
Thursday 1 February 2007


So, time for a proper update. Haven't had one of those in a while =P

It's currently 4 in the morning, I've managed to fuck up my sleeping pattern once again, but what else is new?

Last weekend Nicci came over. It was awesome. She cooked me a tasty lasagne, we watched The Shawshank redemption (best film ever), some scrubs, had a really good sleep, then went and have a nice wetherspoons breakfast (ok, Lunch....brunch....whatever >_>). It was really good.
But she's gone for a few days now, which sucks =\
It's strange, I only see her maybe twice a month a best, but I talk to her like...EVERY day, ( usually distracting her from work while she distracts me from Uni >_> ) and it's already odd her not being on, even though she's only been gone since Noon today.
She wont be back until Saturday night at the earliest and the battery on her phone has died, so I can't even text her. Never thought I'd miss her this much, but then again it IS 4 in the morning so maybe I'm just tired and being silly. Oh well, I'll see her again soon so it's all good, I just hope she's having a good time =)

In other news, I think I'm really starting to get the hang of this programming lark. I used to have to have things spelled out for me, like reading a tutorial which did EVERYTHING (and not just explain the relevant bits), but now I'm finding it much easier to sift through bits of code and pick out the important bits. It's sad that when it comes to programming, something I genuinely enjoy, I'm actually a bit slow at picking it up. Oh well, I'm getting there and that's what matters.
Now hopefully I'll be able to make a stab at learning DirectX! That's something I've always really wanted to learn, even though it's not really taught on my course =(

Speaking of, Tom, Ste and the others bought me a special gift which I just HAD to take to lectures!

Thanks, guys!

Hmm, I think I'll get a start on that now, actually. That should keep me occupied for a while.

Oh and apparently my brother, Chris, is getting Married in march. The only reason I know this is because my dad asked me to book his flights for him, which makes me wonder what's going on because nobody has said anything to me, I'm not even sure if I'm invited! I'm sure I am, but still it'd be nice to be kept in the loop.
Also, it'd be nice to know how the piss I'm getting to Ipswich <_<
Ah well, plenty of time to figure that out.

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