
Thursday 23 October 2003

Time for that fuck-off huge update...

It's 2:30am, I'm tired, I've had a bad day, and I want to go to bed, but I have to do this fugging thing or I wont get peace tomorrow. Heh, nah, it's not that bad, and I suppose I should be happy that people take an interest in my life...
Now, where was I this morning before I had to run? Ah yes, I was saying how I think to much. Well, it makes sense, I always end up getting worried by crap because I think too much about them, I mean, for example, I could say something to Michelle and her reaction would not be how I expected it to be, and that would get me thinking, why was it not what I expected? Was there something wrong? Was it my fault? Is she mad at me? It goes on like that, not just with Michelle, but with everything, which is why I always end up thinking that things are worse than they really are, anyone that's read my journal over the past couple of months will know I'm like that, it's only now I've realized why I'm like that. It's all so obvious now that I think about it (Oh the Irony).
So what am I going to do about it? Well...nothing, there's nothing I can do, but more than that, there's nothing I'd want to do about it, it's just me, who I am, so what if I end up getting paranoid over nothing every now and then, at least I can say I take the time to think about other people, something which a lot of people out there need to do more of...
Anyway, enough of the shit talk, onto my day.
School was shit, don't really wanna say why, it was just shit, thank god I'm off for a while:D
Played renalert for a good bit today, it's been a while since I've played a game online, last time was when I was playing Michelle in CS, time before that was probably a few months back. It was fun for a while.
Erm..guess I can't say much else happened, cuz it didn't, as usual. It's times like this I wish I had another forum to destroy:P
Well, I'm finished with my mindless rabble, you can go and get on with your lives now, go on, get out of here!

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