
Friday 19 October 2007

It never rains....

I'm getting Evicted.

As most of you may know, my internet has been pretty shit for about a month now. Usable, but slow.
So I phoned the landlord and ask her to get in touch with the ISP, this was about 2 or 3 weeks ago.
A week later, they finally get around to doing something about it, or so they said. A week after that, yesterday, they phone me up telling me that they're about to phone the ISP (???). So a few minutes pass and my phone dies because I was at Alton towers at the time (yes, I went yesterday and it was fucking great fun, but instead of writing about how much fun I had then, this little embargo has pissed me off so much that I've lost interest in it) and couldn't be fucked leaving it on.

Anyway, I come home to find that my room has all but been ransacked, items were moved around, the router/modem/pc have all been disconnected, my PC had been fiddled with and it turns out it was my landlord. Without my permission, of course. They leave me a snotty message saying they phoned the ISP and that they claim everything with the connection is fine (It's not, EVERYONE on virgin media is having trouble with them - everyone), so obviously the problem must be at my end, or so they claim, but as anyone with a bit of sense must know, that's a load of bullshit. Which apparently gives them permission to go into my room and wreck the place.
They demanded to move the router out of my room and that I should disconnect it for today. I sent them a message saying that I never gave them permission to go into my room in the first place and I'll only move the router when I've had time to assess nothing has been stolen or damaged (since I got home at midnight and had work the next day, I obviously never had time to do anything).

The reply I got back was truly inspiring:

Listen to me you cheeky little git, you have mithered me for weeks about the internet so we thought we were doing you a favour, only to find out you are responsible 4 the speed. And concerning your room you broke the door and why would anyone take from your room
... ,And you agreed last week for iqeel to go into your room so you did give permission.I think its best for everyone if you move out. I dont take kindly to threats. Ive contacted my solicitor about your accusations. You will be hearing from him soon. Trish

The "broken door" she's referring to happened months ago because they fitted a smoke alarm in my room without telling me, then I came home expecting my door to be unlocked (which it wasn't because they locked it) and pushed the door open, except it broke the lock. I reported it right away, then kept getting at them and they never did anything about it.
I also never gave that guy permission to go into my room, I'm very perculiar about strangers going into my room when I'm not there.
Don't ask me about the supposed "threats" because that's a new one on me, I guess I'll have to wait until I hear from her solicitor.

Just fucking great.

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