
Tuesday 16 March 2004


Well, the Biology field trip went pretty well, can't say I learned a lot, but heck, that's not the point of field trips.
Actually, I did learn stuff, but it's just crap that nobody cares about, like different types of seaweed and the difference between top shells, periwinkles and dog whelks....
The most interesting event was when we caught a fish. Well, 2 fish actually.
Now, in most places, that might not be anything spectacularly amazing, but don't forget, Belfast, the place where I live, is on almost the same latitude as Moscow, so it's pretty frickin' cold here, not as Cold as moscow obviously cuz of the warm coast and the gulf stream and all that other great stuff, but it's cold enough.
SO, what did we do with this rare and exciting find? Well, we did the obvious thing...we stuck a bunch of crabs in with them to see if they would eat them...
Sadly, no blood was spilled, but the crabs did have a go at each other, so a fun time was had by all...except for the crabs....and the fish, who were shit scared of the crabs...
Oh oh oh! But then guess what I found!
Come on, at a beach, what are you likely to find?
I found, of all things, a sword....
Yes, only I am random enough to find a sword.
It was only a cheap plastic toy thing, but the sheer novelty of finding a sword was still there. And apparently it still hurt when you hit someone with it. Or so they said >:D
All in all, it was a good day and could have been a lot worse than it turned out, plus I really Missed Michelle since it's like the longest I've been away from her since like Christmas or something, but meh, I have the rest of my life to spend with her, and that's plenty :)
Now, I gotta go back to that damn beach tomorrow and then to some crappy forest afterward, so I am going to bed.
/me is t3h tir3d Kitty

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