
Friday 28 October 2005

Kushan's LJ, now with extra randomness!

Well lets see here. Past couple of days I was near Leeds (some 2 or so Hours away from Liverpool via train) with Steve, visiting his family. It was fun and his mum is an awesome cook.

Check out this rather cool illusion. Look at the dots. They're all pink, right? Now stare at the black + in the middle. The rotating dot turns green! How cool is that?

And now back to my LJ post.

Just before we got back, we went to visit Steve's Aunt, who had like a million billion kids running around the place.
I. Hate. Kids.
After we were there for about 20mins, I started sneezing. For the rest of the day, my nose was runny and blocked up. I am allergic to kids.
But I made an assault rifle out of Lego while I was there, so hopefully they'll grow into proper psychopaths because the world needs more of them. Or at least England does, I'm just not used to the almost complete lack of gun crime here. Belfast knows where it's at though.

I dedicate this flaccid penis to toxin.

On the way back from Steve's ghetto, the train stopped. Randomly. It had stopped for about 5mins and I was like "Uhh...Ste....why has the train stopped?" But of course asking Ste a question like that was a bit daft, he's as clueless as me most of the time and that's when we're SUPPOSED to know what the hell is going on.
So anyway, we're sitting there waiting to see what's wrong and there were these people in front of us, a mum and a dad with a very young kid, probably no more than a year or so old. Anyway, the kid was crying, because all kids are annoying bastards, and the mum turned and said "Take him away from me! Go let him cry somewhere else away from me!". Me and Ste just looked at each other and started giggling.
To make things even more amusing, about 5mins later that same Mum grabbed the baby (which the dad was still holding and of course the baby was still crying) and said "Give 'em to me!". The dad said no. She started shouting at him "Give him to me! YOU'RE JUST EMBARRASSING YOURSELF! LOOK, JUST GIVE HIM TO ME!" and they both started fighting over the baby o_0
Ste and I had this image of a baby's arm being ripped off or something >_>
Anyhoo, little baby sonofabitch eventually shut up and the train set off about an hour later. The problem was that the train ahead of us had "failed" (Railway speak for broken down. I think), so as I said that put us an hour behind.

Eat my piss

This particular train goes through several stops on the way from Leeds to Liverpool. But this time, when the train stopped at Manchester (About half way there) the driver announced "Those of you going to Liverpool....get off the train now 'cuz we're going back" (Actual word-for-word quote).
So we were stranded there for about an hour before the next train came along, which was also delayed. We were expecting to be back before 21:00, we didn't get back until about 23:00. Damn trains.

More random pointless crap:
Remember that song "popcorn" I got so obsessed with a while back? Turns out there's been remixes of it. Check them ALL out here:
I particularly like the Russian one.

Well I think I shall get some sleep now. My dad arrives tomorrow ( and he's bringing Uber with him. Huzzah!

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