
Sunday 25 November 2007

*steals from Liela*

This seemed like a good meme so I thought I'd do it.

You Answer the question, but instead of putting down your answer, you do a google image search with it and pick one of the results from the first page.

1. Age you'll be on your next birthday

2. A place you'd like to travel

3. Your favourite place

4. Your favourite object

5. Favourite food

6. Favourite animal

7. Favourite colour

8. Town where you were born

9. Town where you live

(I'm not putting in any of LFC)

10. Name of a past pet

11. Your nickname/screenname

12. Your first name

13. Your middle name

14. Your last name

Apparently that's Tim Donaghy right there...

15. A bad habit of yours

16. Your first job

17. Your grandmother's name

As a side note, where's number 18???

19. Your major in college

Friday 23 November 2007

Some people just fuck me right off.

I'm aware that I haven't updated in a LONG time and I really should update you all on my situation, but I really need to let off some steam so I'll let you all know that I'm ok, the eviction thing has been dealt with (I still really don't want to live here, though) and that for the moment I'm ok.

However, I did mention that I need to rant and that's EXACTLY what I'm going to do.

Do any of you remember the girl I went out with a couple of years back? Carmy? I'm sure a lot of you do.
Well, obviously things didn't really work out between us and to be honest, I was a bit of an ass to her during the relationship, but after we broke up we stayed friends and I did my best to be there for her when she needed me and quite frankly, I think I went out on a limb on quite a few occasions.
However, something is/was awfully amiss. First, let me fill you in on the evens that happened.

We started going out in 2005, in 2006 it became a bit "off and on" until around April/may time we finally broke up.
Over the summer we talked a bit on MSN, had a bit of a falling out but ultimately became friends by the end of it.

Now I'm going to take a pause at this moment in time, because apparently the space/time continuum went to shit and some sort of...split occurred. Now I've admitted that I wasn't the best boyfriend for her, that much is a given, but I was a good friend to her. She was living close by and was going through some tough times and I did my best to make sure I was there for her. Many a night I'd go to hers at 2 or 3 in the morning, or invite her over just so she wasn't sitting on her own. She didn't have internet access so I made sure she at least got the latest episodes of lost and such and walked her home almost every time she came over. I didn't mind doing any of this and I never expected anything in return.
Nor did I expect her to be a two-faced cow about it.

Some months ago, I discovered that this whole time she was going around telling everyone how much of a "dickhead" I was, about how unfair it was that I was going out on a date and didn't deserve any of it. Yet at the same, exact time she was calling me up regularly for sex! Yes, Sex. This poor, innocent little girl whose confidence I destroyed, who I treated like shit, was messaging me to come up to her place and give her a good fucking on at least a weekly basis! Sometimes she'd even come to mine after work for a quickie. This went on for months and I was none the wiser that the whole time, she was saying nasty, horrible things about me "Dickhead Steve" was my nickname for oh so many LJ posts. Yet the only times I ever really seen her was either when I was fucking her or hugging her because she was in tears for either missing her family or falling out with her best friend, warren (I even know the guys name, see I listen!). I mean, what more did she want?

This continues on into early 2007 until I finally convince her to make a move on a guy called mark, someone she's had a crush on for quite some time. The result? He feels the same way and to this day they're still together.
And to this day she still says shit about me in her LJ.

She she gets this boyfriend of her dreams and all of a sudden becomes a lot less needy. Oh and I forgot to mention, around January time her Macbook breaks and since she had a lot of work to do, I lent her my laptop. Once again, going out of my way to be kind to her. And once again, it's not enough and I get slated for it, somehow.

I found out about this months and months and months ago and confronted her on it. It all comes out, apparently something I said to her over a year ago at this point (so around March 2006) completely ripped her apart and she's never forgiven me for it. Of course, that didn't stop her booty calling me, or getting me to come over to her place at 3am because she's had a shit day and just wants some company. Yet it was enough for her to constantly backstab me and spread shit to all my friends. (I'd like to point out that all of the booty calling stopped well before Nicci and I got together, just FYI)
When I confronted her, needless to say I was hurt. Really hurt. I mean, why wouldn't I be? She didn't seem to care, she seemed to think I deserved all of this. Well, in exchange for keeping quiet about the whole booty calling thing, I asked her to stop and at least make a post explaining that I'm really not such a cunt, as she'd like to make me out to be. Well guess what, despite not having communicated with her in any way, shape or form (or even via proxy) since then, she's still fucking doing it, she's still writing really nasty things about me. Apparently I'm a "Self absorbed, opinionated, egotistical bastard who feeds on peoples insecuirties and will forever be alone". Ouch. You could have at least spelled "insecurities" correctly, love. This was posted only a couple of days ago.
I know she'll probably never read this, I know anyone that does bother to read this probably wont care, but it's here for all to see - Carmel Crook (Or Carmel Brown, she changed her name at one point) is a deceiving, backstabbing little whore that uses people to get what she wants, then pretends to be an emotionally crippled, incredibly sensitive little angel that's had lots of shit thrown at her. Yeah well, don't believe it like I did, she's only going to blame you for it all a few months down the line, when really she was fucked up the day we all first met her.


She's not the only woman giving me grief at the moment and this seems to be a common trend with a lot of women in my life, so perhaps I'll make this a weekly feature. Or perhaps not.

EDIT: Hello people from Carmy's LJ! Before you all go on to post what a nasty, evil person I am, I want you to take a couple of things into consideration first:

1) I'm not responsible for comments on this entry. Naturally the people that post here are my friends and thus biased towards me, just like how you'll be biased towards her. The comments on how she should be killed are NOT serious. I doubt any of you know ques_nova, but those of you who know pang_tong will know that's just his (our) sense of humour.

2) I never make private or filtered entries. Ever. In the 4, nearly 5 years I've had this LJ, I think I've hidden 1 entry and that's it. This is where I come to let off steam, to bitch and rant and make myself feel better. If you just scroll down a bit, you'll see that I don't make entries to start fights with others on LJ, I just rant. My intention here was not to badmouth carmy, but to rant about how twofaced her actions were and to get my side of things out to MY friends (which is what she's been doing on hers) Plus, Carmy hasn't friended me in a long time, how was I to know she'd read it? But none the less, quid pro quo. Hopefully now she'll stop spreading shit about me and just leave the past alone.

3) As I stated in this entry previously, I already confronted her about this in private. All I asked her to do was stop saying nasty things about me in her LJ and to stop trying to convince people that I was a horrible person, I don't think that's too much to ask considering how much I went out of my way for her when she was feeling shitty, but apparently it was.

Take that all however you will.

Friday 19 October 2007

It never rains....

I'm getting Evicted.

As most of you may know, my internet has been pretty shit for about a month now. Usable, but slow.
So I phoned the landlord and ask her to get in touch with the ISP, this was about 2 or 3 weeks ago.
A week later, they finally get around to doing something about it, or so they said. A week after that, yesterday, they phone me up telling me that they're about to phone the ISP (???). So a few minutes pass and my phone dies because I was at Alton towers at the time (yes, I went yesterday and it was fucking great fun, but instead of writing about how much fun I had then, this little embargo has pissed me off so much that I've lost interest in it) and couldn't be fucked leaving it on.

Anyway, I come home to find that my room has all but been ransacked, items were moved around, the router/modem/pc have all been disconnected, my PC had been fiddled with and it turns out it was my landlord. Without my permission, of course. They leave me a snotty message saying they phoned the ISP and that they claim everything with the connection is fine (It's not, EVERYONE on virgin media is having trouble with them - everyone), so obviously the problem must be at my end, or so they claim, but as anyone with a bit of sense must know, that's a load of bullshit. Which apparently gives them permission to go into my room and wreck the place.
They demanded to move the router out of my room and that I should disconnect it for today. I sent them a message saying that I never gave them permission to go into my room in the first place and I'll only move the router when I've had time to assess nothing has been stolen or damaged (since I got home at midnight and had work the next day, I obviously never had time to do anything).

The reply I got back was truly inspiring:

Listen to me you cheeky little git, you have mithered me for weeks about the internet so we thought we were doing you a favour, only to find out you are responsible 4 the speed. And concerning your room you broke the door and why would anyone take from your room
... ,And you agreed last week for iqeel to go into your room so you did give permission.I think its best for everyone if you move out. I dont take kindly to threats. Ive contacted my solicitor about your accusations. You will be hearing from him soon. Trish

The "broken door" she's referring to happened months ago because they fitted a smoke alarm in my room without telling me, then I came home expecting my door to be unlocked (which it wasn't because they locked it) and pushed the door open, except it broke the lock. I reported it right away, then kept getting at them and they never did anything about it.
I also never gave that guy permission to go into my room, I'm very perculiar about strangers going into my room when I'm not there.
Don't ask me about the supposed "threats" because that's a new one on me, I guess I'll have to wait until I hear from her solicitor.

Just fucking great.

Sunday 7 October 2007

This half-assed attempt at an update is brought to you by magical Pixie faries.

Reply to this post and I will list three things I love about you. Then repost to your own journal and spread the love.

Tuesday 2 October 2007

Well, that's not good...

We just had a bit of a team meeting.
Apparently, Telcogames isn't actually doing all that well. A bunch of people in the office got notices yesterday, some are leaving in 2 months, others have up to 6 or 12 months...
I think my job is safe, I was taken aside with 2 other guys yesterday before anyone else found out.
It's a shame, it's nobody's fault that the business didn't make enough money, it's just the way things roll. All I can say is that I'm quietly grateful that they didn't just axe me because I'm a student and less important.
But then again, maybe it's because they know I'll be leaving in about 10 months and they're only paying me a pittance compared to what they'd pay a professional to do the same job.
None the less, I feel bad for all of the people here that will lose their Jobs, I've only known them a month yet I get on with every single one of them.
I can honestly say that this is the best Job I've ever had, that I feel so out of place working here because even though I'm doing menial data entry crap a lot of the time, there's no real pressure, everyone is nice and I don't begrudge doing it.
I just hope that everyone who's leaving lands on their feet.

Friday 28 September 2007

I forgot to mention....

Today is Pay day.

And now I own a 360.

Long, overdue update!

So, I've finally started my placement at Telco games.
I've been here about a month now and I have to say - IT'S AWESOME!
I get to play with phones all day, eat cake and generally just have a laugh.
One of the things about this company is that in this particular office, there's no real "boss", there's just people that have been here longer than anyone else.
So nobody takes anyone seriously, it's like being out at the pub except nobody's drinking and there's more cake than usual.
Oh yeah, cake. We have cake nearly every single day. And then we have a cake day.
That's right, a cake day. A day for cake.
The hours are super reasonable as well. Essentially, it's from 09:00 to 17:30, but those are mere "guidelines". Not once this week did I come in earlier than 9:25 and today I'm probably going to go home early since it's friday.
I love my Job.

Unfortunately one of the side effects of a 9-5 job is that it pretty much kills your social life during the week, but that didn't stop me going to see Kunt and the gang during the week, which was silly fun. Although no doubt most of you Americans will have absolutely no idea what the fuck he's talking about =P

Things are looking up for ol' Kushy at the moment. Life is good, I've got monies for the first time in years and despite the fact that the potential relationship situation is looking about as promising as Bush's stance on Climate change, I'm not really bothered because I'm happy in more or less all other aspects of my life right now.

Oooo, my Bacon sandwich is arriving now (And yes, I am in work, so technically I'm getting paid to type this and eat food), so if you'll excuse me...

Ahh, life is good.

Monday 27 August 2007

Free shit

Does anyone in the Liverpool area want 2 free tickets to see Disturbia?
It looks like a pile of shite, so I'm giving them away. Just leave me a message before about 12pm on the 29th and I'll give you the details.

Friday 10 August 2007

Monday 6 August 2007

My internets are bad....

You want I wrut this, my internets are bad!!!

Yeah, so my ISP (Virgin media) decided to take down their network in my area over the weekend. It's only came back (somewhat) tonight and even then it's still completely fucked, getting a top speed here of about 2kb/s.

Nothing works, I don't even know if this entry will get posted because it takes so long to do ANYTHING. It took me 30mins to load my friends page ffs.

On friday I got a new team leader. Beccy. Oh Beccy...beccy, beccy, beccy...right away, I knew I was not going to get on with her. She's one of those people that takes her job VERY seriously. To the point where if you disagree with her about absolutely ANYTHING, she threatens to send you home (unpaid) for having a "negative" attitude.
At the start of the day, she made us knock bungalows. Now, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that bungalows are full of old people. Old people generally don't have money and if they DO have money, they sure as hell don't want to give it to us.
After about an hour or so of knocking and getting nowhere, the entire team (all 3 of us) decide it might be a better idea to go to a different area, preferably some semi-detached houses with a young, working man inside. So we go to Beccy and literally as soon as I open my mouth, she just explodes at me and shouts "Don't you dare give me that kind of attitude, I will send you home, boy!". Fuck you, too, it was only a suggestion.

So we knock and we knock and we knock. And get a measily one sign up by 7pm (you're supposed to have one EACH by this point - minimum). She somehow believes that that shitty 1 sign up somehow proves her right. She then tells us that if we don't get more sign-ups soon, that she will keep us in the SAME area until we DO get sign-ups. We did the rest of the bungalows and got nothing else.  For the last hour and a half, we finally get to knock some semi-detached houses and guess what, we pull out 3 sign ups. Coincidence? My arse.
So Friday is over and I'm glad. Come Monday. Today. At 12:35Pm  I get a call from her. I'm on her team. Again. Joy.
I was actually in the office today contemplating asking to be switched over, but they were busy so I figured I'd just leave it and see how it went.

All day, she did nothing but pick and moan at me. By 7Pm we have a grand total of 0 sign-ups. 0. Then one of our team manages to get one, we all walk past and see him with the form out. "Well done" I think. So a few doors later, I'm waiting for someone to answer and she says to me "Rackshit got one" (seriously, that's his name), "Yeah, I know, I seen-". At this point she interrupts me and abruptly shouts "Seen?! You should be concentrating on knocking on the doors!". Fuck you, too.

About 20mins later I'm walking alongside her to a pub to take a piss. She pulls out a form and starts phoning it through (all team leaders do it, gets it processed quickly and means any mistakes can be quickly corrected). I wonder where this came through, did we get another sign-up? If so, that's great because it puts us on 2. So I ask her "Is that Rackshit's one or is it another?", she snaps at me and shouts "another one?! Certainly not from YOU, it isn't!". Fuck you, too.

Here's another example. We sit down and have a break, we're on 0 sign-up's at this point and she starts asking us what kind of objections we've been getting and suggesting alternatives. I'm sitting facing her and she starts explaining something as an ice cream van drives by. A pretty damn loud one as well, so I could only hear part of what she said. I repeated what I THOUGHT she said and asked her if that's what she meant and she snaps, again, and says "did you not hear what I said or did you decide to make up your own version?" "as a matter of fact, I didn't, the ice cream van drove by and I only caught part of it" "Oh....ok then" "could you repeat what you said?". She looked right at me, obviously heard what I said, then completely ignored me. Fuck you, too.

Her whole attitude towards me just pisses me off. I managed to get one sign up by the end of the night but it was absolutely no thanks to her, all she did was belittle me and take shots at me all day. She's the fucking team leader, their job is to read a map and keep the team motivated, not tear them apart. I'm planning on going into the office tomorrow and telling them straight not to put me with her again.

Her team scores are shit anyway, maybe if I complain loud enough I can get the bitch demoted. That would be funny.

Seriously though, this charity business is shit. I now have nothing but respect for ANYONE who works in it.

Friday 27 July 2007

I am Kushan's demoralised inner child.

I hate making entries like this. The only reason I'm making it is because I've been so frustrated and felt so shitty for so long, I'm at a loss as to what to do and just want to tell someone about it, I don't care who it is, I just want someone to listen.
But of course, it's not fair to just dive on someone and dump on them, so at least here I can put it all behind a nice LJ cut and anyone that doesn't care can just ignore it.

So for the past few months of my life, I've been struggling with various things. Mostly money related things. At the beginning of the summer, I was struggling trying to find a place to live (went out and viewed a house, landlord was ok with everything and then....they just didn't call me 3 days before I got kicked out of marybone, I had to find somewhere else). I had to find a way to raise nearly £500 just to pay the deposit and rent for it. In the end, an extended overdraft saved my arse there. Next came trouble in the form of a Job, or rather the lack thereof. And by Job, I mean Jobs. You see, I need a placement for my final year.
As I've mentioned before, telco games took their sweet fucking time getting back to me each time. A 3 day wait turned into a 2 month wait just to find out if I got the job or not. Luckily, I did, but unfortunately they told me at the last minute that I wasn't able to start until September. It was meant to be July, which would have meant that I would have just been able to pay the rent.
So I had to hunt for another job, just a temporary one for the summer. Have you any idea how difficult it is finding a job at ALL in Liverpool for the summer? Let alone one that only wants you for 2 months.
I applied to over 30 places in total and only got about 5 or 6 replies. One company actually brought me in for an interview, sent me off for (unpaid) training and then offered me a place, going around door to door selling people gas. I could have done it, all you need is confidence, but that night something else hit me: Nicci dumped me. 2 days after I wrote that post about how good things were between me and her. 2 days.
That's why it's taken me so long to post about it, I felt like such a fool. For once in my life I thought I had really found someone I felt close to, someone that "got" me, someone that I could really spend a lot of time with without wanting to kill them. And she obviously thought differently.
It killed my confidence, it sent me down a spiral of depression that I had not felt in some years. I had to turn down the door to door job offer, I could not do it. I also didn't want to repeat what I had to do on the training day, which was pressure an 85 year old FOR OVER AN HOUR into something she didn't want. All perfectly legally, too. I figured at the time I'd just not pray on old people and get sales elsewhere, but after feeling like such an idiot I just couldn't go through with it.
Nicci and I remained friends for about another month. In this month, I had little to no success in finding another job until I got pulled one day. It was another similar sort of job, but this one was different - it was for charity. Charity? But paid?

It seemed odd to me, but it was for real. All I had to do was get people to sign up to willingly donate to a charity for homeless children, a noble cause if ever there was one. And I got paid for it. 2 birds with one stone, I'd be getting myself out of debt, paying the rent and helping people at the same time. As much as a bastard as I claim to be, I do like helping people, I do my best to help people all around me and my friends know it.

And my's a nightmare. You spend all day talking to complete strangers, which is fine, except that most of these people are absolute dicks. Some people are good and sign up to give £2 a week to a good cause. But who are these people? If I gave you the choice between a struggling single parent mum and a rich, well-off family with 3 cars, 2 caravans and an absolutely fucking HUGE house, who do you think would sign up first?
I'd like to think it was the rich person, the person that could drop a £20 note and not be bothered about it because it's pocket change to them.
But it's not. Rich people just do not give a fuck. As soon as you mention that you're from a charity, before you've even told them what it is, they say "I'm not interested" and shut the door. Now of course that's a generalisation and not EVERYONE is like that, or at least not every rich person, but the vast majority of them are.
It's the single mother, it's the broken families, the counsel housed poor underclass, the "socially deprived" as one rich snobby bitch referred to them as, THEY'RE the ones that listen, they're the ones that give as much as they can because they know how shit some people have it.

But some people aren't even just careless, some are just mean. Today, I knocked a door and someone answered, a man wearing a nice shirt, not exactly well off, but certainly not poor by a long shot. This is how it went:
"Hello, sorry to bother you. My name is Steve and I'm from the child-"
"Sorry, not interested"
"you're not interested? Not interested that there's children on the streets right now, getting raped, molested and even murdered?"
"yeah, I'm just that cold-hearted"
And then he slammed the door in my face.

This is just one typical example of the people I have to deal with on a daily basis, a typical example of what I'd call scum. And when you walk down a street knocking doors and get 2 or 3 of these people, you just want to be able to reach out to them, slap them and show them how shitty some of us have it.
In my pocket I have just over £10. That's all I own in the world, money wise right now. When I get paid I'll be better off, but until then this is all I own. And I had to borrow that from Malachy, too. So imagine me standing at a door to a nice, big house with a BMW outside, asking someone if they could spare just £2 a week and they tell me they can't. They tell me they can't spare 26p a day, yet they're obviously making 2 or 3 times what I'm likely to make in a year, even after I finish uni. Yeah right.

But I have learned something good in this job. On Wednesday morning, I felt so miserable. Probably the most miserable I'd felt in a long, long time. Nicci had come back from her holiday the night before. I only got to speak to her for like half an hour and in that time, she was just cold and mean. Probably not deliberately, she's always like that when she's had a few drinks, but it still put me down. And that afternoon on the train it really got to me. Thoughts ran through my head over and over, how crappy I felt, why I felt that way, why I probably deserved to feel that way and so on. I kept telling myself that I need to cheer up, I need to get into a positive mindset or I'll do badly that day. But I gave up. There, on the train, in the silence of my own mind, I just gave up. I've had to pick myself up again and again all summer long, first with Nicci's help, then without after she dumped me. And then, I'd had enough. Finally, a thought came to my head - "I just wish I was happy...".

And what do you know, that wish came true. Later that day, just a couple of hours after, I got the first sign up of the day. Then I got another. And another. And another. 4 sign ups, my best record ever on this job (I've only been here a week). I wished for happiness and for that ONE day, I really was happy. I achieved something, I stood out and helped a lot of people along the way.

But that's where it ended. Thursday, even though I was really psyched up and pitched my best, I got 0. Today, I also got 0 and dealt with some of the harshest, most callous people I've ever met. It's so frustrating, I'm at a loss as to how so many people could be so spiteful, so mean. And I'm feeling like shit again because of it.

I think I want to make another wish, but I don't know what is more important - wishing that I was happy again, or wishing that these people would change their ways and actually care about someone that wasn't just their immediate family. A bg part of me wants to wake the world up, shake them and say "just once in your life, do something to make a complete stranger, a young child, someone you don't know...happy...just once", but another part of me yearns to be happy myself. Sometimes I feel that these people, these mean, cheap people are happy because they don't care about anyone else, sometimes I feel that maybe I should just care about myself if I want to be happy. And that scares me.
It's like my soul has been chipped away by bad people, that if much more of it is lost then I'll just become one of them and only care about myself. But then again, maybe I deserve it for caring at all?

I want to wish for more happiness, but I don't want to wish for it in case I'm being selfish by not thinking of someone who has got it worse off than me.

Thursday 19 July 2007

I am Kushan's neglected Livejournal.

You know, every time I go to type Livejournal, I always end up typing Liverjournal. Imagine that, a journal about someone's Liver.
I suppose it'd make a lot of sense, the liver of an alcoholic would be an emo and constantly want to just give up and every now and then just trying to pack it all in to spite the body around it.

But I digress. I feel the need to rant, but I've got a lot to rant about so I'm not really sure if I can be bothered at all. Oh what the hell, why not!

I just watched Evan Almighty, the sequel to the Jim Carey film, Bruce almighty.
I'd seen Bruce almighty years ago and was distinctly not impressed. I'm not a big Jim Carey fan anyway and this was probably the worst film of his I'd ever seen, and that includes Batman forever. It has a really good concept, God gives the guy all of his powers and he dicks about with them. Really good concept, plenty of scope...except instead of being interesting, it just consists of him being a knob and not actually doing very much, plus a bunch of religious Christian bullshit is thrown in for good measure.

Evan Almighty sort of took that formula, except they didn't bother with an interesting concept (God wants Evan to build an Ark...omg amazing...), doubled on the religious bullshit, then sprinkled some extra bullshit on top for good measure.
Really there's about 2 parts to the film, part 1 is God convincing Evan to build the Ark, part 2 is him actually building it. Once part 1 is over (about 1/3 of the way into the film), all of the fun and attempts at humour end. The fun parts are where random animals start following him around. And that's the entirety of the jokes in the film, they actually haven't got another single good gag in the whole thing, so they just reuse the animal gag over and over and over. By half way through the film, they even stop with that and just keep hammering you with more religious shite.

It's a fairly typical plot for Christians - God wants Evan to build Ark, Even eventually gives in and starts building it and everyone around him ridicules him for it, not a single person supports him (other than his loving, christian family, that is). Crowds gather, people mock him more and refer to God as "your God", because all Christians believe that non-Christians worship a different God. Oh but of course, a big flood DOES appear and everyone goes all red in the face for being wrong, while the good God-worshiping people were right the whole time!
Now I'm not religious at all, I don't believe in God and thanks to the enlightening facts I've learned in my new Job, I find it very hard to believe that there's anyone up there who gives a flying fuck about anyone down here, so I don't really like having this kind of shit forced down my throat. The whole point of the film is to try and give across one simple message, you can change the world with an Act of Random Kindness (They really had to think long and fucking hard on that one, eh?), which isn't really a bad message or anything, but they probably pissed more people off by taking the "haha, God is always right and if you Mock us, he'll make a fool out of you" approach that so many up-their-own-arses Christian fuckwits take. You think you're on the "winning team", you think people like me will end up with egg on our faces when we find out how wrong we have been all along, we get it already, so just shut the fuck up already and laugh when we actually ARE proved wrong, it's old, nobody cares, nobody thinks you're smart and it just makes you look like a dick, but then again you probably ARE a dick.

Now I can be a self-obsessed cock, myself. Just the other day, I went to the toilet and thought to myself "you know, my piss looks pretty good...for piss, at least", but it doesn't mean I go around saying to people "hey my piss is better than your piss, next time you go to the toilet, just think, your piss is horrible and nasty looking, it's all dark and diseased looking, whereas mine is a nice light shade of yellow, like home made lemonade, probably tastes just as good as well". That's how these Christian cocks come across, they love the smell of their own piss and want to rub everyone's nose in it so we get the full fragrance.


Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, don't watch Evan Almighty, it's full of Christian piss.

Tuesday 5 June 2007

I am a (Sick) Naked Pirate.

I know I haven't updated in a while, but what better time than at 1 in the morning because I can't sleep due to a combination of illness and heat?

The last few weeks have been pretty interesting, quite a lot has happened that I neglected to mention due to me being a lazy shite. Things like going to the Museum and having a picnic with Nic, Carol (a friend of Nicci's that's now a friend of mine it seems =D), Blue, Laila, Dee Dee, Vicki and a bunch of other people that showed up.
The weekend before last was spent mainly in my house, although Nicci was kind enough to take me and Carol out for a meal (Thanks, babe!) on the Saturday (I think, might have been Sunday). After that, we got some crap from Tesco and headed back to mine.

Last weekend, I downloaded Tomb Raider: Anniversary and played it together with Nic. It was pretty cool, me and her work well in a team (you know, the kind of team where she tells me what to do and I do it >_>) and pretty much managed to get about half way through the game. It's a small distraction while we both wait for the next season of Battlestar Galactica to start >_<

Then, on Monday, Nicci was too "sick" to go to work. Which meant spending another day with me! =D
It was really nice, we went to the park and relaxed for a bit while polishing off a pack of cheap cookies (that tasted damn good, despite said cheapness) and overall just had a really nice day together.

Still waiting on Telco games to move their collective fat asses, all I know now is that the placement doesn't start until September (previously it was July). This has put me in an awkward position as I was counting on it to pay the rent, but hell, they haven't even decided if they want me or not. This is getting ridiculous as now I have to find a very temporary job to pay said rent and still hope they give me the position in the end.

And now I'm sitting up at half one in the morning. My throat is sore, my nose is sore as well as blocked and it's hot. I can't sleep, even though I feel drowsy as hell. This is going to put a dampener on my Job-seeking plans, although I've applied for about 10 via email today. Wish me luck with that, as well as Telco.

Also, I'm naked.

Monday 21 May 2007

The end of another era...

It's nearly 4am and I've just finished packing up all my stuff.
I move to my new place in 10 hours.

It's a little further away from this place, but closer to the place I'll (hopefully) be working. And it's a LOT cheaper.
I currently pay £69 per week for this place, which is small, cramped and shit. The carpets are stained, the TV is broke, everything seems damaged or broken here. And it's an extra £25 per month for the internet. Which is slow and capped. What a joke.

This place I pay £55 a week (includes all bills, EVEN internet...GOOD internet, too!) and my room is a lot bigger. Even has a dishwasher. Oh, and a double bed!
So it's an absolute steal, quite glad to be moving there.

But at the same time, I'm kinda sad. Vicki has moved out and Malachy is going back to Ireland today. Dee Dee will still be nearby, but it still feels like all my friends have moved away. We'll see what the future has in store, though, I'm sure things will be fine.

Things with Nicci are still going well. Hell, they're better than that, they're the best they've ever been. I really like her, she makes me smile in places that I didn't know could smile.

I'd update about the weekend, but I'm way too tired, it's late and I've been packing all day, so good night and the next update will likely come from my new home.
Who knows, I might be a real games developer then as well, fingers crossed!

Sunday 6 May 2007

So, a REAL update.

Ok, so a real update is long overdue, but don't expect it to be a long one =P

I went for the Job interview and got a call about a week later. I hadn't got the Job. Yet.
Y'see they were unsure about 2 of the candidates, sort of stuck as to which one to pick. Me or Haxel. So, both of us are getting brought back for the final showdown. Fun.

My interview is on the 16th.

And right now I'm in the middle of exams. The last one went rather well, so hopefully the next 3 will go just as well and I'll end this year with a really high grade. Currently I'm in A/B territory. But honestly, the Job interview is on my mind more than anything else. I kinda need it and it's a really great opportunity.

Other than that, there's nothing really to talk about, unless you want another 500 lines about how awesometastic Nicola is.
She's bringing me food today. Need I say more?

Saturday 5 May 2007

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

Attention everyone: The code above me is important. Sort of.

Let me explain to you why this is, before you all go and post it in your own LJ's and blogs.

You may have heard of HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, the so-called "next-gen" DVD formats. Well, one of the major shortcomings that both formats have is in their anti-piracy crap. Essentially, they both elected to use AACS (Advanced Access Content System). For those of you that do not know what this is, think of it as a half-assed attempted at fighting piracy.
The idea is simple: Each disk is encoded using a special cipher. Certain keys will obviously decode the film and allow you to watch it. The idea behind AACS is that it's possible to revoke certain keys should an evil pirate get hold of it. Thus, future releases will require a different key. This means that if you own a HD-DVD player or a PS3 or whatever, you'll have to get an update in order to play newer disks.
So what has this got to do with that number up there?
Well, as you may have guessed, that number happens to be one of the publisher's keys, which would allow anyone to decrypt a HD-DVD or Blu-Ray disk, make copies, backups etc. that don't have the crappy protection. Kinda like we can do with DVD.

Well, despite the fact that these keys can be revoked and chagned at will, AACS-LA (the company that owns AACS) has decided to take legal action against anyone who has a hand in distributing the key. They've sent out all sorts of takedown notices and legal threats to the likes of, but according to google over 1million blogs and such around the world have the key somewhere on it. And I'd like to join them.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

Because DRM sucks.

Monday 23 April 2007

I'm alive

Just thought you'd all like to know.

I had an interview last week with Telco Games. They said they'd get back to me early this week.
I haven't heard from them yet. For various reasons, I NEED this job. If I don't get it, I'm a little bit fucked. So yeah, slightly edgy at the moment.
They'd better give me it, I'd hate to have my end-of-life killing spree at such a tender age.

Tuesday 3 April 2007

If(Age < 20)




   /* I had an awesome birthday celebration last week. Although it fell on the Wednesday (28th), the real celebration didn't start until Saturday, when we had a party.
    That a bunch of people didn't turn up to!
    But still, it was fun and when I see those people, I WILL hurt them. This means you, Tom, Matt, Mike and Carmy!
    Ah well. Nicci showed up and that was good enough for me! She took me out to dinner (and a proper steak dinner, too! Not some cheap-assed McDonald's or     something), bought me lots of nice things, sent TWO cards and even got me a fucking huge trifle. I was 100% serious when I said she was fucking awesome!
    She is so good to me, it's unreal ^___________________________________^

    Then much fun was had playing on the Wii, eating food and generally having a good time.

    Speaking of good times, Dee Dee bought me some Chocolate body paint. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. That's all that     needs to be said about that.
    Thanks again, Dee!
    This Sunday is Easter and I'm well prepared for it, got me 7 eggs (2 of which are thanks to Blue and Laila, who also baked some super delicious chocolate brownies     because she couldn't come to the party) and the plan is to cook a gorgeous Gammon dinner for me, Malachy and whatever other flatmates that will be there at the     time. Oh and to to it all off, Nicci is off on friday and monday - 4 day weekend, most of which she'll be here! =D =D =D =D
    Now all I have to do is complete C&C3 so I might actually pay her the attention she deserves >_> */


Tuesday 27 March 2007

A new dawn...or...some..shit like that

It's 23:40. I am shit tired. I'm going to go to bed now as a teenager and awake a non-teenager. Haven't been one of those for a while!

Thursday 15 March 2007

A wedding, you say?

So I'm sitting here, getting ready to go to a bloody wedding.

My brother has decided to get married. What a tit!

I always thought the point of a marriage was to say "This is the person I love! This is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with!" but no, it's not about that at all.
I can shout that off the top of a really tall building and be done with it, you don't need a piece of paper to make it any more true.
So really, what is the point in getting married? Why would you want to throw a big, expensive wedding?
I'll tell you why. To piss off and inconvenience all of your friends and family in one big go.

It's also a weird trip. Today, I fly to Ireland. From there, I fly to Ipswich, which is on the OPPOSITE site of England. Then the Wedding is on saturday. Yes, that's right, St. Patrick's day. Then, on Sunday it's a flight back to Ireland, then Monday back to Liverpool. Phew!

Oh well, I suppose it'll be nice to see the family. All of them. In the same room together. On St Patrick's day.


I can hardly wait.

Also, I shaved off my beard >_>

I'm sad because I'm going to miss someone :(

Oh well, best finish off the last of the packing...

Monday 5 March 2007

The weekend

So, on Friday, Nicci came down to see me (Yey!).
It was great, she cooked me a delicious steak dinner and we chilled out watching Scrubs and stuff.

Then the next day we went, got a really nice breakfast but then she had to go home :(
So the rest of saturday was spent thinking about how I'm missing her loads and I think she felt the same.

Because she came back to see me for an hour on Sunday (Double yey!!). That was a fucking awesome surprise.

Then I walked with her to the train station so she could go home, but due to an engineering thing, the trains were diverted. That meant she had to stay the night!
=D =D

Ok, I know it's a bit mean because it meant a lot of hassle for her, having to get up at 5am to get the train to work in time and all that, but shit, I was so happy to be able to spend an extra night with her, more than I could have hoped for.

She's coming back again this friday, already can't wait!


I am happy.

Friday 2 March 2007

Due to Popular Demand

This is what Nicci looks like.

And yes. I'm hitting that.
Nicci be coming here later!

Sunday 25 February 2007

Friday 23 February 2007

Waiting and waiting...


On another note, Boxes has been updated, now it has extra awesomeness!

Read the readme for the new controls. Or just move back and press F12 ;)

Days until Nicci gets back...


Wednesday 21 February 2007


In less than 5 hours, Nicci is going on holiday for a week!


Over the last few months me and her have become really really close.  I'm possibly talking completely out of my arse here, but I really like her.  It's strange how much I miss her when she's not around, it seems no matter what I'm doing I can't get her out of my head. And then, she'll text me saying she misses me. And it makes me smile.
She's going to kill me for writing this, but I don't care, she makes me feel special and I want to tell the world how good she makes me feel. I just hope I make her feel the same...
But she's leaving soon for an entire WEEK! It sucks! And I haven't seen her in like 2 weeks, so it sucks even more. But on the plus side, she's going to come see me the weekend she gets back, she's apparently going to spoil me =D
I can't wait! It'll be worth the wait, it always is with her.

So I guess I'll have to do something to keep my mind off of her for a week, probably do more shit with the box thingy, which I guess all you people that have been playing with it will enjoy. Spheres come next! Oh and I added an FPS counter (figured it was about time).

Gah. This sucks. She better bring me back something nice.

Sunday 18 February 2007

Box box box box box box box box!

Ok so, to recap on the last week -

Dee Dee's sister decided to vist. She was lovely, a really nice person. We all went bowling on tuesday, or at least attempted to, but the places was booked out to hell (Damn kids!) so we went and had pizza instead. Win.

Then she went home on Friday. She'll probably be back soon as she had a really good time here.

In other news, I spent 12 hours trying to get something quite cool to work:

Have a look and see for yourselves if you like:

EDIT: <<< Much newer/better one!

I'm quite surprised I managed to get it to work, so I'm pretty happy with that.
I'll try to make something cool with it soon.

Nicci is going on holiday next week. That means it's going to be 2 weeks before I see her again, on top of the fact that it's already been a week and a half since I last seen her. So that's a month in total, almost D=
I need to invent some sort of teleportation device.

Wednesday 7 February 2007


Your IQ Is 135

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius
Your General Knowledge is Exceptional

I had a fun time.
And I've started getting vitamins, too.

Tuesday 6 February 2007

Thursday 1 February 2007


So, time for a proper update. Haven't had one of those in a while =P

It's currently 4 in the morning, I've managed to fuck up my sleeping pattern once again, but what else is new?

Last weekend Nicci came over. It was awesome. She cooked me a tasty lasagne, we watched The Shawshank redemption (best film ever), some scrubs, had a really good sleep, then went and have a nice wetherspoons breakfast (ok, Lunch....brunch....whatever >_>). It was really good.
But she's gone for a few days now, which sucks =\
It's strange, I only see her maybe twice a month a best, but I talk to her like...EVERY day, ( usually distracting her from work while she distracts me from Uni >_> ) and it's already odd her not being on, even though she's only been gone since Noon today.
She wont be back until Saturday night at the earliest and the battery on her phone has died, so I can't even text her. Never thought I'd miss her this much, but then again it IS 4 in the morning so maybe I'm just tired and being silly. Oh well, I'll see her again soon so it's all good, I just hope she's having a good time =)

In other news, I think I'm really starting to get the hang of this programming lark. I used to have to have things spelled out for me, like reading a tutorial which did EVERYTHING (and not just explain the relevant bits), but now I'm finding it much easier to sift through bits of code and pick out the important bits. It's sad that when it comes to programming, something I genuinely enjoy, I'm actually a bit slow at picking it up. Oh well, I'm getting there and that's what matters.
Now hopefully I'll be able to make a stab at learning DirectX! That's something I've always really wanted to learn, even though it's not really taught on my course =(

Speaking of, Tom, Ste and the others bought me a special gift which I just HAD to take to lectures!

Thanks, guys!

Hmm, I think I'll get a start on that now, actually. That should keep me occupied for a while.

Oh and apparently my brother, Chris, is getting Married in march. The only reason I know this is because my dad asked me to book his flights for him, which makes me wonder what's going on because nobody has said anything to me, I'm not even sure if I'm invited! I'm sure I am, but still it'd be nice to be kept in the loop.
Also, it'd be nice to know how the piss I'm getting to Ipswich <_<
Ah well, plenty of time to figure that out.

Saturday 20 January 2007


1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll challenge you to try something.
3. I'll pick a color that I associate with you.
4. I'll tell you something I like about you.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you.
8. If I do this for you, you must post this in your journal.

Monday 15 January 2007

Results are in!

After handing in one piece of coursework today, I got the results from another.

For those of you who aren't aware, this particular coursework involved making flowers. This is how mine turned out:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The colour could be changed. Each flower is unique in a lot of ways, dynamically generated and you could have as many flowers as you want. They also animated, blowing in the wind.

Here's the results:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Saturday 13 January 2007

Coursework 2

Since I got back from Ireland, I've been pretty busy with coursework. Due to the ol' Lappy being out of action, I couldn't do a lot over Christmas so I had to work my arse off since I got back.
Which hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be.

The objective was to create a "3D City", which comprised of at least 2 houses, 2 road signs, 2 lamp posts and a crossroads.
Things like texturing, lighting etc. were not required and listed as "possible extras".

In about 3 days, I managed to go from this:

to this:

Even managed to add a couple of nice effects, like fog:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

and the big one, lighting:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

That was a pain in the arse too, but I think it was worth the trouble.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out, it's not due in until Monday so I have a good bit of breathing space to tweak it and stuff.

By working my arse off during the week, I pretty much have a free weekend which already has went rather well. On Friday night, Nicci came down for a nice big programming session, which was good fun and we managed to achieve a lot, so I'm glad she came down. Now she's went home, so I'm probably going to fiddle a bit more with the OpenGL coursework (see above) and maybe get a start on the next coursework.
Just got one more coursework to get out of the way by next friday and I can relax again. Awesome.

Sunday 7 January 2007

Stupid chargers

Since the last update, I got a replacement charger for my laptop. Which died some 2 or 3 days later.
So I'm still suck on this crappy old thing, despite having piles of coursework to get through.
Oh well.

Things did get moderately better around here since then. New years was fun, watching most of my friends get drunk off their face and proceed to vomit everywhere. Good ol' Dave managed to chunder while the fireworks were still goiong off, at 00:03. What a tit.

Then on thursday of this week, we all went out for a steak together. That was pretty aweseome and they all showed up for once, too. Shocked, I was. Shocked.

And that's Christmas over with for another year, I finally get back to liverpool tomorrow. Can't wait, this place really sucks at times.
And I'm really pissed about the laptop, this old computer can't really handle much, I don't know how I used it for so many years without screaming. I can't watch a video unless it's fully streamed, I can't even play a simple SNES game without lag, I mean what the hell?
All I can really do for entertainment when on this thing is either do coursework and revision (tch, yeah right) or talk to Jen and Nicci on MSN. Or whoever else decides to message me. But even then, THAT lags. I miss my computer. By this time tomorrow I'll hopefully be on a bus back to my humble abode at marybone.
Don't worry, Uber, daddy's comin'!

I have issues, I know.

Now I'm just sitting here procrastinating, all my women have apparently vanished as I wait to go visit my brother. Yey.