
Friday 17 October 2003

I could take over the world....I'm just too damn lazy...

Once again, I'm being told to update, and I'm right in the middle of watching 28 days later, it's been on my hard disk for months, I keep meaning to watch it, and today I finally decided to do it. And It's just getting good, and I'm told to update this, god dammit!
It's been pretty good so far, lotsa blood and stuff, and that's always good:D
Now, on with my day...
Slept for a lot of it, sleeping, in my opinion, is the best way to utilize a free day off school:D
Oh and I finally bit the bullet, as it were, and installed Homeworld 2. It just about runs on my system...just about...and I've wanted to play this game so bad, so I've decided to try, I don't care if it goes at 2FPS in wireframe mode, I'm gonna do it!
I also did the same for Halo, and it's not as bad as I Originally thought, it only really slows down a shit load during big action sequences, so I've been playing that a lot as well.
It turns out that the reason I like Halo so much isn't so much the stunning graphics (Uh..on my system, there's no such thing) or the smart AI or anything, but in fact...because you can pistol whip the enemy. Now, it's not like in most games where you only do that when you have no ammo, but there's an actual button for it, and it's the best thing ever, cuz like, you empty a clip into an enemy, then whack them, this disorientates them for long enough for you to reload, and that's if it doesn't kill them:D
Me and Michelle watched another thing today, this time it was the latest episode of enterprise, it wasn't a great episode, but what the hell, it was fun watching it with her.
Erm...other stUff probably did happen today, but I'll be Fucked if I can remember it at this time (4:11am)...

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