
Friday 8 April 2005

Comments removed on previous post.

The reason for that is because a friend of mine, an actual real life friend, decided to stand up for me and did the usual thing of insulting and threataning the person who he felt was doing most harm to me, I.E. Sam.

Now I didn't ask him to do it, in fact I asked him NOT to do it, but he did it anyway, it caused a fight, yadda yadda yadda.

All I'm going to say is I am not going to have any more of this what so ever. If anyone posts anything about anyone else regarding the subject of Me, Sam and Kay, the comments will just be deleted. This will continue no longer. Sam has said he's not gonig to make any more comments about me, I've said that I'm not going to post anything else about this topic at all and Kay has said more or less the same. End of story.

If ANYONE else wants to think otherwise, tough shit. It's over, end of story.

Also i'm in a bit of a bad mood beucase a different "friend" of mine tried to spike my drink with alchomichol tonight (I don't drink at all and am very...defensive...about that).

But anyway, no more to be said on the topic of the "European Love Triangle", got that everyone?

EDIT: Just to clarify, I REALLY don't want to have to make all comments screened by default, I am proud of the open aspect of my LJ, in that anyone can read any of it, including comments, without having to be listed as a "friend" or whatever.

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