
Saturday 26 November 2005

I need to update more

I haven't been on LJ much this week, due to various reasons. Coursework being one of them.
We had to do this big thing for Personal Development (PD being that big...useless....piece of shit module we all have to do for some reason that has yet to surface from the face of anyone who works at the university), basically 2000 words on the current Job market for anyone doing the course we're on.
Waste of fucking time really, cuz all you're going to find out is that either a) you're going to be able to get a Job when you finish the course, like you planned all along, or b) You're fucked either way because there's no Jobs around, guess it's time to build that Time Machine you've been dreaming about so you can go back in time and pick a better course.
On a brighter note, George Best is finally dead. It's about fucking time too, the cunt wasted 3 livers and can rot in hell for all I care.
But enough about that, plenty of people have ranted about him as it is.

I think Steve and Vicki are stalking me.
Steve would be the one that got into a big argument here a few posts back. Since that argument spawned off, I hadn't bumped into him once, I never even seen him around Liverpool at all.
Then the other day he sends me an email and to cut a long story short, we sorted our shit out. The NEXT day, I ACCIDENTALLY bump into him and Vicki on their way back from the Chinese (or so they say). The day AFTER that, I bump into them again in Tesco while I went in to get some doughnuts (bastards didn't have any either). Then, again, TODAY, Carmy went to get changed and spotted a couple of Voyeurs looking at her through the window. Would be Dee Dee and Vicki, wouldn't it?.
Oh and later on the SAME day I bump into them on the way back from Tesco (went to get some Lemsip for Carmy since she's feeling a little ill). I know they probably missed me, but this is getting out of hand >_>

I think I've managed to get Carmy addicted to Knights of the Old republic. Gonna get her on Neverwinter Nights too, that way she'll always keep coming back to my place for a play <_<

I bought some Whipped cream. I'm saying nothing more about that.

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