
Monday 27 October 2003

Thankfully, she's not mad enough to rip my balls off...yet...

Well, I went through the whole weekend without updating, and what does that mean? Apart from the fact that I'm lazy? doesn't mean anything, I was actually just too damn lazy to update^_^
Fair amount of stuff happened I guess. Lets see here, I'm still playing Halo, personally I don't see what all the fuss is about, I mean, it's a good game and all, but nothing special as far as I can see, but then the PC has always had the best FPS's (If you mention Goldeneye, I'll personally shoot you). Even the storyline in Halo is nothing spectacular, the most startling thing in the Plot is the "Flood", which are basically other aliens that mutate other aliens and humans into stronger mutated things. And how do they mutate things? With the help of these little slug type things that are really fast and latch onto your face, which is basically a rip off from those things in Half life, which is basically a rip off from Alien, which has no doubt been ripped off from somewhere else...
Played a good lot of renalert too, it's good fun, although it's starting to get a little tedious with only 2 maps worth playing, they need to update more to keep people interested, nothing major, just the odd little post saying "Look what we've got planned for the next patch".
Speaking of renalert, I had a conversation with ACK last night. Note the word conversation.
I guess he's not as bad as I originally once thought, although I think he's a little abrupt at times and a little big-headed, but I guess he's ok when you get to know him a little better...
Half of the people who supposedly read my journal all asked me why I wasn't at school. If they'd read this thing, then they'd realize that I have the whole week off:D
Well, that's all I can think of for now, I'll tell you all some more later as I remember it;)

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