
Tuesday 5 June 2007

I am a (Sick) Naked Pirate.

I know I haven't updated in a while, but what better time than at 1 in the morning because I can't sleep due to a combination of illness and heat?

The last few weeks have been pretty interesting, quite a lot has happened that I neglected to mention due to me being a lazy shite. Things like going to the Museum and having a picnic with Nic, Carol (a friend of Nicci's that's now a friend of mine it seems =D), Blue, Laila, Dee Dee, Vicki and a bunch of other people that showed up.
The weekend before last was spent mainly in my house, although Nicci was kind enough to take me and Carol out for a meal (Thanks, babe!) on the Saturday (I think, might have been Sunday). After that, we got some crap from Tesco and headed back to mine.

Last weekend, I downloaded Tomb Raider: Anniversary and played it together with Nic. It was pretty cool, me and her work well in a team (you know, the kind of team where she tells me what to do and I do it >_>) and pretty much managed to get about half way through the game. It's a small distraction while we both wait for the next season of Battlestar Galactica to start >_<

Then, on Monday, Nicci was too "sick" to go to work. Which meant spending another day with me! =D
It was really nice, we went to the park and relaxed for a bit while polishing off a pack of cheap cookies (that tasted damn good, despite said cheapness) and overall just had a really nice day together.

Still waiting on Telco games to move their collective fat asses, all I know now is that the placement doesn't start until September (previously it was July). This has put me in an awkward position as I was counting on it to pay the rent, but hell, they haven't even decided if they want me or not. This is getting ridiculous as now I have to find a very temporary job to pay said rent and still hope they give me the position in the end.

And now I'm sitting up at half one in the morning. My throat is sore, my nose is sore as well as blocked and it's hot. I can't sleep, even though I feel drowsy as hell. This is going to put a dampener on my Job-seeking plans, although I've applied for about 10 via email today. Wish me luck with that, as well as Telco.

Also, I'm naked.

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