
Saturday 3 December 2005


Answer these 5 questions then put them in your LJ:
1. My username is ____ because ____.
2. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
3. My subtitle is ____ because ____.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.

1. My username is Kushan because that's my online name. Comes from one of my favourite games, Homeworld.
2. My journal is titled "Kushan's life" because it's my life....duh....
3. My subtitle is "It's more fun than a stick" because sticks are shit.
4. My friends page is called "People who think Kushan rocks" because I rock. And people know it.
5. My default userpic is my cat because he rocks just as much as me.

And I'd like to say something that's been on my mind for a while now....

I know I said I wasn't ever going to mention Kay or anything like that here again, but you know what? Recent events have changed my mind a little.
Lately she's been pissing me off. She hasn't so much done anything to me directly, just annoyed a few friends of mine and tried manipulating them to dislike me. Not only that, but she's tried to spread some completely preposterous rumours about me too. Ones about me hacking into Ste's email account in order to send Michael emails in his name. I mean what the fuck is that about?
 Well I sent her an email to reason with her and got no response. A few days ago I sent one to Michael and so far have got no response either.

I don't know if she reads this. I don't know if Michael reads this. And personally I don't care.

It's like this. I'm finished.
That is, I'm finished being all nice about this. Since I came to Liverpool I've changed a little. I'm a lot more headstrong, a HELL of a lot more confident, more outgoing, much much more popular and more to the point, I don't take shit from ANYONE. Why just the other day I had a rant at the flat next door for leaving their rubbish in the hall (instead of taking it to the bins outside). The result? No rubbish in the hall.
The point is, I'm not having any more of this. If she keeps up her shit, I WILL retaliate, I WILL write a big LJ entry about how much of a whore she is. I WILL post titbits of information that will show her up for the insidious, deceiving little bitch she is. I WILL tell my friends the TRUTH about her, how she manipulates men, how she spreads vile rumours and lies and just how much she doesn't know about the meaning of trust.
I'll do it. So help me God, I'll make her life a living hell if she encroaches onto mine any more. And I'll laugh. I'll stand high on my mighty horse, my ego swelling, my nefarious laugh being heard for miles, my stomach aching from reviling in her displeasure. Oh I will do it.

That is, if she doesn't stay away from me.

If she does that...well...I guess I wont have any fun, will I?

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