
Saturday 31 December 2005

To all music fans!

Happy new year, everyone! Hope you had a good 2005!

Happy new year!

It's new years eve, so in case I forget to say: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

About an hour ago I got a text message from my brother, it read something like this:


Apparently both the caps lock button on his phone AND the word "please" went missing today.

Now, piss poor manners aside, this seems  like a genuine call for help. However this same person spent £200 on a new TV on boxing day. One that he couldn't fit into his flat. One that he didn't need since he already had a 24" screen in his living room, lets not forget that the aforementioned "Liz" is his fiancé and rather heavily pregnant.

I decided it would be best to not give him the £20. Not just because I feel he needs to learn to manage his money, but mainly because I go back on the 7th and to the best of my knowledge, my brother doesn't have any other form of income due any time soon. The 6th is all too convenient a date, it would be so very easy for him to miss said date and then not have a chance to give me that money because the next day I would be too busy packing and stuff.

So I responded "Sorry, I don't have it". Not quite true, not quite false. While I do have £20 in my wallet, I can't really risk not getting that money back.

His response came quickly:


Seems that Gratitude and Manners are both missing. Maybe the Caps lock key kidnapped them.

Lets hope that this is the last example of the "bad" side to 2005, because quite frankly it was a good year for the most part and I intend on making sure 2006 is even better ^_^

Thursday 29 December 2005

I have a problem...

I  really can't make substantial updates to Livejournal unless it's at a ridiculous time in the morning.

But you all knew that anyway, didn't you?

I suppose I should explain what that was about with me and Carmy. Well, let me say this first, we have fun together. We like each other a lot, we have a lot of similar interests, so much so it's scary at times. It's whenever there's a teeny problem that there is a problem.
It was always little things that would cause arguments between us, never anything really major. It was a minor, silly issue that caused a big argument yesterday, then we both figured that we always argue over little things, so what's the point in trying? Then afterwards we both kind of realised that in the end they WERE just little things, so why get bothered about them?
Obviously there was more to it than that, but that's pretty much the gist of it.

Yes, I know, it's confusing, think of how I feel, being right smack bang in the middle of it! :P

In other news.
I forgot to mention, a few weeks ago I put my Swiss army knife into my Laptop bag for some reason. I can't remember what it was and it probably wasn't all that important since I apparently didn't use it at all and thus it remained in the laptop bag for weeks. Including when I flew from Liverpool to Belfast. Nobody noticed. It passed right through Airport security, with all their fancy little metal detectors and X-ray scans. I found it about a week ago, still in my Laptop bag which I took onto the plane with me. As in ONTO the plane, as hand luggage. It was about half a meter from me the whole time and nothing would have stopped me from opening it up and grabbing the contents inside.
God I love Airport security. Maybe I'll stab someone on the way back just to prove a point.


On second thoughts....

I think I might not be single. Again.

erm....happy new year?

Wednesday 28 December 2005


Kushan is now apparently single.

Well.....happy new year!....Fucksocks....

Sunday 25 December 2005

Damn you, damn the broccoli and damn the Wright Brothers!

Urrrg. I suppose it was inevitable. I've got a hell of a cold right now. Drowsy eyes, blocked nose, a cough that rips a little bit of your throat out as it exits your mouth, the works.
It doesn't help that it's bloody cold here.
The weather forecast shows that it's 30ºF in Belfast and 40ºF in Liverpool. While that may not sound like a big difference, let me put it this way: one is below freezing, one is not. I don't know whether it's the climate or the fact that I was already ill, but I haven't actually stopped shivering since I arrived here. As for the cough, well it's been slowly surfacing over the past couple of days. I have to give my body credit though, it managed to fend off that little shite until Christmas was over. But of course that does leave me wide awake at 4am on Boxing Day with watery eyes that are preventing me from even reading over half of what I've just typed out. Hurrah.
So bloody tired, I need sleep so I can go into town tomorrow (today, whatever) and buy lots of random crap!
Bah humbug!
The past few months have been pretty damn good to me and I had a nice enough Christmas too, so if me spending Boxing day in a moderate amount of pain every time I breathe means that somehow the Universe balances out and someone who's had a worse year than me gets a good day instead, then I guess it's only fair.
Or maybe I'm just talking complete crap because I'm tired and can't sleep, who knows?
I'll be damned if viruses keep me indoors though!


Merry Christmas, one and all!
I got lots of cool shit this year, including lots of monies! Hurrah for gold and silver!

Hope everyone's having a good one!

Saturday 24 December 2005

Christmas eve, baby!

Well it's Christmas Eve, everyone.
I spent the last couple of days in Colraine with a few friends, it was good to see them all again, although I forgot how much they sodding argue >_<
Oh well, it was  a fun couple of days,  even though I feel sorry for Baby Face Barry.
You see, he's the one that Lives in Colraine for university. And he also met someone down there that he's going out with now.
He met her and her friend when they decided to break into his house and trash his kitchen........yyeaaahh...
And Barry Genuinely hates the woman too (in fact we all do, she's a bit annoying to say the least), but of course he'll probably never dump her of his own accord. Typical Barry for you. My cat's got bigger balls and he's been neutered.
None the less, it was a good few days, women or no women.

Now it's Christmas Eve, it's time to put up your feet, relax and think of all the good things that happened this year while forgetting the bad shit. Roll on the one day of the year where you're allowed to gorge on as much food as you can without feeling guilty. Oh and presents too!


Tuesday 20 December 2005

I have arrived

Well I'm back in Belfast. I say Belfast instead of home because already it doesn't feel like home. Liverpool is my home now and I kinda miss it already. Perhaps it's the people there, or maybe it's the fact that I forgot how much I hated Listening to my Dad and Kathleen argue and bitch about trivial things, then tossing in a bunch of her stupid assumptions that just make me want to slap her.
The very second I got into the car at the airport, a car beside us sounded it's horn. Now Kathleen immediately assumes that this person is upset with her for being in the way or something, despite the fact that someone on the OTHER side of the car was waving at the car that sounded the horn. Then she comes off with the fact that it was all down to the fact that she was a woman and that nobody would ever toot their horn at a male driver. Riiiiiight.
God I hate that woman.

On another note, I think it's quite clear that my cat missed me a lot. I know a lot of people think cats (And dogs I suppose) are stupid creatures and they only sit on you for warmth and all that, but Spot didn't leave my lap from the moment I got back. Then we went out to Burger King and when we came back, there was a dead mouse on the floor, right beside the area I always sit to watch TV. I missed that little bugger.

I'm already missing Carmy though, so I guess I'm screwed no matter where I go. One day I'll bring them together. Cat on my lap, Carmy in the Kitchen, it'll be the perfect life. Yeah right, if she thought for a second that I wasn't kidding, I'd  wake up with no testicles one morning >_>

Oh well, 2 and a half weeks of doing sod all except eating and sleeping, may as well make the most of it. And I intend to start by having a nice big kip :D

Saturday 17 December 2005

This town's like a ghost town............

It's kinda odd here. Me and Malachy are some of the last few people left in Marybone. I'm the last person left in my flat and he's the last person left in his, other than that Marybone's practically dead.
Oh well, not long until I go home now. It's funny, I didn't realise that my last lecture was over a week ago or I would have booked earlier flights. So there was me thinking I'd made a mistake and could be home right now, but so far of all the people who went home before, such as Adam, Ste and Dee, not one of them seems happy to be there. Well I mean they're happy alright, but they'd rather be back here, hanging around, dicking about, going to Tesco at 6am and so on.
I suppose it's a good sign that everyone is settling in well enough to actually miss the place.
Well, mostly. I know that Dee, for example, is going through a bit of a rough patch at the moment and whether she sees it or not, being at home is probably the best thing for her at the moment.
I wonder if I should tell them all that they're not missing much >_>
Ah well, Christmas soon and I almost feel proud that the only family member who I forgot to buy a gift for was my Mum ^________________^

I hope Dreamwraith is ok. I said some things on Renevo (A forum he manages and I visit occasionally) that he wasn't too happy to hear. Regardless as to what I said, I just hope he understands that I only meant it in a constructive way, just he takes criticism a little hard some times.
He's a good friend, I just hope he still IS a friend....

Meh, Christmas spirit away!

Thursday 15 December 2005


A WEB hosting outfit wants to legally adopt a child under the name of the company. says that it wants the child to live at the web hosting data centre where he will be provided with food, clothing, shelter and love from the owner and employees.

The plan gets scarier when you read the company's press release about the plan. "He (sic) can learn all there is to learn about his new mother, web hosting. Perhaps even work for the company in the later years and become a Linux guru," the press release says.

Apparently the company has been working on the legal adoption process for six months. The deal being hatched out will involve the kid being "the logo and slogan" of the company when he has become old enough.

The sad thing is, "web hosting" would probably be a better mother than mine was o_o

Tuesday 13 December 2005

pdate update update up

Well, I've been ordered to Update so I guess I should.
Went to the Anime Society Buffet on Saturday. It was good fun and we all had a laugh for the most part, unfortunately later on I found out that Chinese food doesn't like me. I don't know why, either, it didn't wait around long enough to let me know >_<
Other than that, can't say I've been up to much, just dicking around doing the usual sort of shit like going to Tesco at about 6 in the morning to buy bread to beat Malachy with. I'm Just getting ready to go home on Tuesday to see my Dad, friends and most importantly, my Cat ^_^

Oh and I read this recently and couldn't stop lauging:

The music industry is to extend its copyright war by taking legal action against websites offering unlicensed song scores and lyrics.
The Music Publishers' Association (MPA), which represents US sheet music companies, will launch its first campaign against such sites in 2006.

That's right, kids! Some genious from a record company somewhere has decided that sites which post song lyrics should be taken down.
Well shit.
That's possibly the stupidest thing any record company anywhere has ever decided to do. I mean, how many of you out there have heard a song on TV or the radio and went "Oh, that's a good song, I'd like to have that", then went on google and searched the lyrics for the name of it? I've done it hundreds of times by now, just think of the amount of revenue they'll lose from that alone. Twat.s

Oh and you know how so many of you just love to post song lyrics right here on Livejournal? Well kiss goodbye to that, even if you go to a legit site and get them there, you'll by no means be allowed to post them here. Heck, they'll probably demand some form of Digital Rights managment on text files next to prevent you copying those too.
Fucking Americans.

Wednesday 7 December 2005

Team Marybone is back!

This time we pitted bounty against a cheaper alternative.

Comments are welcome!

Tuesday 6 December 2005

I'm just so happy...

It occurred to me last night that I'm a happy guy.
I mean..I'm not saying that something big has made me happy, just all the little things have.
I like my life how it is, I like my friends, I like where I live, all that.
Last night I was having trouble getting to sleep simply because I was so happy.
I have so much fun just in my daily life. For example, a few weeks ago I put a galaxy cake bar thing through Adam and Malachy's letterbox, then went and told Adam over MSN to check his front door.
He went and looked was gone!
Malachy said he never took it, neither did anyone else in their flat. What the hell?
It was a total mystery, where did it go?
Well the other day, I came down to their flat and knocked to get in. No answer. I went to open the letterbox. I finally got in and told Adam to go take a look.
It was there.
For like the past 2 weeks, it's been IN the damn letterbox! They've even had all sorts of letters since then and STILL nobody noticed!

Adam thought it was so funny, he fell on the floor laughing...

How about a time before that? Once again, it was like 4 in the morning and we got told off for making too much noise. What did Adam do?

Why, he started banging a couple of Pans together!

Funny thing was 2 seconds after I took that pic, the handle flew off one of them *laughs*

Remember the Ironing board?

Yeah, you remember that.

Well, one day we decided to go Ironing board surfing down the stairs....



Unfortunately the Ironing board kind of died after....


While Ironing board surfing, we bumped into some Fellow students who just came back from a night out. Looks like the brought a souvenir with them....

More random fun was had one morning at 6am. I was just ready to go to bed, or so I said. Malachy pointed out that I'd probably end up watching home improvement on ABC1. I admitted that he was probably right. I then pointed out that I'd probably end up going to Tesco to buy cheese at 8am when it opened (or so I thought).
So what happened? Well why wait? We left in search for cheese at 6 in the morning!
The shop across the road failed, it was shut. Iceland was open, but not for customers. They lose.

But surprise surprise, Tesco was open!

So yeah....we went and bought Cheese. And Ham. And a couple of big fucking baguettes and made super subs!

Really fucking tasty they were too. The really cool thing is that the total cost for one of them is about £3.50. How much would you pay in Subway for 1 and a half foot of pure pleasure? With butter as a bonus!

Oh and we noticed this while looking for cheese....

That wasn't there before. We reckon we've made Kill it bam famous! WE DID THAT!

And finally......

Here's me....happily taking money 6 in the buy cheese.....

That's only half of the random shit that goes on. So much more happens daily.

I feel kind of bad because some people haven't settled down well here. I know Vicki really misses her mum and Carmy gets down because of her work and stuff, but I'm really happy.
I just wish I could relate the way I see things to other people, it really is possible to be happy at the worst of times just depending on your outlook on life.

And you know what? On looking at those pics, I really want another supersub....I'm going back to tesco.

Sunday 4 December 2005

Free shit!

Stickers For Geeks
Example Link: Stickers For Geeks

As long as this llnk is here, I might get a free sticker. Woo.

*Stoled from........lots of people*

1. When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you think?
"Dammit, go get a hair cut"

2. How much cash do you have on you?
About £3.19

3. What's a word that rhymes with "TEST"?

4. Favourite planet?
Arrakis, aka Dune

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
Withheld number

6. What is your favourite ring on your phone?
Short Fanfare Midi (The FF7 Victory music)

7. What clothes are you wearing?
T-shirt and Combats as always.

8.Do you label yourself?
If I had any Labels, I'd write on them "I suck" and stick them to people's back's, so no.

9. Name the brand of your shoes you're currently wearing right now?
SAS assault boots, so erm....the military?

10. Bright or Dark Room?
The walls are white, but I prefer Dark.

11. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Watching TV I think.

12. What did your last text message you received say?
"Had a nice time tonight :-)"

13. What's a saying that you say a lot?

14. Who told you they loved you last?
Hmm, probably Carmy after a night of hot, mind >_>

15. Last furry thing you touched?
Um....see above and extrapolate from that <_<

16. How Many Drugs Have You Done In The Past three Days?

17. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?
Digital for the win!

18. Favourite age you have been so far?
18 For sure.

19. Your worst enemy?
Probably Kay. She sucks at being an enemy.

20. What is your current desktop picture?
2 Characters from Yumeria

21. What was the last thing you said to someone?
"Goodnight" I think.

22. If you had to choose between a million pounds or to be able to change a major regret?
If I had a million, I could change most of my regrets anyway and still have plenty left over to blow on caffeine :D

23. Do you like someone?
No, I hate everyone. Especially you.

24. The last song you listened to?
Les Rythmes Digitales - Jacques Your Body (Make Me Sweat)

Saturday 3 December 2005


Answer these 5 questions then put them in your LJ:
1. My username is ____ because ____.
2. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
3. My subtitle is ____ because ____.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.

1. My username is Kushan because that's my online name. Comes from one of my favourite games, Homeworld.
2. My journal is titled "Kushan's life" because it's my life....duh....
3. My subtitle is "It's more fun than a stick" because sticks are shit.
4. My friends page is called "People who think Kushan rocks" because I rock. And people know it.
5. My default userpic is my cat because he rocks just as much as me.

And I'd like to say something that's been on my mind for a while now....

I know I said I wasn't ever going to mention Kay or anything like that here again, but you know what? Recent events have changed my mind a little.
Lately she's been pissing me off. She hasn't so much done anything to me directly, just annoyed a few friends of mine and tried manipulating them to dislike me. Not only that, but she's tried to spread some completely preposterous rumours about me too. Ones about me hacking into Ste's email account in order to send Michael emails in his name. I mean what the fuck is that about?
 Well I sent her an email to reason with her and got no response. A few days ago I sent one to Michael and so far have got no response either.

I don't know if she reads this. I don't know if Michael reads this. And personally I don't care.

It's like this. I'm finished.
That is, I'm finished being all nice about this. Since I came to Liverpool I've changed a little. I'm a lot more headstrong, a HELL of a lot more confident, more outgoing, much much more popular and more to the point, I don't take shit from ANYONE. Why just the other day I had a rant at the flat next door for leaving their rubbish in the hall (instead of taking it to the bins outside). The result? No rubbish in the hall.
The point is, I'm not having any more of this. If she keeps up her shit, I WILL retaliate, I WILL write a big LJ entry about how much of a whore she is. I WILL post titbits of information that will show her up for the insidious, deceiving little bitch she is. I WILL tell my friends the TRUTH about her, how she manipulates men, how she spreads vile rumours and lies and just how much she doesn't know about the meaning of trust.
I'll do it. So help me God, I'll make her life a living hell if she encroaches onto mine any more. And I'll laugh. I'll stand high on my mighty horse, my ego swelling, my nefarious laugh being heard for miles, my stomach aching from reviling in her displeasure. Oh I will do it.

That is, if she doesn't stay away from me.

If she does that...well...I guess I wont have any fun, will I?

Thursday 1 December 2005

Do you ever get it when....

You feel like you're constantly trying to get form one side to the other?

Lots more attempts here.

8 and 18 are my favourites ^_^

Wednesday 30 November 2005

I mgiht be on TV....

I might be on TV next week o_0

See er....purely random, while walking to get some food today with Carmy, we were stopped by these two women. One had a camera and one had a clipboard.
To save a long story, they were from a UK TV show called "Most Haunted". For those of you who don't know, the TV show is about...well...supposedly haunted places. They go around different places, usually with a couple of mediums (i.e. Con artists that walk into a room and go "oh, I feel something here, somebody must have died here in this house once". And of course, they'll go research it and indeed find that 100 years ago someone was killed there for whatever reason. Yey. Then just for the hell of it, they'll leave a camera in a room overnight and manage to find a curtain flicker at some point or whatever. Oh and they only ever leave ONE camera, so they can't actually "verify" that it was real and not a trick, nor can they explain what happens either. You'd think they'd learn by like the 6th series or whatever, but anyway.
Basically, they asked Carmy to just say something to the camera, something about some guy doing his first live show, because for some reason they're doing a Live show in Liverpool next weekend. Oh and I was standing beside her as she said it, so I'm in the picture as well :D
As you might imagine, I'm not a fan of the show simply because I'm too cynical of the whole ghosts and spirits thing, but it's pretty popular here I guess.
Either way, for those of you in the UK who want to get a glimpse of me and my woman on TV, you'll have to watch it next week. It's on Friday, Saturday and Sunday on Living TV (How ironic), I think it's at 9 or something.
The biggest Irony is that LivingTV is only available to Satellite/Cable customers, so I wont be able to watch it myself, but what the hell. If you're feeling generous, record the whole thing and send me a Tape/DVD of it :P

Sunday 27 November 2005

I'll be back

The Terminator
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T2. Rough and tough, not too bright, and nobody's killer, but he's just
as obliged to shoot you in the knee. You fit the characteristics of a
special forces soldier, so in lieu of the fact that the Terminator is
not a combat general..... oh screw it, you're the terminator.

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Link: The Which Historic General Are You Test written by dasnyds on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

I'm confused, is that good or bad? >_>

Saturday 26 November 2005

I need to update more

I haven't been on LJ much this week, due to various reasons. Coursework being one of them.
We had to do this big thing for Personal Development (PD being that big...useless....piece of shit module we all have to do for some reason that has yet to surface from the face of anyone who works at the university), basically 2000 words on the current Job market for anyone doing the course we're on.
Waste of fucking time really, cuz all you're going to find out is that either a) you're going to be able to get a Job when you finish the course, like you planned all along, or b) You're fucked either way because there's no Jobs around, guess it's time to build that Time Machine you've been dreaming about so you can go back in time and pick a better course.
On a brighter note, George Best is finally dead. It's about fucking time too, the cunt wasted 3 livers and can rot in hell for all I care.
But enough about that, plenty of people have ranted about him as it is.

I think Steve and Vicki are stalking me.
Steve would be the one that got into a big argument here a few posts back. Since that argument spawned off, I hadn't bumped into him once, I never even seen him around Liverpool at all.
Then the other day he sends me an email and to cut a long story short, we sorted our shit out. The NEXT day, I ACCIDENTALLY bump into him and Vicki on their way back from the Chinese (or so they say). The day AFTER that, I bump into them again in Tesco while I went in to get some doughnuts (bastards didn't have any either). Then, again, TODAY, Carmy went to get changed and spotted a couple of Voyeurs looking at her through the window. Would be Dee Dee and Vicki, wouldn't it?.
Oh and later on the SAME day I bump into them on the way back from Tesco (went to get some Lemsip for Carmy since she's feeling a little ill). I know they probably missed me, but this is getting out of hand >_>

I think I've managed to get Carmy addicted to Knights of the Old republic. Gonna get her on Neverwinter Nights too, that way she'll always keep coming back to my place for a play <_<

I bought some Whipped cream. I'm saying nothing more about that.

Monday 21 November 2005

I am such a fucking geek

Ok, so I'm up playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and I get to a point in the game where there's a mathematical challenge in order to do something in the game. Now they actually give you a few ways to get around this point, so you don't HAVE to do the mathematical part, but I decided to try it anyway.

Now the Challenge is rather simple, there's a sequence of numbers and you have to get the next number in the sequence from a selection of numbers.
Pretty easy, right?

Here they are:

Additive: 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16 (19, 22, 24, 31)
Subtractive: 21, 18, 16, 15, 15, 16 (14, 18, 19, 21)
Multiplicative: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 (48, 52, 64, 96)
Divisive: 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4 (2, 1, 0, -2)
Exponential: 1, 32, 81, 64, 25 (1, 3, 6, 9)
Logarithmic: 1 0 - 8 3 - 32 5 - 128 (5, 6, 7, 8)

Now the first 4 are pretty simple, but the 5th one stumped me. I went to look it up and even found the answer, but this is where the geekyness of me took over. I KEPT on searching for more and more answers to find out WHY it was the answer. In the end none of the walkthroughs, guides and FAQ's gave a reason as to why the answer was what it was, but I managed to figure it out in the end.

What's more of a tragedy, the fact that I'm up at 4 in the morning doing my laundry, the fact that I'm playing KOTOR at 4 in the morning, or the fact that I ended up trying to solve mathematical puzzles and got quite excited when I solved a more taxing one....?

Sunday 20 November 2005

And a MEME for good measure...

Haven't done one of these in a while....

Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||||| 70%
Stability |||||||||||||||| 70%
Orderliness |||||| 23%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 63%
Interdependence |||||||||||||| 56%
Intellectual |||||||||||| 43%
Mystical |||||||||| 36%
Artistic || 10%
Religious || 10%
Hedonism |||||| 23%
Materialism |||||||||| 36%
Narcissism |||||||||||| 50%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 50%
Work ethic |||| 16%
Self absorbed |||| 16%
Conflict seeking |||||||||| 36%
Need to dominate |||| 16%
Romantic |||||||||||| 43%
Avoidant || 10%
Anti-authority |||||| 30%
Wealth |||||| 23%
Dependency |||| 16%
Change averse |||||||||||| 43%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||| 63%
Individuality |||||| 30%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||| 70%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||| 56%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||| 50%
Histrionic || 10%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||| 70%
Vanity |||||| 23%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||| 43%
Female cliche |||||| 23%
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by

Pretty damn accurate too....

This post is dedicated to dreamwraith.....

Kudos to Dreamwraith for this fucking awesome pic! Thanks Carl!

And no, I wont use an LJ cut.

Krazyhouse, breasts and pipes.

What an interesting time last night was.
As per plan, I went to the Krazyhouse with Carmy to meet some of her friends (more on them later).
Adam came as well, he was pretty cool. We tried dragging Malachy out too (literally), but he wouldn't budge. We ended up locking him inside a wardrobe....again.....

I met a bunch of Carmy's friends when we were there, can't remember half of their names, just Dave (who fondled me), Chris (Who's rather cool, hates Macs and lets me take pictures of his girlfriend's cleavage) and Helen, Chris' girlfriend. Who has nice cleavage.

Yes, for some reason during the night, it seemed like a good idea to take pictures of people's cleavage o_0

These breasts were sighted at the scene, who owns them? See if you can guess! :D

One pair belongs to Helen, Chris' girlfriend whom I only met that night. God I love being Irish ^_^

I wore a sign on my back that said "B3TA - SAY HI! :)" Because there was actually an unofficial b3ta get-together that night, but nobody said hello and nobody went up to Adam and shouted "YOU'RE BARRY NOT!" :(
Oh well, still had a good night :D

From left to right: Dee Dee, Chris, Helen

Some random devilishly good-looking guy. Man he's hot. Boy whoever's tanking that guy is one lucky woman. I'm getting hot just looking at him.


Some ho....getting her tits stared at by Dee Dee. For shame, Dee!

Chris, getting ready to either get punched by the random hot guy (Man he's so hot) or getting ready to pounce on him. I'm thinking the latter, I mean who could resist? God I bet he has a big penis. Mmmmmm.

Psst, she hasn't got a chance.

Adam just found out how big his penis really is.

Having been rejected by that really hot guy, Dee Dee swoops in to comfort her. Get in there.

After we left the Krazyhouse, Me, Carmy and Adam went to burger king and ate 5 bacon doubles between us. Oh and they also tried to steal my money. Bastards.
But the night was still young! We went back to Marybone, grabbed Malachy, and headed out to our secret location o' fun, aka the park :D
We even found a really big pipe in it. Man that was so cool.

Look at him go! Man that pipe knows how to have fun

That's right, even bog standard pipes know how to use a swing better than Malachy....

Malachy in a tree......
Malachy is one of those people who looks odd at the best of times, but take a closer look at this picture in particular......

At least If it ever turns out that I'm wrong about the whole God thing (and it is, in fact, NOT me) I'll have someone to talk to in hell....

Me beating Malachy with pipe :D


All in all, a great night was had by all who went, we must do it again :D

Saturday 19 November 2005

Team Marrybone, FUCK YEAH!

Dear god....our little thing has managed to get over 100,000 hits....

Sony done fucks up...again....

Guess what, Kids, Sony has gone and fucked up....again.
Remember that little program I told you they plopped onto their CD's that could potentially fuck up your computer?
Well the purpose of that program, according to Sony, was to protect the rights of the artist and reduce piracy and so on.
Well, that same little program contains bits of code swiped from other programs - all without the consent of the ones who wrote said programs.

Well done Sony, you have managed to "protect the rights of artists" by copying someone else's work.
Hypocritical bastards.

EDIT: Oh and just so you know, Sony released their own Uninstaller for their POS program.....which leaves your system even MORE vulnerable to attack. Well Done Sony. Don't worry though, the thing I posted to get rid of it before was NOT from Sony, so it's safe to use.

Friday 18 November 2005


Team Marybone made the b3ta newsletter!

My photobucket monthly hits went from just under 4000 to 26000....

Thursday 17 November 2005

Heh heh heh....

You scored as A Slave To BDSM. Admit it, you like being tied up and being told you've been very naughty. You like teasing your partner and making them squirm, and not letting them be able to do anything about it. Some people think what you do is sick and disgusting, but you know it's all in good fun.

A Slave To BDSM


Sex God


A Romantic




How are you in bed
created with

Wednesday 16 November 2005

Ok, so...

Last couple of days have been REALLY cool, but tonight Me, Malachy and Adam created something...

That's right, we created TEAM MARYBONE PROJECT!

Monday 14 November 2005


Right. So erm.
Didn't see that one coming.

Oh well.

I've left the JMU anime society. I gave it my best shot, I guess we all did, but unfortunately it just wasn't meant to be. Weekly turnouts kept declining and none of the big Anime Companies would listen to us so we could show licensed content. Not only that, but there were constant fights amongst the admins and moderators, including the latest one which directly involved me. So I quit.
I do hope that it takes off, for everyone who's actually put work into it and  done more than just bitched about other people in it.
But besides that, there's another anime society in Liverpool. Ok, so it's from a different University, but at least they let anyone join. What's more, screenings are £3.50 less than the JMU one and they're able to show licensed content. I guess it does make sense that only one big society is needed as opposed to a moderately big one and a small one with only a handful of dedicated members.
Perhaps I'm just making excuses because I actually enjoyed the little group we had but the fact remains I'm no longer a part of it and I don't intend on coming back, for various reasons.
The biggest shame is that people who are 18+ can't get along, can't back down or can't resist getting one up on someone they just happen to disagree with, even if they are/were a friend. Ah well, 'cest la vie. And that concludes the only bit of French I know.
Another shame is the two-facedness of some people. One minute they're thanking you for helping them out, the next they're bitching about you in a thread or someone's Journal, even on things that have nothing to do with them. Then when you DO bring them into it, they scream out that it does INDEED have nothing to do with them.
You just can't please some people. I give up fighting though, there really is no point when it comes down to it as most of the time it's just a difference of opinion which one side takes too much to heart.

I give up even trying to understand people though. It's almost like humans can't get along without creating problems. I mean, they say everyone needs challenge in their life, so is that why when things are going well, people have a habit of fucking them up? Is this some inherent human flaw that stems from the desire of challenge? I really don't know.

Like I said, I give up trying to even understand. So I'm going to the Krazyhouse on Saturday, Everyone is invited (And I mean EVERYONE), so tag along if you wish to go out that night. I really don't care if you have beef with me or if I have beef with you, I'm not going to be bitter about it or care that you're there and if you all do the same, then what does it matter. I'm going to have a good time regardless and nobody else will be able to ruin it, because quite frankly I just don't care enough to bother fighting. And if you have a problem with that.....I don't care. I've got more important things to waste energy on, like my relationship with Carmy (which still seems to be going well), my coursework (Also going very well), my computer, Uber, my room, my shoelaces and well..pretty much everything else in the world.

Sunday 13 November 2005

Sony are bastards.

Everyone has been going nuts in the news about Sony's rootkit embargo, but most people I bet don't know jack about it.
I've seen people say it'll destroy your computer or even that if you get rid of it, you wont be able to listen to any Sony CD on your PC, as well as all sorts of other crazy ideas, but it's not that bad.
All it is, simply put, is a piece of software that's installed on your PC when you load up a Sony CD that prevents you from being able to copy the CD.
The software itself, the actual rootkit, just hides the files installed from the CD so you can't manually delete them.
What this also means is that Anti-virus software can't see them either and this is where the real concern lies.
ANYONE could write a simple virus, even using code from an older one that's detected by any AV software under the sun, and all they gotta do is rename it appropriately and Sony's own little software will hide it for them!

So yeah, people are kicking up a fuss and for good reason, just sometimes it's not the right reason.

Luckily, there's a cure, it's here:

Just download and run that little application and it'll check your PC for Sony's rootkit and any viruses that might be trying to exploit it. Problem solved.

Mind you, it's disgraceful that Sony would endanger the actual LEGIT users of their music like that. Not that I'm one to talk, I've never bought an album from Sony, BMG, Arista or any other publisher owned by them, but I have bought other Sony products, such as a Playstation, countless games, various peripherals (like TV's or whatever) and so on, however I personally wont ever buy ANYTHING from Sony ever again.

Oh and if it makes you feel any better, Sony filed a patent a few weeks ago which basically gives them exclusive rights to a way of "assigning" a piece of software to one system and one system only. (Basically, a sort of code is placed on a Disk. When that code is read, it's burned off the disk and the code is stored on the console itself). What does this mean in plain English? Only that you'll never be able to trade in your old PS3 games when you're done with them. Still want a PS3?

Sony can go and die.

Saturday 12 November 2005

Friday 11 November 2005

And I'm straight

Hmm, this is the latest entry I've made in a while.
Anime Society today had the lowest turnout ever, like 6 people showed up or something which was a shame, because it was bloody funny. It was actually one of the most fun  ones yet, even though the Anime we watched (some weird thing about some princess loosing feathers) was supposed to be serious, there were just so many ways to take the piss. I mean come on, when someone says "the princess has lost something very special" how the hell am I supposed to resist making a comment? >_>

Thursday 10 November 2005

I have a MUCH bigger penis than him

Someone made a Yumeria game...

If this means nothing to you, don't worry.

Anyhoo, things are going all right at the moment. There are still a few teething problems here and there, but what's important is that I don't actually care, I'll just get on with things and enjoy life. If someone wants to be an idiot, fine by me, I'm just going to go on and not get strung up on it ^_^

For some...REALLY odd reason not yet explained, Uber will NOT connect to the University's Ethernet connection.
It just reported that it couldn't connect. I even bought a new NIC and still the problem persisted.
Even the tech guys from the Uni (who actually seemed to know their shit) had no clue as to what the problem was, but I found a solution.
I hooked up the wireless card in my Laptop and created a sort of mini wireless network between it and my PC.
This means the internet goes into Hiromi and then is wirelessly transmitted to Uber. Score.
Oh and quite funny, when I first turned on the Wireless card in Uber, it detected another wireless network similar to my own (as in it was a PC to PC network and not one created with a router) only it was completely unsecured. What's more, both people had enabled file and printer sharing on a bunch of folders.
Naturally, I had a little sniff around and would you believe it, someone who had named their computer "ANAKIN" had the Sims 2 there, just waiting to be fucked with.
So I did him a favour and deleted it, then left him a note saying he was an idiot for not having secured his network. Oh and for being a Sims fan as well. Bastard.

Wednesday 2 November 2005

It's over.

This situation, the whole Kay thing. It's over. There is now absolutely no reason as to why it should ever have to be a factor in my life again. If anyone wants to continue with it, be my guest but don't do it here, don't involve me, don't come anywhere near me with it. This has caused me a lot of pain, a lot of friends and a lot more besides. It has haunted me for over a year and now it's going to end.
I no longer want it to keep cropping up just when my life is going well, I no longer want to feel guilty because some innocent party got caught in the middle, friend or not. I no longer want to be in the middle of a debate between 2 people, even if it's me they're fighting about. I just want it to be over. And this is the last time it will ever be mentioned. This is the last time I will let myself get affected by it. In future, all my actions will happen regardless as to what this situation would dictate. If I have to go into a room that Kay or someone that doesn't like me is in, then I'm going into it, but right now that's not likely to happen outside of lectures and maybe the Anime society if I keep going. And that's how it will stay. If anyone has ANYTHING to say, say it now, here, in this thread. If anyone else mentions anything to do with this later on, their post will be deleted and they will be banned from this LJ. It's harsh, yes, but I am putting a fucking stop to this one way or another because in the space of a couple of days I lost a VERY good fucking friend over it and that is not going to happen again.

To anyone who got caught up in this or affected by this in any way, shape or form, I apologise for whatever actions I did that caused it.

Monday 31 October 2005

Friday 28 October 2005

Kushan's LJ, now with extra randomness!

Well lets see here. Past couple of days I was near Leeds (some 2 or so Hours away from Liverpool via train) with Steve, visiting his family. It was fun and his mum is an awesome cook.

Check out this rather cool illusion. Look at the dots. They're all pink, right? Now stare at the black + in the middle. The rotating dot turns green! How cool is that?

And now back to my LJ post.

Just before we got back, we went to visit Steve's Aunt, who had like a million billion kids running around the place.
I. Hate. Kids.
After we were there for about 20mins, I started sneezing. For the rest of the day, my nose was runny and blocked up. I am allergic to kids.
But I made an assault rifle out of Lego while I was there, so hopefully they'll grow into proper psychopaths because the world needs more of them. Or at least England does, I'm just not used to the almost complete lack of gun crime here. Belfast knows where it's at though.

I dedicate this flaccid penis to toxin.

On the way back from Steve's ghetto, the train stopped. Randomly. It had stopped for about 5mins and I was like "Uhh...Ste....why has the train stopped?" But of course asking Ste a question like that was a bit daft, he's as clueless as me most of the time and that's when we're SUPPOSED to know what the hell is going on.
So anyway, we're sitting there waiting to see what's wrong and there were these people in front of us, a mum and a dad with a very young kid, probably no more than a year or so old. Anyway, the kid was crying, because all kids are annoying bastards, and the mum turned and said "Take him away from me! Go let him cry somewhere else away from me!". Me and Ste just looked at each other and started giggling.
To make things even more amusing, about 5mins later that same Mum grabbed the baby (which the dad was still holding and of course the baby was still crying) and said "Give 'em to me!". The dad said no. She started shouting at him "Give him to me! YOU'RE JUST EMBARRASSING YOURSELF! LOOK, JUST GIVE HIM TO ME!" and they both started fighting over the baby o_0
Ste and I had this image of a baby's arm being ripped off or something >_>
Anyhoo, little baby sonofabitch eventually shut up and the train set off about an hour later. The problem was that the train ahead of us had "failed" (Railway speak for broken down. I think), so as I said that put us an hour behind.

Eat my piss

This particular train goes through several stops on the way from Leeds to Liverpool. But this time, when the train stopped at Manchester (About half way there) the driver announced "Those of you going to Liverpool....get off the train now 'cuz we're going back" (Actual word-for-word quote).
So we were stranded there for about an hour before the next train came along, which was also delayed. We were expecting to be back before 21:00, we didn't get back until about 23:00. Damn trains.

More random pointless crap:
Remember that song "popcorn" I got so obsessed with a while back? Turns out there's been remixes of it. Check them ALL out here:
I particularly like the Russian one.

Well I think I shall get some sleep now. My dad arrives tomorrow ( and he's bringing Uber with him. Huzzah!

Tuesday 25 October 2005

Interesting the things you find at 4 in the morning...

This post I dedicate to Ste:

I'm here if you need me, man.

Sunday 23 October 2005


This morning, at 09:00 on the dot, the fire alarm went off. We spent the next hour standing outside freezing our bits off. There was an actual fire. My stuff is ok, Carmy's still alive, that's all that matters.

Since I didn't actually go to sleep until about 06:00, I'm going to just collapse now, until then....


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Many, many more pictures available at the JMU Anime Society Photobucket account, available here:

Yes, we like paper hats.

Good night.

Saturday 22 October 2005

Carmy got hold of my laptop for FIVE SECONDS.....

EDIT: Don't worry, I'm not THAT obsessed.....


Wednesday 19 October 2005

Rap is shit.

Well I can't sleep and although I'm still quite happy with my life at the moment, especially the Carmy side of it, I think I'm going to have a nice good rant at something that pisses me off:


Now don't get me wrong, this isn't a generic "ogm rap suxxx!!!" rant, I'm going to be specific this time and bitch about a certain kind of rapper.
I.E. The kind that blow themselves WAY out of proportion and try to make themselves look like...some sort of...humane...ghandi like figure who wants to be righteous and speak out against evil in the world!
Now I know what you're thinking, Steve's had too Much Red Bull and is currently hallucinating or something, but bare with me (Is it Bare or bare when you say "bare with me"?.
Lets take 2Pac for example. Yes I'm aware he's dead, I'm also aware that he's STILL releasing shit. And I mean shit! But the way he raps, he thinks he's fucking Lenin or something.
Here's some example lyrics, from one of his newer ones. I've highlighted the bits of interest in case you don't want to actually read them (and lets face it, nobody reads lyrics people post up anyway):

[Chorus - Elton John:]
Those who wish to follow me (My ghetto gospel)
I welcome with my hands
And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold
And peace to this young warrior without the sound of guns

What the hell? He's pretty much saying "I AM THE NEW RELIGION, COME LISTEN TO ME PREACH!!!" How fucking up your own arse can you get? And what is the last line meant to mean? That he's the only "gangsta rappa" out there that DOESN'T support guns, drive-by shootings and such? Yeah, bollocks mate.

Everyone's ashamed to the youth cuz the truth looks strange
And for me it's reversed, we left them a world that's cursed, and it hurts
cause any day they'll push the button
and yall condemned like Malcolm x and Bobby Hunton, died for nothin
Don't them let me get teary, the world looks dreary

Fucking hell, it's like he woke up one day and went "oh shit, we're going to blow ourselves up! I must write a song about it to show the world how doomed we are! I MUST CONVERT THESE POOR PEOPLE FROM THE EVIL OF THEIR WAYS!!!"
I mean for fuck's sake, it's not like he's the first person to realise that we're definitely going to blow ourselves up. Twat. And of course, he knows better, doesn't he? Oh yeah and he shall convey this epiphany through rap!

it aint about black or white, cuz we're human
I hope we see the light before its ruined

See what I mean? Maybe I'm wrong though, maybe it's just this ONE song. I picked a random other song by 2Pac (And yes, I'm calling them songs for lack of a better word). I picked one called "Violent" which is from a completely different album and everything, apparently. Here's the opening verse:

They claim that I'm violent, just cause I refuse to be silent
These hypocrites are havin fits, cause I'm not buyin it
Defyin it, envious because I will rebel against
any oppressor
, and this is known as self defense

The same "I'm high and mighty" shit appears here too. I went looking for another random song to post more lyrics to see if there was a pattern. One caught my eye. "Black Jesus" (Concidering that Jesus came from the middle-east, there's a good chance that he was black anyway, or at least very well tanned). Yes, this man really does think he's the new Jesus. Although this one appears to have more than one "rappa" in it, here's his verse:

Searching for Black Jesus
Oh yeah, sportin jewels and s**t, yaknahmean?
(Black Jesus; you can be Christian
Baptist, Jehovah Witness)
Straight tatted up, no doubt, no doubt
(Islamic, won't matter to me
I'm a thug; thugs, we praise Black Jesus, all day)
Young Kadafi in this bi**h, set it off ni**a..

Yes, I do believe his last line was simply "what?". But I wonder what he was referring to? Could he be asking what he was looking for Jesus for? Could it be he was asking what Jesus had to say? Or could it just be what he thought when he read his own lyrics? It doesn't make sense to me either, 2Pac.

But don't get me wrong, I'm not targeting the late 2Pac here, he's not the only cunt that does this. Eminem does it too and he does it even worse than Mr Pac here.

Lets check out a few lines from "Like Toy Soldiers", shall we?

I'm supposed to be the soldier who never blows his composure
Even though I hold the weight of the whole world on my shoulders
I am never supposed to show it, my crew ain't supposed to know it
Even if it means goin' toe to toe with a Benzino it don't matter
I'd never drag them in battles that I can't handle unless I absolutely have to
I'm supposed to set an example

Right, I'll completely ignore the fact that half of this verse doesn't even rhyme and concentrate on the bits I've highlighted. He's got the whole world on his shoulders? What? Since when the fuck did he have to carry the world? Does that mean we can blame Eminem for the whole war in Iraq thing? Was it him that put Kim Jong-il into power in North Korea or is he just the person that has to deal with him? Yes, indeed, the rest of the verse would make more sense that way I suppose, should Kim be a little too good at Kung Fu, Eminem will only call in his "crew" when he's nearly defeated or something.
And setting an example? For who? You're a fucking rapper you cock, the only example you set is what NOT to do. I.e. Don't do drugs, Don't pretend to be black, Don't hate Gay people and for the love of Christ,  whatever the fuck you do, do NOT become a fucking Rapper..
Some more lyrics I think:

There's a certain line you just don't cross and he crossed it
I heard him say Hailie's name on a song and I just lost it
It was crazy, this shit way beyond some Jay-z and Nas shit
And even though the battle was won, I feel like we lost it
I spent too much energy on it, honestly I'm exhausted
And I'm so caught in it I almost feel I'm the one who caused it
This ain't what I'm in hip-hop for, it's not why I got in it

I'm sorry, I know it's slightly off my original topic, but I can't help but point out that he just repeats himself in the last line twice just because he couldn't think of a long enough thing to say that rhymed. Prick.
But back on topic slightly, I can't pretend to know the fully story behind this, but I don't think I'd be far wrong in assuming that he heard some other rapper say something about his Girlfriend being shit in bed or something, so he had to go out on an almighty crusade and slay him. Then write a song about it. Then go on about how stupid an idea it actually was. I think we've all seen an epic of some sort where the main hero starts to doubt themselves, Frodo does it all the time in Lord of the rings, the whingey cunt, but Eminem reckons he's that hero. It gets worse too.

That was never my object for someone to get killed
Why would I wanna destroy something I helped build

What the fuck? Dude you rap about people killing other people all the fucking time, what did you expect? And when the fuck did YOU help build up the "rapping" industry? It's been around for longer than you have and it'll probably still be here when you're gone. Unfortunately.

It wasn't my intentions, my intentions was good

I think your intentions should be to give your children the education you clearly never had.

There used to be a time when you could just say a rhyme
And wouldn't have to worry about one of your people dyin'
But now it's elevated cuz once you put someone's kids in it
The shit gets escalated, it ain't just words no more is it?
It's a different ball game, callin' names and you ain't just rappin'

Yes, Eminem, the Rapping industry has ESCALATED beyond simple music, it's now so fierce that if you do a bad rap, you'll get yo ass capped!
Oh Eminem, you're our leader, you will guide us through the hardships of Rap! You will protect us! You will only call us when Kim Jong-il kicks the living shit out of you!
Do you think someone should point out to Mr em here that Rapping originated from the ghetto, you know, where drive-by's were daily and people got killed for just walking into the wrong territory, let alone singing about how someone's girlfriend cant give head for shit?
But then again, he isn't actually Black, as much as he'd like to believe it, so chances are he doesn't actually know about that. Twat.

Other rappers do it too, they make themselves out to be Jesus Reincarnate, that they're going to save the world or lead people away from sin or some bullshit like that.
How about you all just fuck off.

In fact, to protest against these cunts, I'm going to listen to the Rasmus. Not becuase one of their songs has any relevence and not because I like them (I don't, I don't think anyone does really), but because even they can make better music than these two dicks  can. And that's saying something.

Sunday 16 October 2005

A day in the life of Kushan

Well I said I'd sort of Document my day so I did. And I did it on friday.
SO here we go...

I wake up at about 8am. Which is way too early for me. Lecture doesn't start until 9, so I go back to sleep for another 45mins.
8:45 and I start to get dressed, however Mog is raring to go already:


I've just got my pants on and I hear a knock at the door. Who could it be?

Why, it's none other than....


Fire escape man!

We eventually get to our lecture, it's on web development. To give you an example as to how....advanced...this course is, we have to use Front Page. We're not allowed to use dreamweaver or anything else. If any of you have ever used Front page, you'll know how completely useless it actually is.

But before the lecture even begins, Tony tries to steal my moogle:

The bastard wont get away with him.

That cute little blue bunny belongs to this man:

His name is Tom. He's also a communist and is quite Cool

Tony brough his own mascot, who got a rather friendly with Mog:

So then the lecture started. Did we listen about all the exciting things Front Page can do, like insert clipart, frames and the all important forms? Did we also take notes for future reference? Like hell we did. In fact we had a much better use for all that spare paper we had lying around:

That's right! We made paper hats for our mascots! Credit goes to Fire Escape man for making Mog's hat.

I know what you're thinking, The bunny hasn't got a hat! Well don't worry, we wouldn't leave him out:

Yes, even the scary looking snowman got a hat. We're so awesome.

And of course, Tony had to take pictures:

Oh and in case you were wondering:

Some of us got hats too! =^_^=

I think we had a hat overload though....

Yes, Mog really is wearing 3 hats at once.

After web development came Computer system architecture with the legendary Tom Berry. No, that IS his real name. And yes, we do call him Tonberry.
He's also a complete cunt, famous for declaring out loud that he will never do anything to help any one of us.
He also doesn't like having his photograph taken.

But we had a plan....or should I say a bet....

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Cameras at the ready! Closest to me is Paul, another rather cool guy. I think he's organising a quake fest after lectures on monday.
Ok, so here's the plan: Take a picture of Tonberry.
Paul had a go. He got the back of him though, not good enough.
So then I took my chance....

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SUCCESS! I got the bastard! Immediately after I took this and hid the camera, he looked up and shouted "DELETE THAT PICTURE RIGHT NOW!!" and ranted at the poor guy with the camera phone in the picture above. Mwahaaa, I am good. And that cunt didn't realise. Kushan for t3h win!

And well, after that I forgot to take pictures. I'll bring my camera next friday though and do the same with the anime society metting :)

After my lecture, I met up with Carmy and we hung around together all day until later when we went to the Anime Society metting and watched Trinity Blood. Good shit, I must say. Did I mention that I'm now an admin of said society?
Anyhoo, after that we all went out to the Pub. There was me, Vicki, Steve, Dee Dee, some other guy who I can't remember his name (nice dude though), Ben (The leader of the Society) and of course, my dearst Carmy :D
It was good fun. When we got back to my place, Carmy and I ended up watching Shrek 2 together. You can't beat that movie with a stick. Puss! Image hosted by

Then on saturday, it was pretty much just me and Carmy hanging around all day. We did a little wandering around Liverpool with Ste and Vicki and then went back to my palce to, once again, hang out together. We were going to go to Dee Dee's for a bit, but Carmy had hurt her ankle, so we couldn't go :(
Speaking of, Dee is somewhere in wales right now as part of some research thing. Hope she's having fun.
This was the first weekend Carmy was able to stay both friday night and saturday night, I hope she's able to more often :D

Then on sunday me and Carmy pretty much stayed in bed all day until she had to go home.
Even though I didn't really do all that much, it's probably been one of the best weekends I've had since I got here.
I hope things stay like this for a long time, I'm really happy and content in my life and have been for a while now, it's a really good feeling :)