
Thursday 25 March 2004


Today was "a bollocks" as Andy described it.(Andy is the guy in charge of me at "work" Basically, I was going on a proper course thing for the work experience, but 2 extra people showed up so they didn't have space for "the student" which basically meant I spent the morning in the canteen and Andy just told me to go home at about 2 since it was pointless me being there. Although, he's pretty pissed about it, and i can sorta see why since a lot of the things he had planned for me during my week there went to hell and that fucked him over pretty bad , So in short, he's pissed at a few managers and couldn't stop apologizing to me. I didn't mind, I've enjoyed the rest of the week here so far and apparently tomorrow I'm with infrastructure (one of the departments in the place) and they supposedly do interesting stuff. Or so they all say.
Oh and to those of you who don't know, there's a special occasion on Sunday, if you don't know what it is, post a comment. Those of you who DO know, don't give it away, I wanna see how many don't actually know :P

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