
Friday 3 October 2003

Time for some explaining....

Ok, it appears that a lot of people got one hell of a wrong idea about last nights post, so i'm gonna try to clarify things a little.
For a start, I have no plans of leaving to live with michelle or anything, far from it. In fact, some of you seemed to have it in your head that we were going to get married or something, I mean, c'mon guys, seriously.
Fact is, not much in my life is going to change for now, all it means is that if/when Michelle's son asks about his dad, Michelle doesn't have to tell him that he has no dad, instead, she can say that his dad, who loves his mum very very much, just lives far away, isn't that better?
And in the future, when me and Michelle do get together properly, he will have a dad, not some random Irish stranger guy who hangs around with his mum a lot.
To be honest, I don't care if you understand me or not, I don't care if you feel I'm wrong, that's your opinion, but you people, those who read my journal, you are my friends, and as friends, you should be glad I'm happy, and no matter what I decide to do, you should be there for me, you should back me up, not corner me and tell me how wrong I am, or how upset YOU are that I'm not around as much as I used to be, or that I act differently. I may act differently, but it's because I'm happy, very happy, and if you don't like that, if you don't like how I'm acting now, then you may as well be saying that you don't like me being happy, and if you say that, you're not much of a friend.
I'm not asking that everyone pats me on the pack and tells me I'm doing the right thing, because I know most of you think I'm badly mistaken, all I'm asking is that you respect my decisions in life, and not criticize them.
If this is sounding familiar to you, it's because I've said it all before, many many times, but people like panther are too self-centered to actually read it, it just doesn't seem to dawn on them that I'm happy with Michelle, very very happy, and just because they had a better time with me before I met her, I'm not going to change a thing for them, because she is more important to me.
Some people are saying that I'm starting to get too serious, well, they're right, because I am serious, serious about Michelle, more serious than I've ever been in my life, and maybe if those of you who have a problem with that left me alone about it, I wouldn't have to stay so serious all of the time...

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