
Sunday 16 October 2005

A day in the life of Kushan

Well I said I'd sort of Document my day so I did. And I did it on friday.
SO here we go...

I wake up at about 8am. Which is way too early for me. Lecture doesn't start until 9, so I go back to sleep for another 45mins.
8:45 and I start to get dressed, however Mog is raring to go already:


I've just got my pants on and I hear a knock at the door. Who could it be?

Why, it's none other than....


Fire escape man!

We eventually get to our lecture, it's on web development. To give you an example as to how....advanced...this course is, we have to use Front Page. We're not allowed to use dreamweaver or anything else. If any of you have ever used Front page, you'll know how completely useless it actually is.

But before the lecture even begins, Tony tries to steal my moogle:

The bastard wont get away with him.

That cute little blue bunny belongs to this man:

His name is Tom. He's also a communist and is quite Cool

Tony brough his own mascot, who got a rather friendly with Mog:

So then the lecture started. Did we listen about all the exciting things Front Page can do, like insert clipart, frames and the all important forms? Did we also take notes for future reference? Like hell we did. In fact we had a much better use for all that spare paper we had lying around:

That's right! We made paper hats for our mascots! Credit goes to Fire Escape man for making Mog's hat.

I know what you're thinking, The bunny hasn't got a hat! Well don't worry, we wouldn't leave him out:

Yes, even the scary looking snowman got a hat. We're so awesome.

And of course, Tony had to take pictures:

Oh and in case you were wondering:

Some of us got hats too! =^_^=

I think we had a hat overload though....

Yes, Mog really is wearing 3 hats at once.

After web development came Computer system architecture with the legendary Tom Berry. No, that IS his real name. And yes, we do call him Tonberry.
He's also a complete cunt, famous for declaring out loud that he will never do anything to help any one of us.
He also doesn't like having his photograph taken.

But we had a plan....or should I say a bet....

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Cameras at the ready! Closest to me is Paul, another rather cool guy. I think he's organising a quake fest after lectures on monday.
Ok, so here's the plan: Take a picture of Tonberry.
Paul had a go. He got the back of him though, not good enough.
So then I took my chance....

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SUCCESS! I got the bastard! Immediately after I took this and hid the camera, he looked up and shouted "DELETE THAT PICTURE RIGHT NOW!!" and ranted at the poor guy with the camera phone in the picture above. Mwahaaa, I am good. And that cunt didn't realise. Kushan for t3h win!

And well, after that I forgot to take pictures. I'll bring my camera next friday though and do the same with the anime society metting :)

After my lecture, I met up with Carmy and we hung around together all day until later when we went to the Anime Society metting and watched Trinity Blood. Good shit, I must say. Did I mention that I'm now an admin of said society?
Anyhoo, after that we all went out to the Pub. There was me, Vicki, Steve, Dee Dee, some other guy who I can't remember his name (nice dude though), Ben (The leader of the Society) and of course, my dearst Carmy :D
It was good fun. When we got back to my place, Carmy and I ended up watching Shrek 2 together. You can't beat that movie with a stick. Puss! Image hosted by

Then on saturday, it was pretty much just me and Carmy hanging around all day. We did a little wandering around Liverpool with Ste and Vicki and then went back to my palce to, once again, hang out together. We were going to go to Dee Dee's for a bit, but Carmy had hurt her ankle, so we couldn't go :(
Speaking of, Dee is somewhere in wales right now as part of some research thing. Hope she's having fun.
This was the first weekend Carmy was able to stay both friday night and saturday night, I hope she's able to more often :D

Then on sunday me and Carmy pretty much stayed in bed all day until she had to go home.
Even though I didn't really do all that much, it's probably been one of the best weekends I've had since I got here.
I hope things stay like this for a long time, I'm really happy and content in my life and have been for a while now, it's a really good feeling :)

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