
Saturday 13 January 2007

Coursework 2

Since I got back from Ireland, I've been pretty busy with coursework. Due to the ol' Lappy being out of action, I couldn't do a lot over Christmas so I had to work my arse off since I got back.
Which hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be.

The objective was to create a "3D City", which comprised of at least 2 houses, 2 road signs, 2 lamp posts and a crossroads.
Things like texturing, lighting etc. were not required and listed as "possible extras".

In about 3 days, I managed to go from this:

to this:

Even managed to add a couple of nice effects, like fog:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

and the big one, lighting:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

That was a pain in the arse too, but I think it was worth the trouble.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out, it's not due in until Monday so I have a good bit of breathing space to tweak it and stuff.

By working my arse off during the week, I pretty much have a free weekend which already has went rather well. On Friday night, Nicci came down for a nice big programming session, which was good fun and we managed to achieve a lot, so I'm glad she came down. Now she's went home, so I'm probably going to fiddle a bit more with the OpenGL coursework (see above) and maybe get a start on the next coursework.
Just got one more coursework to get out of the way by next friday and I can relax again. Awesome.

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