
Thursday 9 October 2003


I was abruptly awoken last night at about 2am by my dad...because he couldn't open Internet Explorer...because the pop-up blocker I have kills the window before it even appears...
Now at first you may think that this must have been pretty confusing for the guy, thing is tho, I've had this same pop-up killer for months now, and he knows about it, and he knows that he just has to hold down Ctrl or Shift for a second while the window opens...yet last night, this information somehow vanished from his mind, and because of this, he decided to wake me 2am...
To make matters worse, I couldn't get back to sleep after that, even though I was nakkerd (that means tired, it's NOT a mis-spelling of naked), didn't fall asleep until some time after 5, and then I slept through my alarm because of it, luckily, I wasn't late for school, but it was close. Heh, parents...
Once again, little of interest happened at school, well, maybe something did happen, I'm not sure, I was half-asleep the whole day. Oh wait, I think I remember destroying a CD-Rom drive on one of the Computers at school today (simple really, insert a pen lid and rip out the elastic band thingy that controls the opening and closing of the thing and it can't open...ever...) although, that might have been yesterday, not sure, ah well, the point is, damage was done:D
Tried playing the latest version of RenAlert for the first time today. Turns out, there wasn't a single server, and when I tried to play a LAN game just to test it, it crashed lol, says a lot...
Not much else has happened today, in fact, Michelle's done more cuz she's on some sort of site updating rampage thing, she's done tonnes to her site in the past few days, well, mostly adding a few nice backgrounds (A few...A FEW!?!? WTF am I talking about, she's added a shit load!!!), but since she NEVER UPDATES HER JOURNAL I guess I may as well inform y'all about them. Anyway, go here and have a look:
I've been conned into helping my dad strip (Read on before you get any ideas you sick sick people :P) some wallpaper tomorrow. When I say some, I mean a lot. And I MEAN a LOT.........fuck.....
If anyone asks where I am, tell them I'm stripping, it'll confuse the hell out of them;)

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