a really cool gal on-line today, we were talking for a while, had a bit of an arse about on IRC for a bit, it was fun. It's not every day you meet interesting people, I met 2 in one day:S I was talking to another last night, prolly should have mentioned it but what the hell, in fact, that was the person that I was having a good chat to when My ISP died (Kill MS!!). Oh well. You wanna know the scary thing? Both of those people I met....are girls...scary.
Anyway, I start work tomorrow in the magical BOX factory, I can hardly make boxes...Ugh

Sunday, 13 July 2003

That's what you get....Scarred for life

ROFLMFAO!!! My friend Josh just got scarred for life. He was going around Yahoo chat rooms trying to piss people off (No particular reason, he's just that kind of guy) and he clicked on some random persons web-cam...only to find some guy jerking off...Yeah, serves him right. Dumb-ass.

Kill Microsoft!!!!!!!!!

Ok, It appears my ISP died earlier tonight, I got disconnected and it wouldn't reconnect for like an hour. For most people, that wouldn't be a big deal, but the internet is like oxygen to me, I couldn't live without it (Yes, I really am that sad). I'm mainly in a bad mood cuz I was in the middle of a conversation with someone and it was getting good>:-(
Anyway, I blame it all on microsoft. I have this theory that all evil in the world originates from microsoft. That includes AOL. I want to kill AOL.
***Crazy mad mode disengaged***
Oops, went a bit mad there, just ignore that ^_^
Today wasn't a bad day, apart from that minor incident with my ISP, other than that it went quite well. According to Vlad, from arm-ent, if I act "more mature" he'll make me a peace commander. Pff, like I believe that, I'm mature enough, he's just trying to get me to stop telling him to shut up whenever he gets into a flame war. Heh heh heh, I just can't resist going against people with more "power" than me. Hell, if God himself (IF he exists, still not 100% on the details of that) came down in front of me, I'd still try to piss him off, just because he's all mighty and powerful. Supposedly.
Today is my last day of freedom, my dad gets back from Scotland tomorrow and I start work on tuesday. The magical mystical box factory awaits....

Saturday, 12 July 2003

Who needs a subject when you've got me?

Today wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, everything turned out peacefull in the end, I guess I was just being my regular old paranoid self.
Back to the topic of my fuckwit brother (The one who thinks he got his girl preggers). He fell down some stairs at work (That's right, work) so now he's putting a claim in and taking a few weeks off, all paid of course. He's not fooling me, I know he's just a complete waster, he'll prolly not even get anything from his claim, he's only been working there for like 5 days now. He's also up in court in september for driving without a Licence, tax or insurance. He was caught 19 times. In one week. Remember what I was saying about him being a fuckwit? Now you know why.
Somone (A girl) asked me to do somthing over the Phone for her (It's VERY personal, so all I'm going to say is this: It's somthing you generally do by yourslef and if your parents caught you doing it, you'd most likely get the "Birds and the bees" speech) I'm really not sure if I should do it, but if it makes her happy, then I guess I will. I have this problem where if I see somone is feeling down or if I know there's somthing I can say to them to make them feel better, I'll try to do it. If somthing I say to them raises a smile, then I feel I have achieved somthing.
I didn't get much sleep last night, I just couldn't seem to drift away, so I'm very tired, so don't be surprised if there's a bunch of spelling and grammer mistakes all through this (Heh, not like my speeling was any good in the first place).
Anyway, enough of my life, go find your own. Go on, shoo!

Friday, 11 July 2003

Free at last...for a few days...

Well, as of now I'm free. My dad and his gf have went off to Scotland for the weekend and left me to my own devices, I should be alright as long as the microwave doesn't break. If it does, I'll prolly have to eat the cat or something. I decided to see if I can last the whole weekend without sleep. I lasted 2 hours.
Got revenge today. A guy I know Backs-tabbed another guy, long story, not worth telling. But anyway, we managed to get ahold of the guys password, which he used for just about everything. Needless to say, we had fun. His forums turned into the "I like sex in the ass" forums and we got into his hotmail account, Called a load of his friends bitches (as him, of course) and then deleted all of his contacts >:-)
I'm not an evil guy or anything, but he kinda deserved it.
Tomorrow (or should that be today?)is the 12th of July. Anywhere else on the planet that means nothing, but here in Northern Ireland, it marks the high-point of the summer for Violence and trouble, I just hope it's not too serious this year....

Thursday, 10 July 2003

Keep it in your pants (Or use a condom)

Well, today was different. My Bro told me that he thinks he got his Girl Pregnant. I laughed at him for a full minute. Needless to say, he wasn't amused.
It's strange, I have 2 older Brothers, the oldest one's (Chris) doing quite well, got a degree and everything, whereas the other (John Paul) dropped out of school at 15 and hasn't kept a Job for more than 2 weeks (He's the dumb-ass that forgot to use a Condom). I'm hoping to take after the Oldest one, Chris. I wonder why that is...
Well, the "New" PC arrived. Sort of. Everything came (Mouse, keyboard, Monitor etc.) EXCEPT the actual PC part, the bit with all the bits in it. And the external 56K modem was bigger than 3 DVD boxes stuck together, so I'm a little worried as to how "new" it really is. Oh well, as long as it runs Red Alert, my Dad should be happy.

Wednesday, 9 July 2003

First post....part 2...yeah

Still awake. Oh well, may as well talk a bit more. The job I got is making boxes. That's right, making Boxes. The fun awaits. I start on tuesday, I can hardly wait. That's sarcasm, by the way, a habit of mine.
Something occurred to me today. I don't hate many people, but there's one person out there that I despise, but it suddenly occurred to me today that he's not a big angry Jackass like I first thought. Oh on, in fact he's actually a scared little boy trapped in a Mans body. I pity the guy. Oh well, enough of my rabble, time for bed.

First post

Well, I decided after some thought to start a web log. I dunno why, maybe I've got something to say, maybe I was bored, who knows?
I suppose I should start with my day. I got a Job, had an interview this morning, but for a different one. It was weird, I came home from the interview and got a call from a different Job saying I got it, then 2mins later I got a call from the interviewer from this morning saying I didn't get the Job. Freeky.
Getting a new computer tomorrow (Or should that be today?), nothing special, just something so my Dad doesn't keep throwing me off this one. Never set up a network before, I'll just do what I usually do - do the most likely option, if that doesn't work, shout at it and kick it a bit. It's a fool-proof plan.