
Wednesday 2 November 2005

It's over.

This situation, the whole Kay thing. It's over. There is now absolutely no reason as to why it should ever have to be a factor in my life again. If anyone wants to continue with it, be my guest but don't do it here, don't involve me, don't come anywhere near me with it. This has caused me a lot of pain, a lot of friends and a lot more besides. It has haunted me for over a year and now it's going to end.
I no longer want it to keep cropping up just when my life is going well, I no longer want to feel guilty because some innocent party got caught in the middle, friend or not. I no longer want to be in the middle of a debate between 2 people, even if it's me they're fighting about. I just want it to be over. And this is the last time it will ever be mentioned. This is the last time I will let myself get affected by it. In future, all my actions will happen regardless as to what this situation would dictate. If I have to go into a room that Kay or someone that doesn't like me is in, then I'm going into it, but right now that's not likely to happen outside of lectures and maybe the Anime society if I keep going. And that's how it will stay. If anyone has ANYTHING to say, say it now, here, in this thread. If anyone else mentions anything to do with this later on, their post will be deleted and they will be banned from this LJ. It's harsh, yes, but I am putting a fucking stop to this one way or another because in the space of a couple of days I lost a VERY good fucking friend over it and that is not going to happen again.

To anyone who got caught up in this or affected by this in any way, shape or form, I apologise for whatever actions I did that caused it.

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