
Tuesday 6 December 2005

I'm just so happy...

It occurred to me last night that I'm a happy guy.
I mean..I'm not saying that something big has made me happy, just all the little things have.
I like my life how it is, I like my friends, I like where I live, all that.
Last night I was having trouble getting to sleep simply because I was so happy.
I have so much fun just in my daily life. For example, a few weeks ago I put a galaxy cake bar thing through Adam and Malachy's letterbox, then went and told Adam over MSN to check his front door.
He went and looked was gone!
Malachy said he never took it, neither did anyone else in their flat. What the hell?
It was a total mystery, where did it go?
Well the other day, I came down to their flat and knocked to get in. No answer. I went to open the letterbox. I finally got in and told Adam to go take a look.
It was there.
For like the past 2 weeks, it's been IN the damn letterbox! They've even had all sorts of letters since then and STILL nobody noticed!

Adam thought it was so funny, he fell on the floor laughing...

How about a time before that? Once again, it was like 4 in the morning and we got told off for making too much noise. What did Adam do?

Why, he started banging a couple of Pans together!

Funny thing was 2 seconds after I took that pic, the handle flew off one of them *laughs*

Remember the Ironing board?

Yeah, you remember that.

Well, one day we decided to go Ironing board surfing down the stairs....



Unfortunately the Ironing board kind of died after....


While Ironing board surfing, we bumped into some Fellow students who just came back from a night out. Looks like the brought a souvenir with them....

More random fun was had one morning at 6am. I was just ready to go to bed, or so I said. Malachy pointed out that I'd probably end up watching home improvement on ABC1. I admitted that he was probably right. I then pointed out that I'd probably end up going to Tesco to buy cheese at 8am when it opened (or so I thought).
So what happened? Well why wait? We left in search for cheese at 6 in the morning!
The shop across the road failed, it was shut. Iceland was open, but not for customers. They lose.

But surprise surprise, Tesco was open!

So yeah....we went and bought Cheese. And Ham. And a couple of big fucking baguettes and made super subs!

Really fucking tasty they were too. The really cool thing is that the total cost for one of them is about £3.50. How much would you pay in Subway for 1 and a half foot of pure pleasure? With butter as a bonus!

Oh and we noticed this while looking for cheese....

That wasn't there before. We reckon we've made Kill it bam famous! WE DID THAT!

And finally......

Here's me....happily taking money 6 in the buy cheese.....

That's only half of the random shit that goes on. So much more happens daily.

I feel kind of bad because some people haven't settled down well here. I know Vicki really misses her mum and Carmy gets down because of her work and stuff, but I'm really happy.
I just wish I could relate the way I see things to other people, it really is possible to be happy at the worst of times just depending on your outlook on life.

And you know what? On looking at those pics, I really want another supersub....I'm going back to tesco.

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